Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 311: Celestial vein!

Lu Chen sweated for a moment, and then said quietly: "That's not it, but don't you think that there is too much spiritual energy in the distance of yourself! And it is constantly being produced, as if it is endless!" "After Lu Chen finished speaking, he looked at the Great Elder!

"You said this!" The elder waved his hand indifferently, and then said: "My formation can continuously absorb aura from the outside world to supplement and increase the aura in this formation. Otherwise, you think that there is nothing else. A function that increases time, how can it be possible to grow medicinal materials in it! Without aura, even if you increase your time, the medicinal effects of medicinal materials will not change!"

Lu Chen frowned. When he entered this formation, Lu Chen naturally discovered this, but he didn't understand. How could this great elder be such an idiot? Does he think that a formation is incidental to absorb spiritual energy? Gongfa, can plunder so much aura from the surrounding air?

"Great Elder, that's it! Don't you think that with such a small formation, you can plunder so much aura from the environment! Don't you think that there is something else under your medicine garden? Do things exist?" Lu Chen didn't directly say the things that existed underground, but guided the thoughts of the elder in a persuasive way.

"This..." The Great Elder scratched his head stupidly, "You mean, there are spirit stone veins under this?"

Lu Chen watched the elder carelessly speaking out the spirit stone veins, and was a little surprised. You must know that whether it is a spirit stone vein or an immortal stone vein, even if it is a divine consciousness vein, it must be the existence of the cultivator's jealousy. He didn't even care about this thing, did he already know it before!

"Impossible. I have checked it before. There are no spiritual veins in this underground, but there are some natural spiritual gathering formations. It is precisely for this reason that the aura here is very sufficient. Set the location of the small medicine garden here!" The next words of the great elder let Lu Chen understand!

Just by hearing the name, the spirit gathering formations are used to gather spiritual energy, while the natural gathering formations are formed independently for reasons of internal environment. Such gathering formations are generally stronger than those arranged by cultivators. Things like those immortal mountains and spiritual waters are generally created by such a naturally formed spirit gathering formation!

It is because of this natural spirit gathering formation that the Great Elder directly ignored the immortal stone veins buried underground and more than a thousand meters deep. However, even without this natural gathering formation, the elder would not be able to find it, because with his previous cultivation base, the divine consciousness can only enter more than two hundred meters underground. Naturally, the celestial veins below a thousand meters cannot be found!

Lu Chen adjusted his breathing, and then said: "Elder, I just checked, the underground of your little medicine garden, there is not only a natural gathering formation, but also... there is also a storage capacity. Very large celestial vein!"

"Oh! You said there are immortal stone veins down there! Oh!" The Great Elder stopped Lu Chen's words, and still replied very plainly, but Lu Chen knew that this was the prelude to the great elder's excitement. As expected, a few seconds later, The great elder jumped up suddenly excitedly, clamped Lu Chen's arms with both hands, and said excitedly: "You...you said...there are immortal stone veins below?"

"En! That's right, a celestial vein with a lot of storage and high quality!" Lu Chen nodded.

Xianshi veins generally only appear in the fairy world, as the existence of the currency of the fairy world. If a cultivator can get a celestial stone, he is already excited enough. Now a large-stocked celestial vein has appeared in front of the elder, can you say he is not excited!

Yuan Lingshi is considered to be a kind of pseudo-spirit stone. It is only because of its special ability to increase the effect of divine consciousness, so the Yuanren is under the siege of the entire cultivation world. Now a kind of existence beyond the spiritual stone, the appearance of the immortal stone mineral vein, makes the Yuanren A clan can rise again, and the great elder can almost see the moment when the Yuanren clan is once again glorious!

The Great Elder’s breathing became rapid, and his mouth tremblingly asked: "Lu Chen, what is the specific storage capacity of this fairy stone vein? Can you tell me! I want to know what I am about to face , What a wealth, a wealth that I almost missed!"

Seeing the elder eagerly touched, Lu Chen was amused, but if someone knew what Lu Chen was doing now, he would definitely say with contempt: "You kid, there is something funny about others, you are standing talking. It doesn't hurt! The content in your own ring is just the number of top-quality fairy stones, which is already tens of thousands of times the total number of this fairy stone vein, not to mention the existence of countless sacred stones and sacred stones in it!

Coupled with your Hongmeng Pearl, it is equivalent to another world, another universe, and there are countless mineral veins in it. Since the Hongmeng beads are all yours, those things are naturally yours! Of course you won't care about such a small vein! "

"According to the standards of the cultivation world, there are billions of inferior celestial stones, tens of millions of medium celestial stones, and millions of high-grade celestial stones! It is a pity that there are no top-grade celestial stones!" Lu Chenyao I shook my head and told the elder what I saw!

"Porphy!" The elder swallowed fiercely, and his entire face became extremely red, and even his eyes became more and more red, just like a red-eyed rabbit. "This... so much! Are you sure you didn't read it wrong, or didn't joking with me?"

"Of course not! I'm sure I'm not mistaken! But the depth is a bit deep. If you mine by yourself, it will be more difficult!" Lu Chen guessed the decision of the elder at once, so he said it unceremoniously. The Great Elder gave a severe blow!

The beaten elder slowly returned to his normal state, the red tide on his face (how disgusting!), also began to slowly disappear, and then said: "Lu Chen, you can find the existence of this vein , You should be able to dig it out too! When the time comes, you just take half!"

Lu Chen glanced at the elder weirdly, and then said: "Yeah! So generous, then I'm not welcome! After I get it out for you, I will really take half of it!" Lu Chen said about this kind of thing. Never know what politeness is! They pretended not to be polite when they delivered something to their door. That was not Lu Chen's style!

"En! I count the words! Besides, this immortal stone vein was discovered by you. If you don't talk to me, I won't get a piece of it! If it weren't for our Yuanren clan, we really need these things, otherwise, Even if you give it all to you, I won’t care!” The elder said generously, but his face was still quite painful.

"Hehe! That's OK! I'll take it for you now!" Lu Chen hehe, disappeared directly in front of the elder, teleporting away towards the place where the mineral vein was discovered. As for the elder, Naturally, he stayed in his little medicine garden in a daze, waiting excitedly.

Teleported directly to the upper layer of the fairy stone veins, Lu Chen directly collected a lot of speed, and then stood inside and began to slowly watch these song fairy stone veins, what is it! Although there are quite a lot of "stones" in Lu Chen's hands, they are all mined directly. Lu Chen has never seen such primitive veins!

However, after watching for a long time, Lu Chen discovered that this primitive mineral vein seemed to be a large piece of solid aura. The only difference was that different grades of immortal stones contained different impurities. The others were the same. Lu Chen I don't understand, it's just that the impurities are different, why are they divided into so many waiting!

Lu Chen took a look and put it into a blank ring. Just now, a large piece of celestial stone, he discovered that they had all automatically transformed into the standard model of celestial stone in the fairy world. Now Lu Chen is even more curious, what is going on, why these ores can be directly converted once they are mined!

Next, Lu Chen carefully looked at a small piece of fairy stone ore and put it in his ring. At the beginning, the ore was the ore, and there was no change. After waiting for a minute, it seemed that there was an invisible The knife automatically decomposes the raw ore into fairy stones of the fairy world standard!

A fairy stone that is ten centimeters long and five centimeters wide and two centimeters thick!

"Is it because of the rules?" Lu Chen muttered softly, and he didn't care. If it was because of the rules, then it was not something that Lu Chen could dissolve now. , Let's talk about collecting the ore as soon as possible!

In the next time, Lu Chen was naturally placed on collecting the fairy stone veins. It took about five or six hours. Lu Chen finally collected the pile of fairy stone veins in front of him, and there was no trace of the fairy stone mine inside. Fortunately, Lu Chen has a little bit of Spiritual Sense, otherwise, let alone five or six hours, five or six days, it may not be able to collect!

After finishing the collection, Lu Chen calculated that he had collected more than 8 billion inferior celestial stones, 110 million in medium celestial stones, and 9.6 million in high-grade celestial stones. The inferior immortal stone and the superior immortal stone were the same as Lu Chen estimated, and as for the medium immortal stone to have 110 million pieces, it was beyond Lu Chen's expectation.

The division between each class of fairy stones in the fairy world is one to one hundred, that is, a top-grade fairy stone is equal to one hundred high-grade fairy stones, equal to ten thousand middle-grade fairy stones, and one million inferior fairy stones. In other words, if converted into inferior immortal stones, there are a total of hundreds of billions of inferior immortal stones. The number of this vein is enough to prompt a force to reach the forefront of the entire immortal world! This shows how huge the reserves of this fairy stone vein are!

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