Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2936: So-called senior

People who are a little familiar with Han Meimei must know the three characteristics of Han Meimei:

One is very energetic, smiling whenever and wherever possible, as if there are no worries.

The second is to make friends. She can use any method to meet a stranger, even if the method of acquaintance is embarrassing.

The third is rough nerves, many things can be clearly seen by ordinary people at a glance, but if she hadn't been told by others, she would not have seen it at all, and she would directly ignore many things.

Therefore, Han Meimei's actions did not mean anything else. She smiled slightly in response to Liu Mei's question:

"Hello, my name is Han Meimei, and I am your neighbor. Nice to meet you! Oh, yes! I am also a third grade student!"

Han Meimei's words made Lu Chen roll his eyes involuntarily. This is the villa area for third-year students, and Han Meimei is naturally a third-year student.

At this time, Lu Chen thought of a question. When the villa was allocated at the beginning, Director Xie told them the requirements for the allocation of the villa. It seems that Han Meimei is also very powerful!

At least among the third grade students, the strength is very strong!

Sure enough, after Lu Chen had seen the attributes of Han Meimei, it became clear that the energetic girl in front of him was a master of the C-level pinnacle. It was strange that she could live in the third-grade villa area.

"You only arrived this afternoon! I called some friends to come over and give you a wind-receiving ceremony! Don't refuse, this is our third-grade villa area rule!"

After answering Liu Mei's words, Han Meimei was directly in front of Lu Chen, took out a mobile phone, and said to Lu Chen grinningly while dialing the number.

Although Lu Chen didn't like the excitement, it was nothing to know more people, and Liu Mei was naturally more excited when she heard Han Meimei's words. In her opinion, being able to have any friends is much better than being alone all the time.

Before, when I was in the base city, because the base city where Liu Mei was located was too small, there were basically no girls who could have the same strength as her. Therefore, Liu Mei has always been alone, and there is no true close friend.

Although she now has Lu Chen, she still hopes that she can meet a few friends of the same sex.

Soon, after Han Meimei dialed a large number of numbers, she said to Lu Chen:

"You tidy up and go directly with me! Let's pick you up at Maple Leaf Pavilion! Maple Leaf Pavilion is a more famous restaurant near our third grade campus. The owner is our senior!"

Han Meimei and Lu Chen Liumei smiled and blinked.

Lu Chen knew that what Han Meimei meant as a senior, in other schools, only one grade can be called a senior. However, in Chaowu Academy, a person may stay in one grade for less than a year or more than one year. year.

In a grade, there are many people who have stayed for five or six years.

In this way, Chaowu Academy has a rule. If you stay in a certain grade for a maximum of 15 years and have not advanced to the next grade, you will automatically become a faculty member of the Academy instead of Is a student.

After becoming a faculty member, your strength has improved, and you can still apply to continue to school. If you don’t want to, you can do business in the college or become a teacher.

As for wanting to leave the academy, there are only two possibilities. One is that you have been in the academy for more than fifty years, and the other is that your strength reaches the S grade, so you can completely leave the academy and return to the outside world.

Lu Chen didn't know the purpose of Chaowu Academy for doing this, but this kind of restriction of students' freedom made Lu Chen very upset.

Of course, it doesn't mean that you can't leave the college in normal times, but after you leave the college, you can't say anything about the college.

Leaving academy means that you leave Chaowu Academy completely, and your life has been free, and you are no longer restricted by the regulations of Chaowu Academy.

However, most of the students in Chaowu Academy have joined in the past fifteen years, so they can't meet the two requirements of being a free body, and they can only choose to stay in the school.

However, in comparison, they are also more willing to stay in school because the resources in the school are so good.

Even those who are no longer considered students are unwilling to leave school.

That Director Xie was once a student, but then he was stuck in Grade B and couldn't break through, so he had to apply to become a teacher and slowly became the current director of the first grade.

Han Meimei smiled more beautifully and cutely. Her big eyes turned into two crescent moons with a smile. In Lu Chen's scoring standard, she could also be rated as being around 85 points.

Liu Mei had just taken a bath, so naturally he didn't need to clean up, so he took Han Meimei's hand and walked into the villa, sitting on the sofa and talking quietly.

Lu Chen was rushed to take a bath by Liu Mei!

Originally, Lu Chen only planned to go directly, but Liu Mei said that if he meets new friends, he naturally needs to dress up.

No way, Lu Chen had to go upstairs, cleaned, and changed his clothes.

After walking downstairs, Lu Chen discovered that the relationship between Liu Mei and Han Meimei turned out to be a good friend who said nothing. Lu Chen looked a little envious of that closeness.

He was a little curious, didn't he say that beautiful women are mutually exclusive? Why has the relationship between these two become so good?

Although the relationship between their own women is very good, but they do not want to make it difficult for themselves because of their own reasons.

But I don't seem to have anything to do with this Han Meimei!

Is it because, although both of them are beauties, they do not belong to the same level of beauties, one is at least 95 points or more, and the other is 85 points?

The difference is so big that the two directly throw away the law of mutual exclusion of beauties?

The two big beauties who were whispering and talking closely naturally didn't know what Lu Chen was thinking about this matter. If they knew, they would definitely come up to Lu Chen's head severely, and then said in unison:

"Make you think about it!"

"Meier, Han Meimei, can we set off! If it's late, won't we not give your friends face?"

Lu Chen smiled and walked slowly to the two women's side with indifferent expression, but the two women seemed to have not noticed Lu Chen's existence, and they were still chatting closely about something. Lu Chen was a little depressed and had to say aloud.

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