Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2931: Director Xie

It takes about half a day to get to the Chaowu Academy by taking a supersonic fighter V2 fighter.

The furnishings in the supersonic fighter are very luxurious, and if the crew is added, it can only take ten people.

A small bar filled with a variety of fine wines, and even some before the end of the world, which made Lu Chen had to feel that he was worthy of the mercenary union's fighter opportunity, and the resources he possessed were different.

"Little brother Lu Chen, would you like to drink something?"

Elder Li walked to the side of the bar, pointed at the wine placed in the wine cabinet inside the bar, and said with a smile.

"This one……"

Lu Chen originally wanted to refuse, but then he didn't realize he was greedy. After thinking about it, he also stood up with a smile and said:

"You collected these wines, it should have taken a lot of effort! I should have no problem like this!"

"It doesn't matter, these wines are not precious when collected. If you like Brother Lu Chen, you can take away all the wines here, there is no problem!"

Although Elder Li didn't seem to care what he said, Lu Chen clearly noticed the pain in Elder Li's eyes.

If Elder Li didn't show such eyes, Lu Chen might drink a little more, but seeing such an expression, Lu Chen suddenly had the idea of ​​pranking and said with a smile:

"Since Elder Li is so familiar, then I'm not polite. If I arrive at Chaowu Academy in a while, I will trouble Elder Li to arrange two people to help me move the wine away!"


Elder Li was silly for an instant. He didn't expect Lu Chen to agree to his polite words without hesitation.

Now Elder Li really has an urge to commit suicide.

You know, the mercenary union spent a lot of energy on these wines to "rescue" all these fine wines from those mutant cities.

In fact, it was also because some of the high-level members of the mercenary union belonged to the wine cabinet. After gaining strength, the first thing that came to mind was to rescue these fine wines from the mutant city, and even because of this, some elders even dispatched themselves.

Knowing that Lu Chen would be so blunt, he wouldn't say that!

Lu Chen took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet, then took two glasses, and while walking towards Liu Mei, he smiled and said to Elder Li:

"Elder Li, thank you very much for your generosity. Although you gave me all these wines, if you want to drink any wine, just take it, it doesn't matter!"

Elder Li really has an urge to cry without tears.

So in the following time, Elder Li never talked to Lu Chen, but stood by the wine cabinet, drinking the wine constantly, as if he was going to drink all the wine before Lu Chen arrived at Chaowu Academy. .

But obviously, this is impossible.

Although the area of ​​this supersonic fighter V2 is not very large, there are a hundred bottles of fine wine placed on it. After a group of people arrived at the gate of Chaowu Academy, Elder Li only killed less than five bottles of fine wine.

Looking at the rest of the beautiful wine, Elder Li's eyes revealed a reluctant expression.

"The elder Li, please call two people to pack these wines. These are good wines. Watch them carefully. Don't hide them after reading them!"

Lu Chen was still at this time, so he spurred Elder Li.

Elder Li could only roll his eyes helplessly in his heart, and according to Lu Chen's instructions, arranged two people to pack these fine wines.

I don't know if they were ruled, Lu Chen and Elder Li had just stepped off the fighter plane, when they were greeted by an instructor from Chaowu Academy.

According to reports, Lu Chen knew that this instructor turned out to be the senior director of the first grade.

"Elder Li, welcome to our Chaowu Academy, you haven't been here for a long time!"

The middle-aged man named Director Xie looked at Elder Li with a smile on his face, and stretched out his callous hand.

"Hello, Director Xie, I need to trouble you much this time!"

With a hypocritical smile on his face, Elder Li turned his face to Lu Chen and Liu Mei, and introduced Lu Chen and Liu Mei to Director Xie.

Director Xie looked at the two and Lu Chen, and found that he couldn't see through the cultivation of the two, and he couldn't help showing a trace of disdain in his eyes, with some contempt in his heart.

Since Chaowu Academy can surpass Han Linxing, there is naturally his reason.

Their intelligence system is almost all over the entire Han Lin star. For potential students, they take the initiative to invite others to join their academy.

However, because of the position of the Chaowu Academy, the five major forces have to curry favor with them. In order to make these "little brothers" at ease, they will also give these forces some places and let them recommend their relatives to join Chaowu every time they recruit students. College.

So in fact, there are so-called "special" classes in Chaowu Academy. The students in these classes are basically recommended by people from the five major forces, but they do not meet the admission standards of Chaowu Academy.

In the eyes of this Director Xie, Lu Chen and Liu Mei are such students.

In his own time, he was a B-level senior, so in his opinion, Lu Chen and Liu Mei, two students recommended by the five major forces, must be incapable.

So when he saw that Lu Chen and Liu Mei didn't even react at all, he felt that these two were people who hadn't.

In fact, the college told him that when Elder Li arranged for someone to come in, he didn't see the resumes of Lu Chen and Liu Mei, so he came directly to greet them.

Now that he saw the cultivation base of the two, he not only despised Lu Chen and Liu Mei, but even Elder Li also despised him.

Lu Chen saw the disdain in this person's eyes and felt a little annoyed in his heart. The master of his dignified A-level pinnacle was actually despised like you. If it weren't for being used to low-key, he would definitely be in front of everyone. At the gate of Chaowu Academy, you will be beaten severely.

Not to mention Lu Chen, even Elder Li also felt a little dissatisfied. Although his strength is indeed insufficient when closing Director Xie, he feels that the two people he recommended Lu Chen and Liu Mei are indeed not very strong now, but They are young!

So Elder Li secretly thought in his heart: They are still so young now, one is the cultivation base of the early C-level, and the other is the cultivation base of the C-level peak. How was your strength when Director Xie was at their age? Humph! Not an ordinary person! It’s just that you have better luck, so you have the current strength!

Director Xie naturally didn't know what Lu Chen and Elder Li were thinking at this time. Of course he didn't know what he thought of in the hearts of the two of them. He was already despised by these two people and was no longer a person!

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