Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2938: Le Pepsi (one more)

The third floor of the Maple Leaf Pavilion was full of boxes. Following Han Meimei, Lu Chen and Liu Mei soon came to a door with a 345 brand bag hanging on the door.

"Mei Mei, you finally came, I thought you were joking with us! These two are new juniors who joined our Chaowu Academy in the third grade!"

As soon as Han Meimei opened the door, a girl with long hair, who was facing the door of the box but not in the main seat, stood up with a smile.

"Sister Qingyun, how dare I release your pigeons! You guessed it, these two are the latest juniors who joined us in the third grade. Let me introduce you to you! This handsome guy is Lu Chen, this one The beauty is Liu Mei, they are lovers! Brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters, but there is no chance!"

Han Meimei smiled and introduced Lu Chen and Liu Mei to the seven or eight people in the room.

"The two are really talented and beautiful, they are a natural pair! They are so enviable! Hello, my name is Ye Qingyun!"

Ye Qing Yunzhuang stood up, smiled slowly at Lu Chen and Liu Mei, his lips lightly opened, and the sound he spit out made people feel like bathing in a spring breeze.

"Sister Qingyun, you laughed. Compared with you, my beauty is nothing at all!"

Liu Mei smiled sweetly. Seeing this beautiful woman in front of her with no less than her own beauty said such words, Liu Mei was still very happy in her heart, but she could not be too sincere.

From Lu Chen's point of view, this Ye Qingyun also had an appearance of more than ninety points, and his strength was the same as that of Han Meimei, the strength of the C-level pinnacle.

And compared to Han Meimei, Ye Qingyun not only looks more beautiful, but also has a dignified manner in terms of temperament.

"Sister Qingyun, you two beauties will talk about it later! We haven't introduced ourselves yet!"

Sitting next to Ye Qingyun, a man in his twenties who looked very comedy and was very interesting to listen to him, interrupted his way with a hippie smile.

"Okay, you brat, let you introduce it first!"

Ye Qingyun smiled and nodded, then smiled at Lu Chen and Liu Mei, without saying anything.

After everyone in the room had introduced them, Lu Chen and Liu Mei would naturally remember them, but the one who impressed them the most was the man who interrupted.

This man was called Le Baish, and when his parents gave him this name, it meant to make him happy in everything.

And this child is indeed the same as his parents hoped. He has always been a pistachio character, and with his face full of comedic effects, the power of this pistachio can be greatly increased.

According to Le Pepsi, there were two gangs fighting. One of them belonged to his friends and was a weak one. He didn’t want his friends to be harmed. As a result, when he came out, the other party was provoked by him. He readily accepted his suggestion, and the fight did not start, and the two sides became friends.

Of course, this guy gave Lu Chen a deeper impression because of the product's name-Le Pepsi.

Lu Chen remembered that there seemed to be a mineral water named Robust on the earth, but the last word was different!

"Lu Chen and Liu Mei, today's banquet is for you to wash away the dust, so these two themes are reserved for you to sit down. Sit down!"

Ye Qingyun pointed to the two themes next to him, and smiled at Lu Chen and Liu Mei.

If Ye Qingyun didn't say that, Lu Chen would definitely do it without these so-called thematic rules, but Lu Chen's most annoying thing was these rules, and he was even more reluctant to let him sit in this position now.

So Lu Chen waved his hand quickly and refused:

"Sister Qingyun, how can this be? Me and Mei'er are just guests. How can guests sit in such a position? Sister Qingyun, let others sit in this position! Today, Meier and I It's really not suitable to sit in this position!"

Ye Qingyun was a little surprised that Lu Chen would refuse so simply, and tilted his head slightly, revealing a very confused and cute expression.

Seeing Ye Qingyun's appearance, Lu Chen swallowed, smiled, and said:

"Sister Qingyun, I’m the kind of person who doesn’t like to follow the rules. In my opinion, it’s better to be yourself for any rules. So if you really follow the rules, I will definitely not do that. So ...I'm sorry!"

Lu Chen just finished speaking, I don’t know if Le Pepsi saw that the atmosphere was a little frozen, or it was because they really thought so in their hearts. They only heard Le Pepsi laugh and say:

"Oh! Lu Chen, you said it earlier! We are not the kind of people who stick to the rules, but we don't know you, and Qingyun is worried about you... That's why we did this. In that case, everyone is still Whatever you should come, just follow what you said, just be yourself!"

With that said, Le Pepsi didn't hesitate to do so, but to dominate the position next to Ye Qingyun, but with a trace of panic on his face.

At the beginning, there were some differences. Why did Le Pepsi show such an expression? When Lu Chen saw the blush on Ye Qingyun's face, he suddenly understood that he dare to love this Le Pepsi and chase after us beautiful Ye Da!

The atmosphere was so mixed up by Le Pepsi, it became a lot more natural in an instant. When Lu Chen and Liu Mei came in just now, they always felt that the atmosphere was a little bit wrong. Now that the atmosphere has changed, he also feels comfortable.

So next, although Lu Chen still sat in the main position, but at this time, for the people present, there is no longer a priority. They looked at Lu Chen and Liu Mei and their eyes softened. Many, as if they had initially agreed with Lu Chen and Liu Mei.

Lu Chen knew that for such a school, after entering the box, he had discovered that in this box, today is the strength of the C-level pinnacle.

Although they were all Han Meimei's friends, it was because of Han Meimei that they came to pick up Lu Chen and Liu Mei.

But it does not mean that they come, and they will definitely become Lu Chen’s friends. Although Lu Chen does not lack such friends, after all, he has to stay here for a period of time and can have a few friends, whether it’s to Lu Chen. Whether it is Chen or Liu Mei, it is a good thing.

Lu Chen already knew that everyone in this box today should be a group of top students in the entire third grade. Being able to join such a group would also be of great help to Lu Chen and Liu Mei.

Lu Chen, who was still a little resistant in his heart, slowly changed his inner resistance after the expressions and behaviors of these people changed.

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