Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2991: Powerful rune

After trying to understand what was going on with his sister, Liu Mei heaved a sigh of relief, with a slight smile on his face, and said softly:

"Sister, don't worry, I think Lu Chen should have noticed you, but he thinks it is not good to help you improve your strength now. After we get home, he will definitely take the initiative to help you improve!"

"You mean it really?"

Liu Qing's strength has been stuck at this stage for too long, but because he hadn't contacted too many people before, he always thought that his strength was very good, so he didn't care too much.

But now when she realized that her strength, even among her peers, was not the best, it could even be said to be the level of scum, she began to panic.

Now that Lu Chen's small move helped two C-level pinnacles to break through to the same level as himself, this made Liu Qing even more anxious.

"Of course it's true. You are my sister. Is it possible for me to be my sister to deceive my sister?"

Liu Mei smiled lightly, stretched out his hand to pat Liu Qing, and made an expression of peace of mind, which made Liu Qing's panic disappear slightly.

Naturally, Lu Chen didn’t know that Liu Mei was here to help him solve a problem. He followed behind the leading teacher, walked to a ring, and began to prepare for the draw. After Liu Mei had finished talking with Liu Qing, he also made small and quick steps. Run towards the lottery ring.

The result of the lottery is very simple. Perhaps the school considers that it is meaningless to let people of the same grade compete again at the beginning, so it directly chooses the mode of cross-drawing.

In other words, in the lottery drawn, there are no students in the same grade, only students in the other four grades. If you are lucky, a fifth-grade student who is drawn to a first-grade student can be promoted in the first round.

Of course, in fact, this is not very good. After all, the final grade competition is also a reincarnation system. Everyone will fight against 49 other opponents and win one hundred points. If you lose, there is no point. Then score the points of Tongtian Tower, which is the final score.

In fact, even if Lu Chen does not need to compete now, his 2,900 points multiplied by the four hundred points of Tongtian Tower is enough to make him a champion, but Lu Chen does not want to be such a high profile for the time being, so he carries out this final The game still felt meaningful.

I don't know if Lu Chen's luck is good or bad. The result of his draw this time turned out to be number one.

In this competition, there will be a total of arena, each ring will not listen to the loop, there is no stopping time.

Only after the third round is over, everyone will have a two-hour rest time for eating or something. Similarly, they will have a rest every three rounds until the end of the game.

This is a great advantage for students who are relatively quick to end the battle. The faster the battle ends, the longer the time to rest after the game, and the shorter the time to rest after the battle.

Because the final game is generally after the end of the round, the next round will be played. The so-called no rest time is just for those students who are unlucky and cannot end the battle quickly!

As for the mode that Lu Chen has been implementing before ending one round and entering the next round, it cannot be used here.

As the number one, the ring where Lu Chen is located is naturally the number one ring, and of course the first person to start the game.

Lu Chen's first opponent was a fourth-grade student randomly selected by the computer. His strength was not bad, reaching the lower level of A-level.

After all, students who can participate in the final college competition are either at the peak level of strength specified by their grade, or slightly higher than the required strength, reaching the next level of strength.

After Lu Chen's opponent took the stage, he directly reported his true strength, and heard that Lu Chen's opponent had some A-level inferior strength.

Those students who want to see Lu Chen show his power can be said to be quite excited. In their opinion, Lu Chen's opponents are already so powerful. They must be able to make Lu Chen not use all his strength, but most of his strength is still acceptable. Right!

So everyone began to look forward to it!

Lu Chen, who was standing on the ring, was somewhat inexplicable. After his opponent took the stage, he looked at him with an extremely hungry sex-wolf as if he saw a beautiful Hong Guoguo.

Then when the referee announced the start of the game, his opponent used a very powerful move directly.

A fire-red lightsaber appeared in the air instantly, shining with a dazzling light. At the order of Lu Chen’s opponent, the fire-red lightsaber burst out instantly, drawing weird arcs in the air. line.

These same fiery red arcs flashed past and dissipated in the air, without causing any impact on Lu Chen.

This made the curious Lu Chen didn't do it directly, and wanted to know what his opponent was going to do.

Seeing Lu Chen's curious baby-like appearance, his opponent's face showed a triumphant sneer, and at the same time a glimmer of joy appeared in his eyes.


Suddenly there was a loud noise in the sky. When the fiery red light drew an upward arc, the air in the sky seemed to be guided by something, pushing it out towards the surroundings a little bit, and then a complicated rune was instantly Appeared above Lu Chen's head.

Immediately after this complex rune slammed directly towards Lu Chen with an aura of destruction.

The faces of the surrounding teachers who helped maintain the protective shield of the ring suddenly became shocked, and they had to speed up the transmission of vitality, because they obviously felt that in this devastating atmosphere, they maintained the protective shield. Turbulent, as if it would break at any time.

As teachers who maintain these protective shields, naturally they can clearly feel the tremendous power of this rune. In their opinion, even if they have almost no resistance to this rune, they may only be able to watch themselves. Be beaten to death by runes!

Naturally, Lu Chen, who had been looking at the rune stupidly in their eyes, was already marked by them as a mortal sign. Therefore, the eyes of these teachers at Lu Chen were full of pity, while sighing helplessly, while sighing. Shook his head.

In fact, Lu Chen, who has been observing this rune, is actually still curious about the formation of this rune. Although he has only watched it for a while, I am afraid that it will not be a few seconds, but Lu Chen has already remembered this. Rune's route, now let Lu Chen make an appearance, he can do it very easily, and the power is definitely stronger than his opponent's.

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