Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 309: Ready to hit the road!

As time goes by, the Tianyu Demon Fairy also seems to be recovering, and his weak body is slowly beginning to recover, but the spring love in his eyes still exists. Perhaps because of the powerful function of the super artifact, Tianyu Demon Fairy, Looking at Lu Chen's gaze, they were so different!

"Um!" Lu Chen was hairy by the eyes of Tianyu Demon Fairy. Although Lu Chen likes women very much, your sister, you are the carp mother, if you put it bluntly. Could Lu Chen catch his eye ! Do you have to disgust our Lu Chen?

"MMD, it's disgusting, forget it, let's send you on the road!" Lu Chen was disgusted by Tianyu Yaoxian and wanted to vomit. In the end, he really didn't want to pollute his eyeballs with this bastard, so he decided to send her. Go on the road, so as not to think of this when you eat yourself in the future, it's over!

"Big..." A long slip of "big" came out of Lu Chen's mouth, and the abdomen of Tianyu Demon Fairy began to swell slowly.

Yang Mingzi and the great elder looked at Tianyu Demon Fairy nervously, thinking that she had used some tricks. Who knows, Tianyu Demon Fairy let out a strong roar, and then the whole body burst into a strong wave. Then there was a **** storm in the sky.

And at this moment, a silver light suddenly burst out of Lu Chen's body, and it flashed directly into the mind of Tianyu Demon Fairy. After the silver light flashed again, he heard Lu Chen say: "Okay! Everyone. It's solved, we can go back! I don't know how they are now!"

The silver light that flashed on Lu Chen's body was naturally the fellow Nightmare. This fellow finally woke up when Lu Chen had just killed the Tianyu Demon Fairy. As soon as I feel that there is a large group of powerful mental power in front of me, without thinking about it, I just rushed out and started to absorb it!

Fortunately, that group of Wuzhu’s mental power belonged to the Tianyu Demon. It was originally prepared for the nightmare. Otherwise, let alone the nightmare, it’s so easy to absorb it. Maybe, after so long of hard work, In this way, it was wasted directly, and she herself was seriously injured!

"Hey, why don't you leave! The enemies have been killed!" After being absorbed by the nightmare, the huge body of the Tianyu Demon fairy began to slowly turn into a little shining aura, slowly radiating In the air, her eyes were still full of shock and fear!

The elder and Yang Mingzi looked at each other with some horror, and then muttered: "Lu Chen, have you solved that guy? Are you sure he really has Mahayana period?"

"Is he a Mahayana period? Don't you know!" Lu Chen replied lightly, glanced at the disappeared Tianyu Demon Fairy, shook his head, and flew directly back.

If the Yu Yaoxian had been resolved today, Lu Chen found that his body seemed to have almost recovered. Thinking about the many tasks in the Scarlet Abyss, Lu Chen knew that he should go! Staying here for half a month is enough, there is no need to waste time here!

Looking at the nightmare in his mind, falling asleep again, although Lu Chen wanted to scold him, he still sighed slightly, forget it! Anyway, those things are prepared for him, just let her go! As long as you can pay more attention to it in the future, that's it!

Returning to the settlement of the blood sea clan, Lu Chen directly found all the blood sea clan hiding in the deep gully, told them that they were safe, and then told Lu Ye and Li Yan that he was going to continue in the **** abyss. I want to ask about their plans!

"Brother Chen, you are finally leaving! I thought you were going to live here for the rest of your life!" Li Yan said excitedly as soon as he heard Lu Chen's words. He has been a little bored here, although the scenery here Very beautiful, but in fact, it is very unsuitable for people like him. He would rather live in thrills.

"Yeah! Lu Chen, it's time to go! Our original plan is to stay in the **** abyss. We stayed in the first half of the year. Now nearly three or four months have passed. You have to go inside the **** abyss. The remaining time, It's not enough for us to waste here!" Feng Yi also nodded and said.

"For half a year, why didn't I know?" Lu Chen glanced at Feng Yi a little strangely. He didn't seem to know that he originally planned to stay here for the first half of the year! But speaking of it, after getting the Fruit of the Abyss, even if Lu Chen graduated from Mowu Academy, is there any need to worry about the half-year deadline!

Feng Yi looked at Lu Chen's eyes even more weird, "Don't you know, before I came here, I told you that we are in the **** abyss, we are expected to stay in the first half of the year, and then we will leave here. ! Did you forget what I said again!"

"It's you who didn't say it!" Lu Chen curled his lips, pondered slightly, and indeed remembered that Feng Yi had to be the night before entering the **** abyss. He told them that he expected to stay in the **** abyss for the first half of the year. Time, no matter if there is any fruit in the abyss, you must leave!

"Okay! Since you are all planning to leave! Then I will tell the great elder to go now! I have to say hello when I leave for such a long time!" With that, Lu Chen was about to turn around and leave. , Lu Ye stopped him when looking for the great elder who had just returned.

Several women pulled Lu Chen aside, and then Lu Ye asked, "Lu Chen, let's go now too! Sister Heidi, what are you going to do with you? Should you take her with you, or..."

Lu Chen didn't even think about it, and said directly: "Of course we took it away together! We've already said it before, let's talk about it..." Lu Chen raised his brows and said silveryly: "How to say, now the seabed is also Be regarded as one of your sisters, do you say I will let her stay!"

"Bah!" The women spoofed Lu Chen directly, and then Lu Ye still asked, "Then Hai Wenwen and Haina two sisters, what are you going to do?"

"Hai Wenwen, Henna?" Lu Chen looked at Lu Ye speechlessly, as if he had nothing to do with these two women, right! I and the two of them said a few words at most. Compared with other women of the blood sea tribe, the relationship is better, but not to that extent. Moreover, it seems that Li Yan is that guy, and he seems to be a little bit towards Hai Wenwen. Be interested!

"Yes! It's the two of them!" Lu Ye nodded and said.

Lu Chen waved his hand angrily, "Don't be kidding, I have nothing to do with them, so naturally I won't take it away! Hai Wenwen seems to be interested in her, if he is willing to take Hai Wenwen with him, at the same time If Wenwen is willing, I won't care!"

Lu Chen's words made several women give him a blank look at the same time, "Huh! I'm kidding? People have already called for the door just now, saying that they are going to leave with us. As for Hai Wenwen and Li Yan, Li Yan is the one. Guy, after knowing that Hai Wenwen likes you, he just gave up!"

"No...no!" Lu Chen was stunned. Could it be that his charm is so good? Because of Heidi, these two women are better than others. Steal someone from the family directly, sin, "You promised?"

"Can you still agree? You see for yourself the three of them..." Lu Ye pointed to the three women Heidi, Heina and Haiwenwen not far away, and let Lu Chen take a look. Lu Chen turned around. At first glance, I found three women, who were looking at this side with a worried expression. It seems that this conversation has been planned for a long time!

"You all agreed, what else can I say! Then take it! In fact, I don't know about these two women. Since Lu Ye is so good, let my harem grow stronger again, of course I can't let it You are disappointed!" Lu Chen said shamelessly.

So this matter is so settled!

"Elder, I am going to go!" Lu Chen directly found the Elder and told him about this!

"This... you left so soon, your injury is still not healed! Will it be affected if you leave at this time? Or else! I will send a few people with you to help along the way!" The Great Elder frowned slightly when he heard Lu Chen was leaving!

Although he had thought that Lu Chen would leave sooner or later, but he wanted to come, it would take at least a month later, but he did not expect that Lu Chen would be ready to leave so early, which made the elders not prepared at all, but thought about it. , In the end, Lu Chen has not been retained!

"I don't need this! I am going to enter the **** abyss. Isn't your family rules stipulated that you are not allowed to enter the **** abyss! Besides, I just want to complete a few tasks! Nothing!" Lu Chen Rejected with a smile!

"What's the matter, the rules are also set by people. The rules are for people to break! Then arrange for Heidi, Haven, and Heina, who have higher cultivation bases, to accompany you in!" He waved his hand and said, as soon as he finished speaking, he found that Lu Chen was stunned, looking at himself with embarrassment, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Lu Chen, what's the matter, do these people have problems! Or, I'll change it for you again?"

"That's not necessary, it's like this, Great Elder. The Heidi, Heina, and Haven you just mentioned, they have decided to go in with me into the interior of the Scarlet Abyss! I was just about to tell you, but you Let's talk about it first!" Lu Chen said embarrassingly.

"It turned out to be like this!" The elder gave Lu Chen a thoughtful look, and then said: "It seems that my old man is troubled! If this is the case, then do whatever you want! Anyway, you already have a plan. Now, do whatever you want! As long as you don’t forget, you can still be the honorary elder of our blood sea clan!"

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