Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2784: Don't have a cave

He will not be worse than anyone else, this is Lu Chen's idea.

"No, you have the ability to explore it yourself." The Dapeng Demon King decisively rejected the Yin and Yang half immortal proposal. This is his secret for a long time. It is this that these old guys are most jealous and crazy. It's not that I don't know.

Even if he left the Heavenly Transcendent Realm, he still had to protect this method. Lu Chen's eyes flashed with an imperceptible light, and his comprehension ability was outstanding. Although the Dapeng Demon King was tight-lipped, Lu Chen thought about it.

"Hey, the sacrifices brought this time are not bad." The Dapeng Demon King sighed intentionally or unconsciously. Lu Chen was stunned, his expression changed drastically, could it be that he was talking about him? Lu Chen didn't want to be a sacrifice. Last time he got rid of the fate of a sacrifice at the Cangqiongmen, but unexpectedly, would he still be a sacrifice here?

I'm afraid that his master Qingtang Hall Master never dreamed that Lu Chen would serve as a sacrifice when he went to the mysterious island. This is also excusable. The former elite elites never came out after entering the mysterious island, but No one doubted that since the fate of such a genius leader was a talent selected from the killing prison space, it had a certain purpose, but this effect made Lu Chen a little unacceptable, and his expression did not fluctuate much.

At this time, if he were to rise up, he would die miserably. The looming energy fluctuations in the Dapeng Demon King made Lu Chen jealous. He knew that at this stage of himself, in front of him, maybe even It is an indisputable fact that you can't resist a single move.

Lu Chen left an eye on it, but fortunately, half fairy of Yin and Yang spoke.

"If he can't move, he won't move. This kid has great talent and potential. It's a pity to die."

In fact, Lu Chen doesn’t necessarily need Lu Chen to open that mysterious hall, as long as a few of them join together to pay a price, and it’s not hurtful. The yin and yang half immortal sees Lu Chen as pleasing to the eye, so I don’t want him to be different. , Lu Chen showed a friendly smile, his gratitude for Yin and Yang Half Immortal was from the heart.

After all, in the eyes of such a powerful man, he may be just a trivial ant. Lu Chen recognized the reality, and the words of Yin and Yang half immortal made the Dapeng Demon King quite dissatisfied, "I said the old man Yin and Yang, he and You are not relatives, why do you want to help him? It seems unnecessary."

His aggressive questioning made Lu Chen a little uncomfortable. If it wasn't that he didn't have any strong strength, he could not wait to kill this Dapeng Demon King on the spot, he was simply deceived. Originally, he was the number one in the killing space. This kind of rare treasure reward, now it seems that the reward is pure nonsense, Lu Chen was very angry, but he still held it back and did not burst out.

Yin and Yang Banxian shook his head, "You are right, but you also know that the old man, I cherish talents, so I'll be a betrayer. Bring him in, maybe there are other uses." The deep meaning caused several other people to think. Indeed, there are countless crises hidden in the mysterious hall. Even the powerhouses of their level may not be able to come out intact. Lu Chen went in. , There is probably no chance to come out alive.

"Well, what you said also makes sense." After thinking about it, the Dapeng Demon King nodded solemnly and glanced at Lu Chen. Anyway, this kid will die sooner or later, but Lu Chen is a little familiar.

He wouldn't remember it for a while, but it was undeniable that even he couldn't help but admire Lu Chen's talent potential. Judging from Lu Chen's appearance, he shouldn't be very old.

Now that the Dapeng Demon King agreed, the other people didn't have any special expressions. Lu Chen was a very smart person. He would not fail to promote him. He would show up like a survivor, and immediately clasped his fists. Said extremely sincerely, "Thank you seniors for not killing."

Although it was like this on the surface, Lu Chen felt uncomfortable, but fortunately, he also understood the reason for leaving the mountains without worrying about firewood.

"En, come on." The Dapeng Demon King is most familiar with the mysterious island. He took the initiative to lead the way. Lu Chen was a little curious. He looked around and wondered why the Dapeng Demon King could stay here.

Along the way, the flowers, plants and trees are quite dense, even if it is an ordinary fruit tree, it is unusual, because the fruit picked up from above makes Lu Chen an eye-opener, not to mention a long life, at least ordinary people eat it. There is no problem with prolonging life.

Compared with ordinary panacea, it has a lot of effects, and this still has such a magical effect on the periphery of the mysterious island.

There was something different there. Lu Chen felt that, as if from the depths of a mysterious island, there was a mysterious and unpredictable atmosphere of heaven and earth, and there was some familiar feeling, could it be something like him.

The excitement in Lu Chen's heart reached the point where he couldn't bear that feeling, but his state of mind had reached the point of extraordinary ecstasy. Therefore, several other bigwig-level figures were temporarily not aware of it.

Perhaps they are all pregnant with ghosts, thinking about how to get the most benefit. This is also an inevitable thing. Lu Chen shook his head and didn't care.

After a while, he came to a dilapidated palace. Lu Chen had a hunch that no matter how hard he tried, he would not be able to get in. He was slightly surprised. If nothing happens, there should be some unknown restriction. .

"Okay, let's break the prohibition together." Sure enough, half immortal Yin and Yang interrupted Lu Chen's conjecture, and a huge wave was set off in the latter's heart. It seems that this mysterious island is truly unique. He can come. Lu Chen was quite satisfied. The fierce and majestic aura of heaven and earth swept out of several old monsters. Lu Chen was dumbfounded. Although he was good at strength, he was far from these people. .

However, his trump card killer is not so easy to deal with. Lu Chen is confident that his original aura of the Harmony can protect his life. After several people use the aura of heaven and earth at the same time, he slowly unlocked the seal, Lu Chenren I couldn't help but sighed, I have to say that this prohibition is quite tyrannical, and he can feel it. These people are waiting for the weakest time of the restriction before they have absolute certainty to open the restriction. Most of the time, the restriction is It can't be cracked.

Lu Chen was a little curious about who created such an indestructible restriction, and whether it was worth it for a dilapidated palace. He fell into contemplation, but it didn't take long before the restriction was opened.

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