Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2961: Two months later

After returning to Chaowu Academy, Ye Qingyun naturally represented the Qingyun team and went to the place where the task was submitted, explaining why the task could not be completed.

The reason for doing this is because for these teams, there is a task completion rate. If the task completion rate cannot meet the target, even if their strength reaches the standard for promotion, they will not be able to enter higher. Grade learning.

Of course, this team’s task completion rate will also be cost-effective to everyone, so it is also very important to have a good team.

But because Lu Chen and Liu Mei have a relationship with the Great Elder, they want to raise their grades. As long as they talk to the Great Elder, it doesn't matter. Other things don't need to be considered.

And Lu Chen hasn't thought about raising his grade to school now. All he wants to do is go to the fourth and fifth grade library to study. This only requires students from Chaowu Academy.

After talking to Liu Mei, Lu Chen started his library journey again.

When he arrived at the fourth-grade campus, Lu Chen unexpectedly saw a small team of men and horses. This small team was the member of the Chentian team that Lu Chen and Liu Mei had seen before in the A-level mutant city.

I don't know what happened afterwards. Anyway, from the team that seemed to be going out to do a mission, Lu Chen didn't see the little beauty named He Huan.

Smiling indifferently, Lu Chen walked into the library.

Day by day, Lu Chen has read all the fourth and fifth grade libraries. Now he is more proficient in the laws of this world. As long as he wants to, he can directly bring a trace of the rules with him if he wants to. the power of.

After Lu Chen left the library completely and returned to the life of a normal student, he suddenly found that there were many more strange students in the whole college, and it was full of people.

"What's wrong? How come so many people suddenly appear?"

Lu Chen looked at Liu Mei next to him in confusion, and asked a little puzzled.

"It's not because the college competition is about to start, these students who have been practicing outside or in retreat have all returned!"

Liu Mei smiled and helped Lu Chen explain.

"Taibi? That is about to start? Didn't it mean that it will take a few months?"

Lu Chen said with some wonder.

"Don't look at it. It took a few months. You have been in the library for nearly two months. Don't you know?"

Liu Mei rolled his eyes involuntarily, looked at Lu Chen angrily and said.


Although Lu Chen would leave the library every day and go home to sleep and eat, he really didn't notice the time!

"By the way, Lu Chen, would you like to participate in the college competition?"

Liu Mei gently stroked the hair that had slipped in front of her eyes with her delicate hands and continued to ask.

"Of course I want to participate! It is said that I can go to the place called Tianyu to participate in the college competition?"

Lu Chen looked excited. Although he didn't know exactly where that heaven was, he felt the same as entering this world at the beginning. Lu Chen felt that as long as he entered that heaven, his chances of finding Shui Yulan would be even greater. some.

This was the only thing in Lu Chen's mind after breaking through to S-level, apart from the knowledge of those laws, no, it should be a feeling.

"Do you really want to go to that heaven?"

Liu Mei didn't know why, and suddenly felt a little lonely inexplicably. It seemed that because of Lu Chen's trip to Tianyu, something bad would happen to him and Lu Chen.

So far, Lu Chen has not told Liu Mei what his purpose in this world is.

But now if Lu Chen knew how Liu Mei felt, he would definitely be shocked, saying that a woman's sixth sense was too strong.


Lu Chen nodded and looked at Liu Mei, and then as if made up some determination, he took Liu Mei's small hand and walked towards his villa. He said while walking:

"There are things that I need to tell you in advance. Let's go back to the villa and I will tell you!"

Liu Mei was speechless for a while, and she felt that after hearing Lu Chen say this, the sadness in her heart became more intense.

After returning to the villa, Liu Mei took the initiative to help Lu Chen make a cup of tea, then sat next to Lu Chen and waited for Lu Chen's opening.

While drinking tea in silence, Lu Chen didn't know how to speak for a while.

"Lu Chen, speak up! No matter what you want to say, I can bear it!"

Liu Mei said this, but the circles of her eyes turned red, and in her eyes full of glamour, crystal clear things gradually appeared.

Seeing Liu Mei like this, Lu Chen knew that Liu Mei had misunderstood, so he hugged Liu Mei and said:

"Meier, you are misunderstood. What I want to say is that I am not actually a person in this world!"

When Lu Chen said this, Liu Mei suddenly realized that he really thought too much, and for a while, he was a little bit dumbfounded, and aroused the woman's petty temper, opened her small mouth, and bit on Lu Chen's arm.

Lu Chen quickly recovered the vitality that was lingering on his arm, otherwise Liu Mei would bite it down, not to mention that Lu Chen would have nothing to do, even her own teeth might just be broken.

After finally eliminating some of his embarrassment, Liu Mei asked suspiciously:

"Lu Chen, you said you are not from this world? Are you from that Tianyu? Why do I feel that you don't seem to know much about that Tianyu?"

Lu Chen shook his head and said directly:

"I come from a place called the Dragon Soul Continent. Actually, my purpose of entering this world is to find one of my relatives. Well, to put it bluntly, the person I am looking for is just like you, my woman, but I didn't find it here, I could feel that she should be in that heaven!"

Liu Mei was still in a happy mood, and suddenly became extremely disappointed. She never expected that the man she liked would have other women, although because the end of the world is coming, a strong man has many women. This is not the case. Rare.

But that is for others. For Liu Mei, she is a very strong woman, otherwise she would not remain alone until now, she was a little unacceptable for a while.

Lu Chen naturally knew Liu Mei's current state of mind, but he also knew that if Liu Mei didn't explain it to Liu Mei now and let Liu Mei prepare in advance, when Liu Mei meets with her own women in the future, she might feel even more uncomfortable!

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