But Lu Chen had forgotten one problem, that is, this kind of Frost Arrow contained extremely poisonous. Although he smashed all the Frost Arrows, he did not remove the poison. Therefore, after breaking the Frost Arrow, those dramas The poison still remains in the air.

When other people saw Lu Chen doing this, they naturally did the same.

In a short while, when Lu Chen realized this, all of them had been enveloped by poison gas.

Even Lu Chen himself couldn't help inhaling some poisonous poison into his body.

As soon as these poisonous poisons were inhaled into Lu Chen's body, he felt his body gradually become paralyzed, but soon, the vitality in the body quickly began to eliminate these poisonous poisons, and Lu Chen's paralyzed body quickly returned to normal.

"Sure enough, this kind of poison does not have much effect on me!"

Lu Chen murmured a little, and when he turned his head to look at the others, he found that their bodies had basically begun to stiffen, and their movements became more and more slow.

Liu Mei, standing behind Lu Chen, is slightly better than Ye Qingyun and the others. After all, her true strength has reached the level of the pinnacle of Grade B. Although her body has gradually stiffened and her face is getting worse, it seems to have an impact on her. , Will only reduce her speed of action by about 80%.

In other words, Liu Mei's current movement speed is only about 20% of the previous.

"Freeze me!"

Lu Chen yelled and waved his hands in mid-air. Gradually, a thin layer of ice appeared on the surface of the poisonous fog that enveloped them. Although these ice layers are not very thick, they are still the first. All of these highly toxic fogs were frozen for a while.

Lu Chen's speed was very fast, but his time to wake up was a bit slow.

Although the poison was finally sealed by Lu Chen Bing, Ye Qingyun and the others were already poisoned.

After carefully looking around and making sure that no mutant beasts sneaked on them at this time, Lu Chen actually used his vitality to detoxify Liu Mei, and then began to detoxify Ye Qingyun and others.

After clearing the toxins one by one, the vitality in Lu Chen's body had already consumed about 10%.

However, in order to pretend, Lu Chen just made some sweat bead on his forehead.

Ye Qingyun and others didn’t ask about Lu Chen’s method of helping them remove the poison. One was because they were a little embarrassed by the little conflict just now, and the other was because they were vaguely feeling something. Seeing Lu Chen’s eyes, there were threads. Silk ground fear.

"Let's leave this place first!"

After detoxification, Le Pepsi couldn't help but put forward such a suggestion. After all, this virgin forest was too dangerous. They just came in and almost died here.

"Do you think we can leave now?"

Lu Chen sighed helplessly, took a look at Le Pepsi, and asked him to turn around to see what it looked like behind them.

Lu Chen knew that the reason Le Pepsi said this was entirely because Le Pepsi felt that they had only entered the virgin forest now, so they should just exit the same way.

But the problem is...

When Le Pepsi turned around and saw the dense virgin forest behind him, he was a little dumbfounded.

I clearly remember that we entered here from that passage! Why is the channel missing now?

A big question appeared in Le Pepsi's mind.

Lu Chen didn’t say anything. When they came in, he wanted to remind them that this virgin forest was too weird. Even if he said it, everyone seemed to not say anything on the surface, but he would definitely think that Lu Chen was an afterthought. .

"We can only go around now to see if we can find a way out. The mutant dogs and elephants we encountered before must have gone out from here. Since they can go out, there must be a passage here! I don't know where the passage is now!"

Lu Chen said aloud.

"Then where should we go now?"

Ye Qingyun glanced at the poisonous ones frozen by Lu Chen with some dread, for fear that they would encounter other dangerous situations when they wander around.

"Let's go south!"

Lu Chen glanced at the surrounding trees and found that the trees here were also sparse in the north and dense in the south, which indicated that there must be something similar to the sun in the south to promote photosynthesis of these trees.

Knowing the direction to the south, Lu Chen took the lead and walked directly there.

They didn’t try to find out where the poisonous Frostbolt came from, or what it came from, because the thing was shot from all directions just now. If you look for it, you might encounter it again. To greater danger.

Lu Chen took the lead and walked in the forefront, looking at the surrounding situation with his eyes from time to time, but what made Lu Chen a little impatient was that the area of ​​this virgin forest was too large. Lu Chen and the others walked for an hour, and the surrounding trees seemed to be all Nothing changed. After two hours of walking, there was no change.

Lu Chen also found a very tall tree and jumped to the top of the tree, but after jumping to the top, he found that only the lush canopy could be seen around him, and there was nothing else.

This made Lu Chen's heart more and more irritable, and he felt as if he had entered into something similar to a formation, and this formation was quite realistic.

This is also because Lu Chen has seen how powerful the formation is, so he can think of this problem. As for Ye Qingyun and the others, they didn't think of it at all. They just thought that the primeval forest should be too big, so they haven't walked for so long. go out.

In the end, Lu Chen, who was really forced to do nothing, asked everyone to wait for him under a tall tree, and he rushed to the top of the tree again.

This time, Lu Chen was not prepared to have any more plastic wraps. He opened his flying speed at full speed and flew to the south at a fast speed. He wanted to see if he could fly out of this "extraordinarily huge" virgin forest at his own speed. .

Half an hour passed, and the surrounding environment of Lu Chen was still the vast virgin forest. If it hadn't been for the big tree that Lu Chen had marked had disappeared, Lu Chen would have thought that he had been standing still.

It stands to reason that at Lu Chen's speed, in half an hour, he has orbited the earth a long time ago, but I don't know how many kilometers have passed, but this virgin forest still has no end.

"Nima! It's definitely not like that! This virgin forest is absolutely fake!"

Lu Chen still didn't hold back, he yelled at him, stopped the fast-flying figure, stood on top of a huge tree, stared at his surroundings, and...

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