Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2786: Five Elements

"You can be tempered into the body of the five elements, which can be regarded as the meaning of the gods. It seems that you and our dragon clan still have a certain connection. Now I have a favor, you have to help." What is even more surprising is that the five-clawed golden dragon actually took the initiative. Asking Lu Chen for help, he is now in a dilemma.

Lu Chen was at a loss for a while, and then he took a deep breath, a wry smile appeared on his face, "How can I help Senior? It's a joke."

This kind of humility is just right. After all, this five-clawed golden dragon really doesn't know how many years it has lived, and Lu Chen can't guess its methods, so he is still nervous, but fortunately, his mentality is good, and his expression remains unchanged.

"Others may not work, but you are careful that you have dragon blood on your body. Tsk tsk, it is not difficult to help me, you want to benefit, right?" The five-clawed golden dragon is almost in a sentence. Can't hide it, it's not difficult to see his current embarrassment, but he took a deep breath and calmed down his excitement.

"Ah." Lu Chen was stunned, and then he realized that the five-clawed golden dragon saw that he was carrying the blood of the dragon clan. For Lu Chen, it was undoubtedly a shock. It is impossible for him to be in front of the five-clawed golden dragon. , Is there no secret at all? This is too painful.

Fortunately, the five-clawed golden dragon was not hostile to him. Otherwise, Lu Chen would be caught off guard. Lu Chen showed an awkward smile and said solemnly, "Since the senior has noticed it, the junior is embarrassed to hide something. Say, if there is anything I need to help, as long as it can be helped, Lu Chen is absolutely obligatory."

The sincere look on his face is obvious, and the five-clawed golden dragon is still quite happy, "Good boy, don't worry, as long as you can let me out, the benefits are indispensable to you, but I may live in your body. "The Five-Clawed Golden Dragon revealed a shocking news. Lu Chen's eyelids jumped, he took a breath, and laughed a smirk. He said that nothing could let the Five-Clawed Golden Dragon's power, absolutely not what Lu Chen could imagine. of.

"You don't need to be so nervous. Actually I won't take the house. I just hide it. I don't want to hide it. I am in the state of the soul." The five-clawed golden dragon said earnestly. With some persuasion, Lu Chen secretly relaxed. With a sigh of relief, it seemed that he was thinking too much, but this five-clawed golden dragon was too much for him to guard against. Lu Chen thought about it. If the five-clawed golden dragon was really malicious, he might have taken the house by force.

And he wouldn’t grind and chirp with him. Because he was carrying the blood of the Dragon clan, he was the best candidate, and he was in the same clan as the Five-Clawed Golden Dragon. Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, "Hey, senior, I don’t have Doubt what you mean." Lu Chen treated each other frankly. It is undeniable that he was a little guilty, and the five-clawed golden dragon didn't care.

There was a silence for a while, "Don't worry, I will protect you when the time comes. You are still too weak to inspire the dragon blood at all." The five-clawed golden dragon said lightly, but Lu Chen sounded like a bolt from the blue sky. .

The excitement in his heart is unimaginable. After all, Lu Chen has worked hard for so long. If there is no result at all, he will be overwhelmed in his heart, and how can the blood of this five-element true dragon be able to be stimulated.

Even Lu Chen's master, Qingtang Hall Master, didn't know how to teach, and this five-clawed golden dragon had an absolute say. If Lu Chen could learn something from him, he would make a lot of money.

Lu Chen faintly looked forward to it, and the five-clawed golden dragon seemed to see through his thoughts, "Can you start helping me now?" Long, it is completely beyond Lu Chen's imagination.

It’s just that Lu Chen is very curious about who on earth defeated this five-clawed golden dragon and turned it into the state of the soul, which is really shocking and horrifying. Lu Chen could not guess. It might be a passage. The dusty past.

Lu Chen couldn't figure it out and didn't continue to pursue it. He nodded subconsciously, a flash of inspiration in his mind, considering his current situation, indeed, because of his weak power, although his strength is strong, he is incomparable with a few powerful people. Compared with the old monster, Lu Chen didn't have any advantage.

It seemed a good decision to have a relationship with the five-clawed golden dragon. When the five-clawed golden dragon helped him, Lu Chen wouldn't have to worry about what the old monsters would say to him.

So he didn't refuse, "Okay, then you drop a few drops of dragon blood on this statue." The five-clawed golden dragon began to guide Lu Chen, who just hesitated and began bleeding.

With his current physique, bleeding a little is not a big deal, so Lu Chen took out a knife, cut his finger, and let the blood flow. As expected, with Lu Chen's blood injected, the statue of the five-clawed golden dragon , Turning into golden yellow, Lu Chen looked dumbfounded. After a while, a faint shadow floated over. Lu Chen's body shook, and the five-clawed golden dragon settled inside him.

This can also be said to be the five-clawed golden dragon's trust in him. In the state of the soul, the five-clawed golden dragon is very fragile. Although it is capable of dealing with Lu Chen, Lu Chen is also very sure to absorb this soul. After all, he The atmosphere of the five elements is not comparable to the ordinary atmosphere of heaven and earth.

But the five-clawed golden dragon didn't doubt him. The five-clawed golden dragon knew the shamelessness of cultivators, but he chose to believe in Lu Chen. Perhaps he contained the blood of the dragon clan in him. At any rate, they were half of the same clan, so Lu Chen Having gained the trust, he can be regarded as a surprise.

"I may fall into a deep sleep for a long time next, but when you need help, you can call on me and I will help you as much as possible." The five-clawed golden dragon gave a promise and made Lu Chen's heart settled. He felt like After the residence of the five-clawed golden dragon, his dragon blood had a tendency to boil, and Lu Chen's expression was full of surprise, which seemed to be God's will.

His luck is still quite good. After all, he has never thought that in this broken palace, he can find the primordial spirit of the five-clawed golden dragon. Originally, this supreme beast is as rare as it is extinct. , He can guess.

Now he has more confidence. With the help of his dragon blood, the five-clawed golden dragon must have recovered. It can be said to be twice the result with half the effort. Lu Chen looked around, and there seemed to be nothing worthwhile here, and he did not force it. It is God's coveted to get such a chance encounter.

However, Lu Chen raised his brows, and there were two tyrannical stone lions guarding him. How could he get out? Lu Chen thought about it.

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