"I rub, who is this woman? Why is she so beautiful?"

It's worthy of the big comparison of the grades, the entire large-scale martial arts field is seen at a glance, the heads are crowded, and you just yell, it sounds like that domineering.

So when someone saw Liu Mei standing next to Lu Chen, his eyes suddenly lit up and asked the people around him.

Liu Mei was already very beautiful. Now that his cultivation base is high, he naturally has an ethereal temperament. Although it is not as good as Shui Yulan, Zi Xin'er and others, that temperament still appears, making Liu Mei It looks more beautiful.

"Zhi, you don't know this goddess. She joined our Chaowu Academy three months ago and directly entered the XX class of the third grade. In less than ten days, she was directly selected as the first of the five major schools in the third grade. , But in my opinion, the other four school flowers combined are not as beautiful as this goddess of Liumei!"

"Wow! Man, you know so much! Admire and admire it! I don't know what else the man knows? The brother has been in retreat before, so I don't know about this matter, so I will treat you tonight!!"

"You're polite! But that's it, the place for the treat must be the Maple Leaf Pavilion!"

"No problem, isn't it the Maple Leaf Pavilion? If I can catch up with the goddess Liumei, let alone the Maple Leaf Pavilion, I will invite you to go every day, no problem!"

"Cut! Brother, I think you should dispel this idea!"

"What's wrong? Don't you think I have insufficient conditions?"

"It's not that the conditions are not enough, but the goddess Liumei is already famous! Have you seen the man standing next to the goddess Liumei? He is the husband of the goddess Liumei!"

"En? The man who looks like a little white face? Not so good! As the saying goes, as long as the **** is swung well, there is no corner of the wall that can't be dug!"

"Yo, brother, I didn't see it, he's still a lewd talent!"

"Where is it! Brother is polite, you can see how I swing my hoe!"

"Don't tell me, brother, brother, let me remind you, how is your current strength?"

"C-level peak!"

"Then forget it! If you have the strength of the A-level pinnacle, it is possible, but the C-level pinnacle is not enough for others to play with!"

"What? Isn't that man already breaking A grade? He is not our third grade student?"

"That's not it, he is indeed our third grade student, but when he participated in their class audition, he directly defeated their class teacher before entering the general election!"

"What? Defeat the head teacher of their class? Then the head teacher of their class is too weak!"

"What! It's easy for the head teacher to deal with you, okay, the head teacher is at the pinnacle level of B!"

"Wipe! That means that the person who looks like a little white face must already have A-level strength? I went to his sister, how could this be? Isn't it unfair? A person with A-level strength, come to participate The competition of a group of C-level talents is pure abuse!"

"What is fair and unfair? They are still young, and the school has no mandatory requirements. If the strength is high, they must be upgraded!"

"Uh! It seems to be so! But are you stupid? Isn't the resources available to fifth-grade students better? He is still in our third grade. If he enters the fifth grade, I am afraid that the strength is already You can prepare to break through the S grade!"

"Who said no! If he can break through the S grade, he is definitely the most genius in our school, you know, even the school elders are only S grade!"

"By the way, buddy, you keep saying that guy is young, how old is he?"

"How old do you think he looks like?"

"Teen? You don't look like you are under twenty! But it shouldn't be! If he is really such an age, coupled with his A-level strength, this is no longer a genius, but a monster!"

"Why shouldn't it! Tell you! This buddy is only 18 years old now, not even 19 years old!"

"Nima! God! How can you be so unfair that you are swollen? How can you be so unfair? Now that I have my XX, how can there be such a smashing man! By the way, buddy, I am still I don't know what this person's name is!"

"He! His name is Lu Chen! There is another piece of news about this buddy that has not been accurately confirmed, do you want to listen!"

"Listen? Why don't you listen? Hey! Brother, I know, how about two big meals at Maple Leaf Pavilion!"

"Brother, you are so polite, I am embarrassed!"

"What's the embarrassment, brother, I and brother you hit it off right away today, brother quickly talk to brother, what kind of news is it?"

"Some time ago, wasn't there a third-grade student who directly cleared the two hundred floors of the tower? I wonder if you know?"

"I know, of course I know! That buddy is really our third-grade god-man. I have only cleared more than 40 levels now, and he has directly cleared 200 levels, and I heard that it is not that he can't beat it, but that he doesn't want to continue playing Go down!"

"Wait, brother, what do you mean by telling me this? Is that the one who cleared the two hundred floors of the tower?"

"Don't worry! Didn't I just say that the news hasn't been confirmed yet? But I guess! Eight to nine are not separated from ten, he should be him! Now we are in third grade besides him, are there other strong characters?"

"No way! The most powerful person in the fifth grade is only able to pass the 79th floor. He actually passed the 200th floor directly. That doesn't mean that his strength must have exceeded the S grade, or even the SS grade? "

"It is for this reason that I am not sure until now!"

"You know, so far, this guy has always solved his opponent with one move, so no one knows what the real level of this guy is!"

"This is too scary!"

"What's so terrible about this. At first, they killed an elder's grandson directly. Later, under the protection of the elders, the law enforcement team not only did not cause any trouble to Lu Chen, but even directly cut that elder directly! Chen is not only strong, but also has a strong background!"

"Oh! Thank you so much, brother! If it weren’t for you to tell my little brother so much today, I’m afraid I’d want to provoke the goddess of Liumei! In that case, I’m afraid, little brother... Brother, let’s go to Maple Leaf Pavilion in a while, I want to thank you very much. Thank you brother!"

"It's okay! Who are we brothers with whom! Don't be polite with brother!"

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