Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2975: One hundred more

The selection of Lu Chen's class did not take too long. After half a day, ten people were selected.

Among these ten people, there must be a place for Lu Chen, and Liu Mei for Lu Chen must also have a place.

When others saw Liu Mei, a delicate and tender beauty, unceremoniously killing seven or eight guys who came to the stage and wanted to find a bargain in the arena, others never dared to look down upon her.

So Liu Mei naturally occupied a place.

What Liu Mei and Lu Chen didn't know was that after the two of them got two places, the rest of the class murmured in their hearts: As expected, they are both lovers.

Lu Chen still didn't pay attention to the grade comparison.

There are many classes in a grade. Even if there are only ten people in each class, it is estimated that it will take about half a month to complete all the competitions. This is the result of continuous non-stop, including the evening ring competition.

After the grade competition started, Lu Chen and Liu Mei received a number plate, one is 00019 and the other is 89675. Obviously no less than 100,000 people participated in the grade competition in one grade alone.

The number plates of Lu Chen and Liu Mei are so different that they would definitely not meet at the beginning.

Because the first few rounds of the grade competition are all one after the other, it is also considered a kind of audition. The martial arts field where each class is located will become a competition area. After that, there are only a hundred people left in the whole grade. Go to a large-scale martial arts field belonging to the third grade for an all-round arena competition.

But by the time the all-round arena competition, it is basically ten days later.

Lu Chen's number plate was relatively high, so in the first round, he went directly to the stage and easily killed his opponent.

The time of Liu Mei's match was more than three hours later than Lu Chen. Fortunately, she also solved her opponent very easily.

Both of them advanced to the next round, that is to say, both of them are now in the top 50,000 and get 100 points.

The start of the second round of the big competition is one day after the end of the first round.

This morning, Lu Chen and Liu Mei had just finished their breakfast and came to the competition venue, only to find that the game had already begun.

There is already a guy standing on the ring where Lu Chen is. If Lu Chen comes a few minutes late, he will be banned from the competition.

"Boy, I'm not afraid to come here so late!"

Lu Chen's opponent in this round was a man with nostrils in the sky, who thought he was the best in the world.

Lu Chen didn't understand, why is there so much garbage like this! Glancing at this guy coldly, Lu Chen still punched the guy directly, and then the guy flew out of the ring.

"No... it's not fair! I'm not ready yet!"

The one who fell to the bottom of the ring finally got up from the ground and yelled at Lu Chen.


Not only Lu Chen, but also the people watching the game around the ring and the referee coldly glanced at this guy, cursed, and then the referee directly pronounced Lu Chen the victory.

As for waiting for Liu Mei to compete, her opponent was a woman. I don't know if it was because she saw Liu Mei's bull breaking yesterday, so after seeing Liu Mei was her opponent, she chose to abstain.

So Lu Chen and Liu Mei advanced again, each with two hundred points.

After the top 100 candidates for the grade level competition were finally selected, half a month later, Lu Chen and Liu Mei had already reached 1,000 points.

The 100 to 50 game is a bit harsh for these students. Even if you win the game, if you are lower in the time ranking of the victory, you will be eliminated directly.

According to the rules of the game, those who resolve the opponent within five minutes will be directly selected to enter the victory time ranking. If it exceeds five minutes, they will be directly eliminated.

In other words, in a 100-to-50 game, there may not be 50 people who can advance to the next round.

Anyway, there are ten people in each grade who participated in the college competition, and there are only fifty people in total.

But it is true that the number of people who can enter the universe is only twenty.

Of course, these are only the rules of the third grade. What about the rules of the other grades is not what Lu Chen and Liu Mei want to know.

The martial arts field belonging to each grade is very huge, it looks like a football field, there are only ten big arenas on the middle field, this is a fight arena next to countless small arenas.

The whole grade martial arts field can seat a million people. Of course, this is also because the people present are not ordinary people. If you change to ordinary people, you may not be able to see who is on the ring. In that case, it is better to stay in the dormitory and watch the live broadcast!

After entering the 100th place, the number plates were drawn again. What made Lu Chen and Liu Mei depressed was that the number plates they selected turned out to be fifteen and sixteen.

If you still follow the previous game, then the two will meet directly.

But when the school announced the new rules of the game, Lu Chen and Liu Mei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

One against one hundred, and two against ninety-nine!

With this way of fighting, Lu Chen and Liu Mei will not collide for at least this round.

Lu Chen and Liu Mei looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

But in fact, even if the two of them installed it, Lu Chen wouldn't care. After all, even if they didn't enter the universe through the passage of Chaowu Academy, they would go directly to the passage of the Lu family, and they would not be able to enter the universe!

"Be careful in a while!"

Those who can enter the final 100 people are not fuel-efficient lamps.

Lu Chen discovered through observation that there are actually a few people with hidden strengths, and one of them has even directly reached A-level strength.

Although this strength does not necessarily have much impact on Lu Chen and Liu Mei, if he has other cards, I am afraid Liu Mei, who is still stuck in the B-level peak strength, will be overwhelmed.

"I know!"

Under Lu Chen's guidance, Liu Mei glanced at the A-level strength person, and silently remembered this guy in his heart.

At the same time Liu Mei also put away the playful mood of the previous game. She knew that if she didn't work hard, she might not be able to follow in Lu Chen's footsteps!

She knew that with Lu Chen's strength, there was definitely a way to enter the final 20 places. Even though Liu Mei knew that Lu Chen would definitely not leave him behind, he should have other ways to enter the heaven, but Liu Mei didn't want to. Making Lu Chen embarrassed, she hoped that through her own efforts, she could enter the universe with Lu Chen.

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