"Of course I won't forget this! Don't worry!" Lu Chen laughed, took out a jade talisman from the ring, and handed it to the elder, "This is my practice combined with my own practice, plus it is suitable for your gods. Learn the practice, and then I will help you get the exercises! Very suitable for you!"

The elder was a little excited and took the jade charm that Lu Chen handed over. He didn't rush to look at it, he tightened his ring and said, "Thank you so much! Lu Chen, I just heard you have to do some The quest is it! I don’t know if you have any quests in the outer layer of Scarlet Abyss! If there are, we are very familiar with the blood sea clan, let our people help you to complete it!"

"En! That's fine! I'm in the outer layer of the Scarlet Abyss, and there are indeed a few tasks left, yes..." Lu Chen told the elder of his tasks, the elder slapped his hand and laughed. He said: "These tasks are too simple! Don't worry! I will help you complete it in at most three days! By the way, this is the map of the outer layer of the Scarlet Abyss. A month ago, we just finished it. , Absolutely true!"

With that said, the Great Elder took out a piece of paper made of sheepskin from the ring. This kind of thing, because it is often used, does not exist in the jade talisman. After all, the jade talisman is convenient to use, but In this world, it is a bit inconvenient!

Lu Chen was pleased with the result of this map. He had just prepared it. He will rest here for one night today, and will leave tomorrow morning. Then in the evening, he will go out by himself to depict the entire outer layer of the Scarlet Abyss. However, Lu Chen was really excited when he heard that the elder was helping himself to complete the task and handing over the newly drawn map to himself!

"Grand Elder, thank you so much! If that's the case, then I will trouble you again!" Lu Chen didn't refuse, as the outer layer of the Scarlet Abyss could not attract Lu Chen's attention anymore, and now only the inner layer, the existing ones Jiaolong also has the Sky Fish Demon Fairy, where such powerful monsters exist!

"No trouble, no trouble. If it is troublesome, it should be that we trouble you. If it weren't for you, we might have been eaten by the fish demon fairy that day! At that time, the entire Yuanren clan will be perished. In my hands, I have become a sinner of the Yuanren clan!" The Great Elder said with emotion.

Lu Chen discovered that every time the great elder spoke, whenever he encountered a major event affecting the entire race, he would call himself the Yuanren clan, and when it came to small things, he would still call himself the blood sea clan. These people still haven't forgotten that they are in the realm of comprehension, maybe they still have plans to return to the realm of comprehension!

If this is the case, Lu Chen wouldn't mind helping them! Moreover, the exercise that Lu Chen handed over to the Great Elder just now, if the blood sea clan can cooperate with the Yuan Lingshi cultivation, the growth rate is very fast, it may not take decades for someone to break through to the **** level.

That's right, you read it right, it's a **** level, not a fairy level! For Lu Chen, the existence of the immortal level is rubbish. Although his current cultivation base is no more than the existence of the immortal level, he is destined to become a saint. Only those god-level masters will attract Lu Chen’s attention. .

However, this film technique has some shortcomings. First, you must reach the Nascent Soul Stage before you can practice! But this is not a problem for the current blood sea clan. One is that all of them are now in the Nascent Infant stage, and the other is because the fish monster mist has the function of automatically replicating the progeny that day, so in the future, it will be a blood sea. Children born in the clan will have the inborn infant stage as soon as they are born, so for them, this shortcoming is not a shortcoming!

The second disadvantage is that this exercise can only be cultivated to the existence of the deity, no matter what, it is impossible to be holy, unless Lu Chen, the guy who created this exercise, can create the following gong again. law. Of course, this will have to wait until Lu Chen becomes a saint.

Otherwise, he is a small fairy-level task, do you think it is possible for him to create a technique that can directly become a holy! Of course it is impossible. You must know that so far, the entire cultivation world can be directly sanctified, but only the Hongmeng Jue and Feng Meng Jue in Lu Chen's hands!

"Lu Chen! I told you last time that I will take you to my little medicine garden after your health recovers. It just so happens. Now that I have time, I will go and give orders. Go take a look!" The Great Elder said with a smile suddenly.

"En! Okay! I just want to tell them!" Lu Chen nodded, and when the elder left, he found Lu Ye and the others again. Lu Ye and the others were already ready. Seeing Lu Chen coming, thought It's time to go, so he grabbed Lu Chen's arm and prepared to leave the settlement of the blood sea clan!

Lu Chen let go of Catherine who was holding his arm, and said, "Um... we won't leave today, let's wait three more days! Don't we still have many missions from the outer layers of the Scarlet Abyss! I just talked to the Great Elder. The great elder said to help us complete those tasks!"

"Ah! That's it! I don't know!" The women nodded and said.

"You still have to go shopping again! I have something to do in a while, and I have to get something with the elder, so I won't have time to accompany you!" Lu Chen thought for a while, still felt that he would not take these people to the elder. It’s a small medicine garden. After all, that kind of place is not suitable for many people to enter.

After waiting for a while, Lu Chen saw more than one hundred members of the blood sea tribe, divided into ten groups, and left the settlement of the blood sea tribe. Lu Chen knew that this should have been arranged by the great elder, just in time to hear the great elder's shout. ,: "Lu Chen, are you ready, let's go!"

So Lu Chen greeted everyone and left directly! Along the way, Lu Chen walked in parallel with the Great Elder. While flying, he talked to the Great Elder. The shortcomings of the exercise that was given to the Great Elder just now were not caused by Lu Chen deliberately playing tricks, but just now. There really is no chance to tell him!

"Oh! These two shortcomings! It doesn't matter! For us, it shouldn’t be considered a shortcoming! If you have to cultivate in the Yuan Ying stage, according to what you said before, the birth of our blood sea tribe’s child is Yuan Ying stage! And the second one can only cultivate to the godly respect stage, this is a height we can't imagine! How can we dare to demand!" The elder said without paying attention.

But in the heart of the great elder, the sky has already turned upside down at this time. What kind of concept is this? The entire Yuanren clan has never reached a level that has never been reached. Now, as long as you practice continuously, you will surely reach it. With future exercises, you can even continue to increase your cultivation base. ! Lu Chen is really a nobleman of our family!

No matter how excited the great elder is, Lu Chen will not care. To him, these are nothing. The godly period is just a halfway stop in his life. This position is quite far from his terminal station. The remoteness, now that it can help a race with a large number of gods in the future, why not do Lu Chen!

Of course, this kind of thing is also related to the Yuanren clan’s special system and their previous exercises. If they were replaced by someone else, Lu Chen would not be so sure, saying that as long as he keeps practicing, he can reach the gods. Respect period, such a height!

Soon, the two of them had already arrived at the door of the Great Elder’s Little Medicine Garden. Just standing at the door, Lu Chen felt a powerful aura and rushed towards his face. Of course, these auras, for ordinary cultivators, It's still quite strong, but for Lu Chen's great power, it seems a bit weak!

"Lu Chen is my little medicine garden! It's messy inside, and the place is not very big! After entering, I hope you don't laugh!" Although the elder spoke very humble, the triumphant look on his face still very obvious! After all, having such a thing is something worth showing off for any cultivator!

Under the leadership of the elder, after a rather complicated journey, Lu Chen finally entered the elder's small medicine garden. It is said that it is a small medicine garden, but it is actually not small at all. It looks like a few thousand acres of land, which is the size of more than one hundred football fields. It is larger than the medicine garden in Lu Chen's ring at the beginning! Of course, after such a long period of "looting", the medicine garden in Lu Chen's ring is tens of thousands of times larger than this!

The aura in the small medicine garden is more abundant, it has almost reached the level of liquefaction, and a thick layer of aura cloud has been formed two meters above the ground, and the lower part is also covered with light gauze. Look When Lu Chen pays attention to this, the heart of the elder is even more happy!

Lu Chen discovered that the reason why this small medicine garden was able to possess such a powerful and almost liquefied aura was because the small face of this small medicine garden turned out to be a powerful immortal stone vein. If calculated according to the standards of the cultivation world, there are billions of inferior celestial stones, tens of millions of medium celestial stones, and millions of high-grade celestial stones! It is a pity that there is no such thing as the best immortal stone!

Lu Chen swallowed, and asked, "The big elder, have you noticed that there are some things under your little medicine garden!" The existence of such a powerful fairy stone mine for planting medicinal materials is simply a violent thing. , Even if the spirit stone mine is below, it is a waste! So Lu Chen is ready to ask!

"What? Is there something underneath? Does something have an effect on my pharmacy?" The elder looked at Lu Chen nervously, for fear that something in Lu Chen's mouth would have an impact on his pharmacy. Time can be troublesome!

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