The Dapeng Demon King smiled. In fact, he alone has the ability to open this restriction, but the Dapeng Demon King is unwilling to do that. If one person enters, all crises may come to him. The consequences are unimaginable.

To be on the safe side, he went with a few of his fellow fellows. That way, he had a certain unique advantage. Although these people were not here for the first time, they didn't have to adapt to the environment for a long time.

"Let's go." Since the Dapeng Demon King is the master of this place, he needs to do his best as a landlord, and the few people also followed him silently. Lu Chen was stunned and slowly walked into the broken hall. Suddenly, a strong oppressive force spread all over Lu Chen's body. This situation shocked him, but it calmed down immediately. It is undeniable that this broken hall is filled with everywhere. The weird breath, Lu Chen's sensory abilities are good, and he has captured all this.

This kind of oppressive force is not aimed at him alone. As long as the person with good strength is more or less burnt, seeing the faces of several others, Lu Chen probably has a conclusion, he is still the easiest Yes, perhaps his strength is the weakest among these people, so this impending restriction is not specifically designed to deal with Lu Chen. The more powerful a person is, the stronger the oppression he will receive.

It is impossible to use the explosive power of the peak period. This is the rule of the broken palace. "Well, it is the old rules. Let's go our own way. We will meet later." His strength is superb, but at this time, he can't help showing a look of eagerness. He should have imagined many times. At this time, the Dapeng Demon King only needs to grasp this opportunity, and he can open a certain channel. .

At that time, he would be superior to everyone in the Sky-Through-Sky Realm. It would be so glorious that the Dapeng Demon King couldn't imagine. Lu Chen nodded secretly, now it depends on his personal survival ability.

Lu Chen was confident that he wouldn't be in a different place. The Yin and Yang half-xian glanced at her and left in a hurry. Lu Chen was also happy, if he was stared at by these people, he would inevitably be uncomfortable. , Lu Chen came here to hunt for treasures, if he got something rare in thousands of years and was robbed by these people, then Lu Chen would not feel well.

Lu Chen found an inconspicuous way and avoided a few people. He squinted slightly, revealing the unique cold light. I don't know how long this palace was built. From Lu Chen's eyes, there might be something unspeakable. Human secrets.

He knocked on the wall of the palace and found that it was hollow, but it gave people a sense of solidity. It seemed that the treasures used were very special. Suddenly, Lu Chen had an unprecedented sense of crisis in his heart. The shape flashed, and there were two more sharp arrows in the previous position, which were shot from the wall.

Lu Chen's mouth twitched slightly. Fortunately, his vigilance was good. Otherwise, I am afraid that nine out of ten would be shot by this arrow. Even if Lu Chen had a tyrannical physique, he would not be so arrogant and arrogant. Besides, Lu Chen couldn't say for sure what kind of terrifying explosive power this arrow would contain.

Lu Chen was not so reckless, but quietly observed the changes in his surroundings. He was like a huge rock weighing tens of thousands of catties, giving Lu Chen a lot of resistance, so that his strength could only be used at best. The appearance of 70% came out, which was considered good, but if it was the Dapeng Demon King, at most 40-50% of the strength, Lu Chen couldn't help but feel lucky.

He came to the interior of the palace, went to a mansion, and found two stone lions. Although the material is stone, they may be carved with originality. In Lu Chen's view, they are lifelike and even give him something like nothing. Deterrence.

"It's so evil." Lu Chen didn't dare to approach easily, but there must be a chance encounter in this mansion. This was his instinct. Lu Chen flashed in his mind and put on the helmet he obtained in the killing prison space. The most direct effect of such a thing is actually to look at the points represented by the monster beast, but it also has a special effect at a critical time. Lu Chen believes that whether the stone lion is a living thing or a dead thing, you only need to wear this helmet and explore. After all, you can know.

Lu Chen's expression changed for a while after putting on the helmet. The two stone lions attacked Lu Chen at a terrifying speed. The latter did not hesitate at all. These two stone lions are more powerful than the monsters in the prison space. There are many, because this is artificially made, but with a unique method, Lu Chen's figure flashed, and the majestic mysterious aura swept out. His purpose is simple, that is, to oppress the stone lion to make These two big guys can't show their full strength.

It's a pity that Lu Chen's plan fell through. The stone lion was completely unaffected. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, his feet kicked, and he jumped to the door, avoiding their stormy offensive, and the two stone lions froze. Obviously, they didn’t expect that Lu Chen would avoid but not fight. When they wanted to track them away, Lu Chen unexpectedly entered the mansion. The two stone lions roared and roared. Obviously they couldn’t get in. Lu Chen was a little proud. It seemed that his decision was not wrong. If he didn't come here, I'm afraid he would experience a fierce battle.

A smile appeared at the corner of Lu Chen’s mouth. I don’t know what happened to those old monsters. It must be happier than him. Lu Chen sighed. There is no comparison. His mysterious breath spreads all over. After groping around, he finally fixed his gaze in the middle of the lobby. The enshrined statue was a five-clawed golden dragon from a sacred beast in ancient times. Lu Chen had an inexplicable affection in his heart, perhaps because he himself was the five elements. The body caused Lu Chen to feel that the statue of the five-clawed golden dragon and the stone lion outside may have the same effect, perhaps it was not carved out of stone.

Lu Chen was whizzing coldly behind him, is he just a sheep in his mouth? Probably not, "Five Elements True Dragon?" An abrupt voice caused Lu Chen's suspicion. He hurriedly glanced around, "Here is the deity, kid." Unexpectedly, the voice heard again. When he came over, there was a huge wave in Lu Chen's heart. He glanced at it and suddenly realized that it was the sound of the statue of the five-clawed golden dragon.

"Senior, do you have any orders?" Lu Chen tried his best to keep his heart calm. He also understood that this five-clawed golden dragon might not bother to deal with him, otherwise Lu Chen had a chance to survive. He knew that these five claws Perhaps it was for some reason that Jin Long couldn't face Lu Chen with its true body, and he kept his eyes on it.

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