Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 328: Lu Ye's hesitation!

"Where am I? What's wrong with me?" Slowly, Lu Ye gradually woke up from a coma. The drowsiness and pain in her head prevented her from thinking at all. As long as she thought about something slightly, her whole head seemed to be pierced severely by something.

In this way, after being groggy for a long time, Lu Ye finally felt that he could think slightly, so he slowly recalled what had happened to him. Although Lu Ye's head was still a bit painful when thinking about things like this, Lu Ye felt very painful if he didn't figure out what was wrong with him!

The memory slowly returned to when Lu Ye piloted the flying sword and followed Lu Chen up to fly. When I passed through the cloud layer, I suddenly felt that the vitality in my body was a little insufficient, so I slowed down, but at that time he forgot to remind Lu Chen, and as a result, Lu Chen did not notice himself.

After that, Lingying and Yang Mingzi had been paying attention to things ahead, so when they passed through the cloud layer, they did not notice that Lu Ye fell behind them. And when they came out of the cloud layer, Lu Chen had already reached the open space on the top floor, and they took it for granted that Lu Ye had also arrived!

Lu Ye, who was walking slowly through the clouds and mist, was a little frightened as he watched the person in front of him quickly pass him! But thinking of his own cultivation base, he didn't care. But as time passed, he felt that something was wrong. Even if the cloud was thick, but he had been flying for at least half an hour, why didn't he get out of it!

Now Lu Ye felt something was wrong, and opened his mouth to call Lu Chen to come over and see what happened to him! But what frightened her was that she could not make a sound. It's as if my own voice has been blocked by something. This made her very panicked.

Just when she didn't know what to do, suddenly an old voice appeared in her ears: "Little girl, what's wrong with you? Did something happen to you? Talk to my old woman, look at me Can I help you! Don't worry! Old lady, I like helping others best!"

Lu Ye looked up in surprise, but found nothing at all, so he shouted: "Who are you! Why are you here, why are you helping me!" At this time, Lu Ye found strangely. My own voice was able to shout out again!

"Little girl, don't look for it, you can't find my old woman! As for why I want to help you, my old woman has just said, my favorite thing is to help others!" The old voice sounded again , And the feeling for Lu Ye was that that person was getting closer and closer to him!

"En!" Lu Ye thought for a while, and was about to yell again, but when she opened her mouth, she couldn't make a sound again. Lu Ye had already made a slight determination in her heart, knowing why she encountered such a situation. It should be caused by the talking grandma in the ear!

Lu Ye's eyes rolled and he had a plan: "Okay! Thank you, grandma, I would like to ask you to help me get out of this place and send me to the platform above to meet my companions! Excuse me! , Grandma!" Sure enough, Lu Ye's voice could be heard again!

"It's easy!" The old voice made Lu Ye feel a little bit wrong, but Lu Ye had already known what this old grandma must have for herself. This made Lu Ye more vigilant. "But! My old lady likes to help, but the pay is not low!"

"This is natural! Helping others, of course, you have to be paid!" Lu Ye said without hesitation, but in his heart, he said without annoyance: "Helping others, and wanting to be paid, what kind of help are you? , I have fallen to this point now, not all your fault, you even let me pay you!"

"That's good! Let's talk about the payment you must give me first! If you agree, I can help you! Listen! See you are so beautiful and your cultivation level! It's not bad, I happen to have a son , There is no wife yet, if you agree to be my son’s wife, I will help you! How about it!"

"You..." Lu Ye was so angry that a strong flame appeared in his eyes when he heard the old woman's words, "You're kidding! I already have a husband, so how can I marry someone else! Grandma, you can change someone else? Ask! I want money or baby, my husband has it all!"

"Huh! No one can take away the person I like! The husband you mentioned is the man you call Lu Chen! Isn't it true that as long as I kill him, you promise to be my daughter-in-law? "The cold voice of the old woman made Lu Ye shiver!"

Especially when the old woman uttered the three words Lu Chen, Lu Ye was even more nervous. This old woman could know Lu Chen's name, she must have stayed by Lu Chen's side, but Lu Chen hadn't noticed her existence, so her cultivation level must be higher than Lu Chen.

If she wants to kill Lu Chen, maybe it is really possible! Worried about Lu Chen's comfort, Lu Ye naturally did not allow the old woman to do so. But to let her leave Lu Chen and marry a man he had never seen, Lu Ye was even more reluctant. Unless she dies!

Thinking of this, Lu Ye said firmly: "You still kill me! I will never leave Lu Chen! Even if Lu Chen is dead! If he dies, then the date of his death is also the date of my death. Humph!" After Lu Ye finished speaking, he ignored the vicious old woman.

"Yo! The little girl is quite spicy! But this is more suitable for my appetite! I want to see what Lu Chen is capable of. Wait, I will hold his head and make you give up! "After speaking, Lu Ye felt black before his eyes, and then fainted.

The memory slowly ended, and Lu Ye began to observe the surrounding environment. What is certain now is that he must have been caught by the old woman. I don't know how Lu Chen is like. I hope he is fine! Thinking of Lu Chen, Lu Ye couldn't help but shed tears from the corner of his eyes!

Suddenly, Lu Ye was overjoyed, and a familiar voice rang in his ear: "Ye'er, are you all right!"

Lu Ye raised his head happily, and looked around: "Master, master...you have nothing to do! How about you not being caught by that old woman! Master, where are you, why can't I see your person! You! Come out soon!" As he said, Lu Ye's tears fell from the corner of his eyes!

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