Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2937: Maple Leaf Court

"Yeah! Lu Chen, what are you doing! I walk silently! I almost scared you to death!"

Liu eyebrows pursed his small mouth, showing a very cute and complaining look, one hand was constantly on his chest, patted busy, as if he was shocked.

"Please, I walk with a loud voice, OK! Who made you talk too engaged!"

Lu Chen shrugged his shoulders, not my fault.

"Lu Chen, how can we be very engaged in talking! It's you who walk like a cat, and there is no sound at all!"

Han Meimei on the side also complained of dissatisfaction with Lu Chen.

"Well, two beauties, it's my fault, should we go now! Your friends wait for a while!"

For such a trivial matter, I would like to apologize a little. Lu Chen can do it, so he didn't argue too much.

"It doesn't matter, they can forgive me! Besides, it's not far from Maple Leaf Pavilion. It only takes about ten minutes to walk. If we walk now, they may not be all there!"

Although Han Meimei said so, she still took Liu Mei's hand, got up directly from the sofa, and walked out of the door.

After leaving the villa, Han Meimei pulled her eyebrows and walked ahead, and Lu Chen followed behind, like a follower.

While walking, Han Meimei pointed to a nearby villa, and introduced Lu Chen and Liu Mei who lived in this villa, and what was the strength of that villa owner.

Walking all the way, Lu Chen suddenly discovered that Han Meimei knew almost all the people in the villa area, and clearly remembered their strengths and what they liked, which made Lu Chen had to slander in his heart:

"It's a pity that you don't do intelligence!"

But where does Lu Chen know now? The reason why Han Meimei knows so much is because of her own personality that likes to make friends.

"Sister Han is good!"

"Hello Senior Sister Han!"

Similarly, along the way, many people have known Han Meimei, and everyone greeted Han Meimei with a smile on their faces.

"Han Meimei, you are very famous in our third grade!"

Lu Chen asked with a smile.

"Just call me Meimei! I like to make friends, so naturally I know a lot of people. Except for our third graders, I also know a lot of friends at other ages!"

Both eyes of Han Meimei's smile turned into crescent moons.

From afar, Lu Chen saw a very lively restaurant. Just like Han Meimei said, this restaurant was very popular, and it was almost overcrowded, with students coming in and out.

"Meimei, here you are? Is this a new student next to you?"

As soon as the three of them walked to the door, a young man in his twenties who was also wearing a sports set greeted him. Seeing Liu Mei's eyes, there was a surprising meaning, but unexpectedly, there was no such wish. The disgusting look that ate Liu Mei.

"Hello, my name is Xue Dongguang, I am glad to meet you!"

The young man introduced himself with a smile.

"Hello, my name is Liu Mei, this is my husband, Lu Chen, we are all third-year students who joined today, and it is also nice to meet you!"

Because Lu Chen stood behind Liu Mei and the others, Xue Dongguang didn't notice Lu Chen. Liu Mei pulled Lu Chen from behind and introduced it with a smile.

"Um! Sorry, Brother Lu Chen, I didn't pay attention just now. I thought you were waiting for someone here!"

Xue Dongguang was a little embarrassed and said to Lu Chen apologetically.

"It doesn't matter, it's nice to meet you!!"

Lu Chen stretched out a hand.

The appearance of Xue Dongguang at this time and the look in his eyes just now, Lu Chen didn't know if he was too capable of pretending, so he pretended it, but at least Xue Dongguang's current behavior still made Lu Chen slightly satisfied.

Shaking hands with Lu Chen, Xue Dongguang said again:

"Mei Mei, Lu Chen and Liu Mei. Sister Qingyun has booked a box upstairs. Let me pick you up here. The box number is 345. Go up first!"

"Or, let's accompany you here and wait for someone!"

Lu Chen and Liu Mei were a little embarrassed. After all, this group of people made a banquet for the two of them, but in the end, they let the family receive them at the door.

"How can it be done! This time, it's a reception banquet for the two of you. If you don't go up, do you look down on me, Xue Dongguang!"

Xue Dongguang looked stubborn and looked at Lu Chen and Liu Mei with an expression of "If you stay, I will leave immediately."

Xue Dongguang's expression made Lu Chen and Liu Mei a little dumbfounded, so they had to say:

"Brother Dong, I will trouble you!"

"Don't call me Dong Ge, Dong Ge is another one, you can call me Dong Guang, Xue Ge!"

Xue Dongguang smiled, very satisfied with Lu Chen's current reaction, and said.

"Um! Then I call you Brother Xue, Brother Dongguang sounds awkward. Then we will go up!"

Lu Chen was really helpless for Xue Dongguang's stubborn character, so he had to say so.

"Whatever your name is, go up! Meimei, what are you going to do, you also go up for me, you have to be an intermediary to introduce Qingyun to Lu Chen and the others!"

Seeing Han Meimei's reaction, Xue Dongguang waved his hand and said.


When Han Meimei heard this, she stuck her tongue out embarrassedly, said hello to Xue Dongguang, and took Lu Chen and Liu Mei into the restaurant.

Han Meimei is indeed one of the students I know the most. As soon as she walked into the restaurant, she heard the names "Han Xuejie" and "Han Xuemei". Some people even directly invited Han Meimei to their table for dinner.

Han Meimei naturally rejected these people with a smile, but still introduced Lu Chen and Liu Mei to the people present.

However, Lu Chen knew that the only ones who could remember him were the girls, and only the satyrs who could remember Liu Mei!

Lu Chen and Liu Mei smiled and greeted everyone, and they followed Han Meimei directly to the box on the third floor.

As soon as Lu Chen and Liu Mei disappeared, the whole restaurant on the first floor began to discuss Lu Chen and Liu Mei.

After all, these two people, one handsome, the other beautiful, no, for Liu Mei, beauty is not enough to describe her. For these people, Liu Mei is a fairy-level figure.

But they also came out, Lu Chen and Liu Mei's relationship was very unusual, so they didn't dare to easily do something with Liu Mei, because they didn't know what Lu Chen and Liu Mei had to do.

However, in a certain department corner, there will be a nasty voice from time to time. Looking at their appearance, you know that they are either discussing Liu Mei or talking about Lu Chen!

Lu Chen and Liu Mei naturally wouldn't care about these people. Although they could hear their names in their ears, they didn't care.

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