Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2962: First entry to Tongtian Tower

After half an hour, Liu Mei raised his head, without any expression on his face, said indifferently, and then said:

"Okay, I see! Don't you want to participate in the competition! If you participate in the college competition, it is best to participate in the trial of the Tower of Tongtian. The higher the level of the trial of the Tower, the higher the final points you will get! "

"Liu Mei, are you really okay?"

Apart from seeing Liu Mei's expression when Lu Chen first met Liu Mei, he never saw Liu Mei's appearance again. Seeing it again now, Lu Chen felt a little uneasy.

"It's okay! Is it possible that you have to let me beat you hard!"

Liu Mei blanked Lu Chen unceremoniously, looking at Lu Chen with an expression of "Are you swollen so cheap?"

In fact, Liu Mei had already figured it out. Lu Chen has other women who are Lu Chen's ability, indicating that his vision is correct.

Although she was still very upset, Liu Mei knew that she couldn't leave Lu Chen even more. What would happen if she left Lu Chen? Like Lu Chen, go to find another man?

Liu Mei knew that she was absolutely impossible. Not only was she a strong woman, she was also a very traditional woman. As long as she was with a man, it was impossible to find another man in her life, even if the man was dead. It is absolutely impossible for her to find another man.

Liu Mei is such a tradition!

It is precisely because of this that in Liu Brow's bones, he actually agrees with a man with three wives and four concubines, so apart from being uncomfortable at the beginning, he also adapted later.

Seeing Liu Mei like this, Lu Chen realized that Liu Mei was really fine, and he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Then he took Liu Mei's little hand and walked towards the room. Looking at Liu Mei's red smiling face, Lu Chen felt that he had to bend down to be satisfied and comfort Liu Mei.

As Yun Yu rested, Lu Chen slowly kneaded-pinched the round plump-fullness of Liu Mei, and asked:

"Meier, what's the matter with the Trial of the Tower of the Sky that you just mentioned? Why did you participate in that trial, so that you can score higher in the Academy?

"Bad guy, I haven't touched it enough!"

Liu Mei panted, and slapped Lu Chen's big hand that was acting on him. He ignored Lu Chen's hand and said:

"Isn’t this Tongtian Tower the tallest building we saw when we first came to the school? Every student will go to participate in the trial. If one fails, the trial score will increase by one point. If you pass the record quickly, you can get an extra point!

In the college competition, the judgment is based on the final score. When playing in the arena, the more points, multiplied by the Tongtian Tower points, is equal to the final score. So don’t worry, there will be a collision between two strong players at the beginning, maybe one of them is defeated, but the points obtained, multiplied by the points value, are more than the final victory of the ring. "

"You mean, this Tongtian Tower is very useful?"

Lu Chen couldn't help it as soon as his eyes lit up. He wanted to participate in the trial of the Tongtian Tower immediately.

"Right, especially for us, we are only third-grade students on the face of it, so even if we win the third-grade championship in the arena, we won't get a lot of points, but if we try to score If the value is very high, that would be different!"

"Should we go to the trial of Tongtian Tower now?"

Lu Chen couldn't wait to say.

"Now! They are so tired!"

Liu Mei groaned, that charming voice made Lu Chen feel involuntarily.

So Lu Chen threw himself down on Liu Mei again, and the blushing chants came to mind in the room again.

Early the next morning, Lu Chen directly took Liu Mei's little hand and walked towards the Tongtian Tower.

I don’t know if it’s because of the big competition. At this time, there are countless students near the Tongtian Tower. Fortunately, the space inside the Tongtian Tower is unlimited. Everyone is a separate space, so there is no need to worry about the crowds and queues.

Following Liu Mei, Lu Chen walked into the Tongtian Pagoda, thinking that Liu Mei would be the same as himself. Starting from the first floor, who knew Liu Mei smiled charmingly and said:

"Brother Chen, take your time to fight from the first floor! Meimei, I will go directly to the tenth floor? Forgot to tell you, I came to Tongtian Tower once when you went to the library!"

"Uh! Alright! Then be careful yourself!"

Lu Chen walked into the first floor of Tongtian Tower in a very depressed mood.

There were very few monsters on the first floor of the Tongtian Tower, only one, and it was still an E-level monster. For Lu Chen, it was too easy, and it took less than a second to directly solve it.

In fact, for the first ten floors of the Tongtian Tower, the monsters are very simple. Basically, the college lets students familiarize themselves with the rules of the Tongtian Tower. Starting from the tenth floor, the difficulty of each layer has doubled.

The reason why Liu Mei only hit the tenth floor was not because she couldn't go down, but because she didn't find it interesting, so she quit.

Although it was only one level, Lu Chen solved the monster here in less than a second, and he broke the record directly, so he heard a mechanical voice in his ear:

"Congratulations to Lu Chen, a third-grade student, for completing the first level of the Tongtian Tower and breaking the record. He scored one point and the reward point is one point. The total points are two points. Is the name displayed?"


Lu Chen didn't hesitate to choose No. Although Lu Chen believed that with his own strength, he would still be famous throughout the academy, but he didn't want to make himself famous in the academy now. Wouldn't it be good to be a blockbuster by then?

So people standing outside the Tongtian Tower found this display on the screen outside the Tongtian Tower on the first floor:

A third grade student clears the first floor of the tower in one second!

Next, Lu Chen passed the first ten floors of the Tongtian Tower one after another. It took no more than one second to clear each level. Similarly, he chose to hide his name without letting people know who it was. Ten levels in a row. It took less than a second to pass the level directly.

However, after all, it is the first ten floors of the Tongtian Tower. Any person with C-level or B-level strength can do it without accident, so it did not attract too many people's attention.

After completing the trial of the first ten floors of the Tongtian Tower, Lu Chen now has a total of 20 points in his hand, but he is a bit disdainful of the Tongtian Tower, because he feels it is too simple here, but because he wants to enter the sky. Because of the domain, Lu Chen had to continue the trial of the Tongtian Tower.

Otherwise, he might have left this Tongtian Tower directly, instead of continuing to pass the level!

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