Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2992: Overlay effect

The reason why Lu Chen didn't move was not because he was scared, but because he clearly felt that the rune made by his opponent had no effect on him at all, and his body was enough to resist.

At this time, Lu Chen did not notice that in a corner of the entrance to the fourth-grade student lounge, a teacher-like person with eyes full of obscene faces was using resentful eyes, and he was getting revenge. Expression, looked at him with a sly smile.


Finally, the fire-red rune in the sky slammed on Lu Chen's body, and at the same time, the huge force sent directly to the shield of the ring to shatter, and a powerful wave of air spread towards the surroundings. Go, students who are close, even feel that they will be crushed by this powerful aura.

Because of the powerful rune force, the ring was almost destroyed, so the thick dust raised up enveloped Lu Chen and his opponents as a whole. No one could see exactly what happened inside, but not some people guessed. , Lu Chen might have died directly under this trick.

"It turns out that Lu Chen is not so good! That way he will die! Tsk tsk!"

"I think Lu Chen is too arrogant. If he kills him before his opponent launches a rune attack, Lu Chen will definitely be fine!"

"If you want me to say, even so, Lu Chen must be fine!"

"How is it possible? Didn't you feel the aura that came just now? His sister, I thought I was going to die, it was just aftermath, but Lu Chen was in the center of the rune attack!"

"Why, don't you believe what I said? Then keep watching! I believe Lu Chen must have nothing to do!"

I don’t know why, it seems that this person’s strong confidence gave them some confidence in Lu Chen. Everyone who heard him shut their mouths and stopped discussing them, but their eyes didn’t blink. Looking at the ring, I felt extremely nervous.

So there was such a weird scene in the audience in the entire martial arts arena. Hundreds of spectators watched Lu Chen’s arena without any movement, while others have been discussing Lu Chen’s life and death and some of his previous events. thing.

When the dust slowly dissipated, Liu Mei, who had been smiling, slowly relaxed his tight body, sat back on the chair again, and watched the game tightly.

Although she knew from the beginning that Lu Chen had nothing to do, she couldn't help but stand up directly when the rune fell down, without blinking her eyes, staring closely at Lu Chen where Lu Chen was. Chen.

Compared to Liu Qing's actions, Liu Mei is already much calmer. You must know that at the moment when the rune fell, Liu Qing almost cried!

"Is that your skill?"

The dust cleared, Lu Chen still had that calm combat power in his original position, not to mention his body, even the clothes on his body seemed to have no impression at all.

"How... how is it possible?"

Lu Chen's opponent looked at Lu Chen incredulously.

The ring under his feet was already torn apart, and there was even a big pit around Lu Chen's feet, but when Lu Chen added that piece of land less than 40 square centimeters, there was nothing about the place, a thin cylindrical shape. The pillar just supported Lu Chen's body.

"Look at that, you seem to be capable of this!"

With a wicked smile at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth, he raised his hand and prepared to launch his own attack.

"Wait for classmate Lu Chen, can you change to another ring to continue the competition? This ring has been damaged and the protective cover is no longer useful. If you are launching a big move like the one just now, I am afraid it will have a bad effect on the surrounding students! "

Seeing that Lu Chen was okay, the frightened referee was relieved, but seeing that Lu Chen was going to continue to do it again, Xin lifted it up again, and then quickly shouted.

"Oh! Of course there is no problem!"

In fact, Lu Chen's original plan was to use the same method to launch rune attacks learned from his opponents to kill his opponents, so it doesn't matter if the broken arena is broken, but now since the referees say so Of course Lu Chen wouldn't say anything.

But if you are damaging an arena for a while, you can't blame him!

In fact, the arena in this martial arts field is generally unlikely to be damaged so easily. A small A-level master should naturally not damage it with an attack, but the rune attack just now seems to have the effect of a superimposed attack. .

1X1 is indeed equal to 1, but if 1X1 is added to the square of the result of 1X1, it is not as simple as one!

Therefore, the attack after the powerful rune superimposed effect is enough to shatter such a solid arena.

And this is only because the guy's own strength is not strong, if you change to Lu Chen, it will naturally be different.

It can be said that Lu Chen is still very grateful to this opponent now, because this opponent has let him know about such a new attack method, so while thanking this opponent, he will definitely pay a big respect to his opponent.

The ring was changed again. For some reason, Lu Chen’s opponent did not choose to admit defeat in this situation, but continued to play against Lu Chen. This made Lu Chen a little surprised and frowned slightly. , Because he felt as if a conspiracy was unfolding around him.


Thinking of this, Lu Chen snorted coldly, and didn't take out any weapons, just like his opponent just now, he froze in midair.

Moreover, Lu Chen's speed was very fast, and the traces he painted were not fiery red, but transparent.

Just now, after his opponent finished drawing this, it took a total of about half a minute, while Lu Chen took less than a second to finish the drawing.

After the last Lu Chen's strokes were drawn, more intense fluctuations suddenly occurred in the air. This intense fluctuation caused the teachers around who maintained their protective shields to discover their vitality before they had time to react. Constantly rushing towards the protective cover.

Countless brilliance appeared on the protective cover, which was much better than before.

"This...what the **** is going on?"

The people sitting in the auditorium also vaguely felt something wrong, and their faces showed panic.

As for the elders sitting in the VIP seats, they didn't feel the strangeness in the arena for some reason, and they performed very interestingly, depending on what happened on the arena where Lu Chen was.

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