Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2932: Go through the back door!

"Okay! Elder Li, let's stop talking nonsense! You take these two people with me! Let's test it first! Let me first declare that the rules of the academy are the rules of the academy, and I also have first-year grades. By law, if they fail my test, don't blame me..."

Director Xie suddenly no longer had the idea of ​​cheating with Elder Li Erxu and said directly.

The sudden change of Director Xie made Elder Li very dissatisfied. He made an apologetic expression to Lu Chen and made an expression of peace and tranquility, and asked Lu Chen and Liu Mei to go with him.

From a distance, Chaowu Academy looks like a large city. The entire school is surrounded by a wall, and there are various buildings dotted around it.

More are places like martial arts grounds and arenas.

At about the center of the college, there is a towering tower-like building, layer by layer, hovering up.

There are no windows on each floor, but there is something like a virtual display on the outside of each floor. After a while, there will always be a few words slowly passing through it, and it should be the name.

"That is the famous Tongtian Pagoda of Chaowu Academy. It is an experience space. Those who can display their names on the screen are basically masters. I hope you can also show your names on it in the future, but... the premise is You can join Chaowu Academy!"

As if feeling Lu Chen's gaze, Director Xie suddenly turned his head and said to Liu Mei and Lu Chen.

From the literal meaning of the words, it seemed to be motivating Lu Chen and Liu Mei, but the tone was full of disdain.

Lu Chen once again suppressed his inner efforts, glared at Director Xie ferociously, and said nothing.

Because the first-year students in Chaowu Academy generally only have E-level strength, the so-called test is actually very simple.

One is to see if your strength is E-level, and the other is to see if your potential is enough to join Chaowu Academy.

In Director Xie's view, Lu Chen and Liu Mei couldn't even pass the first item, let alone the second item.

But when Lu Chen and Liu Mei were standing on a machine to test their strength, and the machines and equipment showed C-level strength, they were dumbfounded.

The reason why the strength of the two has not been measured is that Lu Chen and Liu Mei previously filled in the information form with C-level strength, so naturally they will only show C-level strength. , Liu Mei's method of hiding his strength was taught to him by Lu Chen.

Looking at the strength displayed on the machine in disbelief, Director Xie's first thought was that the machine must be broken, so after letting Lu Chen and Liu Mei get down, they stood on it.

"B-level advanced!"

There is no error in the information displayed on the machine and his own true level. Obviously, there is nothing wrong with the machine.

"How can you have C-level strength, I obviously..."

Director Xie was a little dumbfounded. He was so confused that he said this sentence, but just halfway through it, he suddenly discovered that looking at Lu Chen and Liu Mei, the strength they showed was the strength shown on the machine.

"No! I just clearly felt that you don't have any cultivation skills!"

Director Xie said in a daze like a ghost.

"Haha! Director Xie, who told you that we have no strength, which one of your eyes sees, I thought that if you can become an honest person in Chaowu Academy, you should be very capable. How can I know that there will be a dim-eyed person? Instructor, it's still a director. If you ask something that is not pleasant, Director Xie, you came in through the back door!"


Lu Chen's unabashed contempt caused Director Xie to suddenly have a qi and blood pouring into his mind, and he wanted to burst his mind.

"That, Director Xie, is it time for us to conduct the second test!"

Elder Li also expressed his dissatisfaction with Director Xie. He seemed to have no eyes on Director Xie's current appearance, and said coldly.

"Uh! Yes, yes!"

Director Xie couldn't help but wiped the sweat beads on his forehead, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and the eyes of Lu Chen and Liu Mei became very embarrassing.

The strength of Lu Chen and Liu Mei can go directly to the third grade. Depending on the age of the two, they are definitely not big. At this age, they are already C-level strength, and they are definitely not a small first-year student. The director can provoke.

As an honest college student, he naturally knows that Lu Chen and Liu Mei can become C-levels at their current age. The potential of the two is obviously quite large, and the future achievements will naturally be very high. In fact, for them That said, there is no need for the second test at all.

But Director Xie suddenly wanted to know if these two people had any powerful talents.

The second test can not only measure a person's potential, but also see the person's talent skills.

If you tell others about your talent skills outside, it is likely to cause danger, but in Chaowu Academy, you don't have to worry about this at all, because the content of the test is only known by the test in addition to the corresponding instructor.

Following Director Xie, the two came to an even stranger tester, and under Director Xie's order, the two lay on the instrument once.

Lu Chen, lying in the instrument, clearly felt that a warm current suddenly poured into his body from around him. The appearance of this warm current made Lu Chen feel a little uncomfortable. He wanted to resist, but he seemed to see After Lu Chen's actions, Director Xie quickly said:

"Don't resist, that warm current is for testing!"

Director Xie said that, Lu Chen had no choice but to control the energy in his body that might be vitality, otherwise the warm current would discover it.


At this moment, Lu Chen suddenly heard the instrument lying next to Liu Mei, and suddenly remembered that a dazzling white light flashed in a lampshade above the instrument.


Director Xie suddenly let out an unbelievable exclamation, as if he had seen something absolutely impossible.

Lu Chen was a little worried about Liu Mei. He didn't know what was going on. Suddenly he felt the warm current rushing into his mind. Lu Chen suddenly understood that it was probably because Liu Mei's huge mental power was detected by this instrument!

In order to prevent accidents, Lu Chen controlled his mental power more carefully and controlled his mental power to the level of B-level elementary strength.

Sure enough, as he expected, in the instrument he was in, after detecting all the mental power revealed by Lu Chen by the warm current, he even screamed constantly. It was just a flashing light, not as bright as Liu Mei!

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