Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 308: War demon fairy! (three)

"Hey! Yang Mingzi, what's the matter with you! Why did you become like this! Aren't you still playing guerrilla with that **** just now! How come you have become so embarrassed now, is it possible to be this guy? It's not so good!" Lu Chen is not worried at all now, so Bian made a joke with Yang Mingzi!

"Lu Chen, I said you were kind of good! I didn't see that they were already like this, you still laughed at them! You..." Yang Mingzi looked like an aggrieved little daughter-in-law, looking at Lu Chen's face, with an unusual resentment. Even the voice of speaking is a bit charming!

"En!" Lu Chen frowned, shivered, and suddenly got a thick layer of goose bumps on his body. He glanced at Yang Mingzi casually, and Lu Chen found that Yang Mingzi was burned like this. Actually There was no injury at all, he was completely pretending!

So Lu Chen pointed directly at Yang Mingzi’s ass, and said angrily: "You bastard, don't think you are old, you can rely on the old to sell old! Get up quickly! You think I don't know, you There is no injury at all! Don't tell me, if burned by this temperature, you will end the game!"

"Hey!" Yang Mingzi smiled awkwardly, jumped up from the ground, and said: "Lu Chen, you are amazing! I pretended to be so secretive, and you found out! You deserve to be my savior! That Lu Chen , I just saw that you shot something into that guy's body! After that, you just feel indifferent, do you already have a way to deal with that guy! Tell us if it works!"

Yang Mingzi’s words also caught the attention of the great elder. Hearing that Lu Chen had a way to deal with the guy in front of him, the great elder was agitated. This **** has fought for so long, Lu Chen, you are not authentic!"

"Hey! What kind of battle is that! Isn't it just being peek-a-boo! A three-year-old kid can do it, don't worry now, you will know what it is in a while! Let's play with him now, the time is not yet ripe!" Why would Lu Chen say that the time is not ripe! Because up to now, the super magical tool has not found the existence of Tianyu Demon Fairy Chrysanthemum!

"What's the matter! Why haven't I found it until now? Is it possible that this big guy does not have the existence of chrysanthemum? Then, where is his digestive system!" Lu Chen was quite depressed, and controlled the super magic while avoiding. The place where the fish demon fairy is!

"Master, you...you found the wrong place!" At this moment, Xiao Ling's voice sounded again, perhaps because the thing he was looking for was something wrong, so Xiao Ling was extremely shy, a little embarrassed to remind Lu Chen, but The place Lu Chen was looking for was really wrong!

"Finding the wrong place? Isn't the chrysanthemum of Tianyu Demon fairy behind?" Lu Chen didn't see the embarrassment of Xiao Ling at all, scratched his head and asked.

Xiao Ling looked at Lu Chen with a blushing face, and then whispered: "Of course not. This Sky Fish Demon Immortal is a female, so it is in the abdomen. Only the male Sky Fish Demon Immortal is here. The place you just looked for?" With that, Xiao Ling mimicked the place where the chrysanthemum is located in Lu Chen's mind!

"Um! Why are you here?" Lu Chen stared at the picture in his mind. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that Xiao Ling had made a mistake, because the place Xiao Ling pointed out was actually in the belly of Tianyu Demon Fairy. Like the position between the mountain peaks of human women.

Lu Chen looked at Xiao Ling weirdly and asked: "Xiao Ling, you didn't play a joke with me! How could it be in this place, shouldn't it be her breasts! How could it be in the place of excretion? Here, there is also her original carp, the one with the carp seems to be in the position I just looked for!"

"Master, what you said is right, but the problem is that she is no longer a carp! And according to the proportion of his carp's original body, her chrysanthemum is in that position. As for the issue of having children, this belongs to Secret, so I am not very clear!" Xiao Ling blushed and said.

"Uh! That's weird!" Lu Chen nodded speechlessly, controlling the super artifact, moving in the direction pointed by the little spirit of Tianyu Yaoxian, and he found a XX little chrysanthemum, Lu Chen's face. Above, there was a hint of silver and treacherous smile.

"Puff!" With a faint sound, the super magical instrument accurately entered the small chrysanthemum of the Tianyu Demon Fairy. At the same time, the Tianyu Demon Fairy shook violently, shaking violently, and some of his body was not covered by scales. There was a burst of intense blush in the covered place...

"Damn! This is the situation of God's horse, it's not because you haven't had it for a long time, so you will reach the peak after being fiddled with this stuff! This..." Lu Chen looked at the situation in front of him quite speechlessly. I don't know what to do in a daze!

Both Yang Mingzi and the Great Elder glanced at Lu Chen blankly, then looked at the huge body that was constantly twisting and asked stupidly: "That Lu Chen, what happened to this Heavenly Fish Fairy? , Is this the trick you said? It's really amazing!"

"Um!" Lu Chen smiled awkwardly, "I...I don't know that this will happen! If I knew it, I would have done it a long time ago, but this is indeed my trick! As for what it is , You don’t need to know that! Anyway, he is very good!"

Lu Chen was embarrassed to tell two people about this matter. If the Heavenly Fish Demon Fairy belonged to a male, Lu Chen didn’t care. After all, Lu Chen’s original intention was to use this to wet the male dragon, but what I know, it's a mother, forget it! If the two of you know it, you wouldn't be the one!

"Ying! It's really amazing! What should I do next!" Yang Mingzi asked.

"Wait!" Lu Chen thought for a while, ready to see the reaction of this sky fish demon fairy. After all, the sudden incident just now made Lu Chen stunned, and he didn't know what to do for a while. I don't know if this Heavenly Fish Demon Fairy has reached the peak as I guessed it!

Tianyu Yaoxian’s body began to slowly calm down. The entire huge body was no longer as masculine as it was just now. It was as soft as a broken bone, soft, like jelly, and it was still slowly landing. On the ground, slowly fall down!

After the whole body of the Tianyu Demon Fairy fell to the ground, Lu Chen finally discovered that a layer of misty mist appeared in the eyes of the two fish on the huge fish head. Lu Chen understood completely now. Now, the Tianyu Demon Fairy in front of you has definitely reached its peak!

"Xiao Ling, wasn't the chrysanthemum of the Tianyu Demon fairy just now! How could it be possible that such a small embroidering needle would directly make her reach the climax after entering, this...this is too cheating!" Lu Chen Looking at Xiao Ling, I feel that Xiao Ling did not tell the truth, otherwise why would this happen!

"Master, I really didn't lie to you! There is indeed the chrysanthemum of the Tianyu Demon Fairy, but as for why it became like this, I am not very clear, but... But I think it should be what the master just guessed! "Xiao Ling's face is even more red!

"What I guessed just now? What did I just guess?" Lu Chen completely forgot what he had just accidentally said, and looked at Xiao Ling in confusion, "Xiao Ling, can you remind me, Master, I just What are your guesses! I forgot!"

"That's... you said that Tianyu Demon Fairy, for a long time... a long time without that, so just being stimulated by an embroidery needle, I can't stand it! So..." Xiao Ling was shy and couldn't say it anymore. In a word, his delicate little face was deeply buried in his straight double peaks, making Lu Chen feast for the eyes again!

"Hey!" Lu Chen smiled suddenly and said: "Xiaoling! Isn't that the thing! What's so shy, Master, I do that thing every day, how often do you not admire it by the side! I remember You don’t seem to be so shy! Where did such a generous little spirit go! By the way, I remember a woman only becomes extremely shy when she thinks about that, when she mentions that aspect, don't you, Xiaoling..."

"Hey! Bad boy master, you just want to do it! People... they ignore you! They kindly remind you that you still laugh at them and they won't help you again next time!" Xiao Ling's charming big eyes slowly A trace of tears appeared, as if he was really about to cry, but the smile hidden deep in Xiao Ling's eyes was telling others how happy Xiao Ling was in his heart now!

But Lu Chen, a man who is very afraid of girls crying, was not as shrewd as usual. Seeing Xiaoling’s tearful eyes, he panicked and didn’t know what to do for a while. Finally, he thought about it. Still said: "Xiaoling, Master, I was wrong! I won't laugh at my Xiaoling anymore! Tell me, Xiaoling! If you want Master how to compensate you, Master will definitely promise you without saying anything!"

"Really young master?" Xiao Ling Miwu's eyes still flickered with tears, extremely charming, especially with Xiao Ling's graceful and petite figure, which makes people involuntarily produce a feeling of pity!

"Really, Master will never lie to you!" Lu Chen nodded firmly. For Xiao Ling, Lu Chen really never compensated her, and he didn't know how to compensate her. It just happened that these made Xiao Ling angry, and Lu Chen was ready to take this opportunity to compensate her!

"Is this!" Xiao Ling blinked misty eyes, and the tears in his eyes suddenly disappeared. Then he said: "Then the master owes it! I haven't thought about it yet! Okay! Master! "

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