Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2956: Primeval forest?

"Let’s keep going! Lu Chen said this for our own good. In the future, our combat style really needs to be revised!"

Ye Qingyun, who had been silent for a long time, finally raised his head, seeing Lu Chen's eyes full of gratitude, and knowing whether she wanted to understand it, or for other reasons.

Lu Chen didn't even think about why Ye Qingyun looked like this, but he still sighed with emotion in his heart, and then followed Ye Qingyun and continued to walk down.

No, it can't be said to be walking down. Ye Qingyun didn't know what he was thinking. He even walked directly towards the place where the mutant elephant appeared, with a look of alert and curiosity on his face.

Lu Chen recalled the road map in his mind and found that the passage here connected to the biochemical museum, which meant that this mutant elephant must have ran out of the biochemical museum to solve Lu Chen and the others.

Lu Chen guessed a bit in his heart, probably because Ye Qingyun wanted to show himself the true strength of their team after being told by himself, so he didn't care about the dangerous biochemical museum.

When he reached the end of the passage, Ye Qingyun took the lead and turned around, causing his figure to stop suddenly.

Lu Chen was a little bit puzzled, and accelerated his pace a little bit. He looked in the direction Ye Qingyun was looking, and was also slightly stunned.

What appeared in front of everyone was an open door. The door was big enough to be more than ten meters high and several meters wide.

And inside the gate, there is an existence like a virgin forest, but the trees in this virgin forest can't grow under a kind of climatic environment.

Temperate broad-leaved, tropical rain forest, cold coniferous, plants of various climates, grow intertwined with each other.

But what everyone is even more puzzled is that this is obviously an underground base, how could such a weird virgin forest appear?

Moreover, the area of ​​this forest is very large, far from being able to store such a large area of ​​virgin forest in the small area of ​​the biochemical museum that Lu Chen and others saw from the map.

It stands to reason that even if it is a virgin forest, there should be all kinds of animals living, but at this time the virgin forest seems quite silent, as if there is nothing on it.

"Are all the trees here fake?"

Such a thought suddenly appeared in Lu Chen's mind, but Lu Chen was certain that it should not be the case. If these trees were fake, then why could he still feel the breath of life in these trees?

It's so weird!

Lu Chen said that the virgin forest that appeared inexplicably in the low base made him feel a little uneasy!

It was not that Lu Chen was afraid that there would be something dangerous inside, but that Lu Chen vaguely felt that if they entered this virgin forest, it would not be so simple to get out!

However, Ye Qingyun naturally didn’t know about Lu Chen’s considerations. After she saw everything in front of her, the next thought in her mind was to go in and see what was going on, so she subconsciously thought. To be lifted to enter.


But the pensive Lu Chen didn't notice Ye Qingyun's situation. He suddenly heard the sound of a stream of water flowing across the ground before he raised his head to look at Ye Qingyun.

At this time, he suddenly discovered that Ye Qingyun seemed to have passed through an invisible layer, something similar to an enchantment, and disappeared in front of everyone.

"team leader!"

"Sister Qingyun!"

Ye Qingyun disappeared suddenly, making everyone very uneasy. Except for Lu Chen and Liu Mei, the others didn't think much about it, so they chased Ye Qingyun and rushed in from where she disappeared.

Seeing that only himself and Liu Mei were left in the passage, Lu Chen smiled bitterly, shook his head slightly, glanced at Liu Mei who was eager to try, and said:

"Okay! Let's go in too! To be honest, this place doesn't feel good to me!"

Lu Chen didn't pay attention to Liu Mei's reaction when he heard what he said. He pulled Liu Mei's hand and walked directly into the virgin forest that was shrouded like a barrier.

After passing through that layer of "enchantment", Lu Chen found that Ye Qingyun and the others looked up at the surroundings in surprise.

Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, as long as everyone did not separate, and then, like everyone else, began to observe the surrounding environment.

At this time, the people who passed through that layer of "enchantment" seemed to go directly into the virgin forest they had seen in the passage before.

Around everyone, the huge and towering trees make everyone feel their insignificance.

Even Lu Chen couldn't help having such an idea for a while.

"These trees are weird!"

Lu Chen, who recovered his sobriety in an instant, immediately understood that the big trees around him were absolutely extraordinary. Otherwise, how could a person who used to be an earth sage cultivation base have such thoughts.

Opened his eyes, Lu Chen scanned the surroundings, and found nothing wrong. Those big trees were still big trees, and the overall look shouldn't have such a momentum, passing from these big trees!


Suddenly, from the gaps between countless big trees, countless cold rays of cold light were quickly shot towards Lu Chen and others.

Lu Chen, whose eyes had not yet closed, suddenly discovered that these cold lights were sharp swords formed by ice cubes. In the center of the ice cubes, there was still green gas lingering continuously.

Lu Chen immediately understood that this kind of icy arrow shot from nowhere was definitely poisonous.

"Everyone, be careful, don't be shot by this kind of ice arrow, which contains highly poisonous!"

As Lu Chen said, he guarded Liu Mei behind his back. Lu Chen himself could guarantee that his body would not be harmed by these poisons, but it didn't mean Liu Mei was fine.

As for the others, Lu Chen didn't even believe that they wouldn't be doing nothing because of this poison.

Hearing Lu Chen's words, other people had naturally discovered those ice arrows that had shot over quickly, subconsciously surrounding Fang Yuanwen, the weakest body.

They may think that as long as Fang Yuanwen is protected, even if one of them is poisoned, Fang Yuanwen can help them detoxify!

The speed of Frozen Arrow was very fast. After Lu Chen reminded everyone, it didn't take long before he flew directly to everyone's side.

Lu Chen's eyes were cold, he quickly turned the weapon in his hand, and his feet kept moving, smashing all the ice arrows shot at them in mid-air, without letting any ice arrows touch. Met him and Liu Mei's body.

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