Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 319: Reality and fantasy!

"Shhh! Don't talk, Ye'er, I'm not next to you right now. I used my mental power to transmit your voice! Be careful, don't be discovered by them! That old lady is so powerful, I have to find a way now , Secretly rescue you from her!" Lu Chen's voice sounded!

"Ah! Master, the old woman didn't treat you like that!" Lu Ye trembled in his heart when he heard Lu Chen say that the old woman was very good, and asked nervously.

"No, of course not! How could I be injured by your brother! Although the old lady is quite powerful, I can escape much faster than her!" Lu Chen said with a proud smile. Just don't know why, when Lu Ye heard these words, something was always wrong!

Lu Chen was silent for a while, and then continued: "No, Ye Er, your voice was too loud just now, and you attracted the old woman. Wait for me, I will lead him away, and then come to rescue you later!" After speaking, Lu Chen's voice disappeared, no matter what Lu Ye called, he no longer responded.

Lu Ye was originally a smart person. When he returned to his original position, he began to slowly think about what Lu Chen had said. The more he thought about it, the more things went wrong, especially some of the lethal shortcomings that made Lu Ye more suspicious , One is that Lu Chen usually does not call Lu Ye Ye'er, but Ye'er sister. The second Lu Chen would not call herself a brother in front of Lu Ye. The third is this Lu Chen, who seems very afraid of that old woman. !

Is this Lu Chen fake?

Such a thought came to Lu Ye's mind. Unless Lu Chen was fake, how could three mistakes suddenly appear! But what if it is true and I blamed the master again? Lu Ye was very conflicted for a while, and finally thought about it, and decided to wait until Lu Chen came back for a while to see the situation!

After a while, an old woman appeared in front of Lu Ye, and in the hands of that old woman was a man who was very familiar with Lu Ye, who was not Lu Chen!

But at this time, Lu Chen looked extremely embarrassed. Junxiu's slightly handsome cheeks turned blue and purple, and his eyes turned into a pile of panda eyes. There were still faint bloodshot eyes at the corners of his mouth. Lu Ye saw the most embarrassed time in Lu Chen's life.

"Master, what's wrong with you, Master?" Lu Ye was extremely anxious, although the slightest error in his heart still existed, but at this time Lu Ye couldn't take care of that much!

"Hmph, little girl, see it now! Your lover has been caught by me, what else do you have to say! I am asking you now, whether you marry my son or not, if it is still no, then I I'll send you to the west together!" the old woman said viciously.

"No! Ye'er, I don't have anything you meant to love the place. I saw his son, who is very good and has a high cultivation base! He can definitely protect you! You can agree to it!" As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Chen shouted eagerly, as if he was really afraid of being killed!

Now, if Lu Ye still couldn't tell the obvious things, then he would have been Lu Chen's maid for so many years for nothing, so she immediately understood that the Lu Chen in front of her was definitely a fake and shoddy product. With Lu Chen's character, even if he was killed, he would never give up Lu Ye.

"Huh! Two idiots! Do you think you can fool me with this kind of trick!" Lu Ye gave two stern eyes, then said: "Okay, you two, don't pretend, I know you are not Lu Chen, Young Master will never be so useless like you! I said, unless I die! Otherwise I will never leave Young Master's side!"


"Nightmare, what happened to me just now?" At the call of the nightmare, Lu Chen finally woke up slowly and looked up. Although there are still bamboo forests and small rivers in front of him, the pond, arch bridge, and the classical beauty , Then all disappeared!

"Master, you just fell into the illusion! But this illusion was caused by the expectation deep in the master's heart! Unexpectedly, the master would be interested in such an environment! And the master, likes it! It turned out to be a classic beauty!" Nightmare said with a grin.

Lu Chen flushed slightly, and then asked, "Why did I fall into the illusion? This illusion is too powerful!"

"Master, this is not a question of whether the illusion is powerful or not, but because the expectation in your heart was too strong before, so it is easy to fall into this illusion, where there is nothing powerful at all. If At that time, you were able to pay attention, even if it was a little dim sum and notice the surrounding things, you would find that these things are all fake!" Nightmare said.

"By the way, Master, I just discovered the mistress!" Seeing Lu Chen's silence, Nightmare suddenly said again.

"What! You found Lu Ye, where is she?" When he heard about Lu Ye, Lu Chen suddenly realized his purpose. He didn't know why. Today, he entered this lost place. I forgot my purpose once, is this the meaning of Lost Place?

"It's not far ahead, now the mistress seems a bit dangerous!" Nightmare was still talking slowly, but as he said, suddenly the whole person seemed to have discovered something, and the whole person became anxious, "Master hurry up. In the past, I will find your way!"

As soon as he saw the appearance of the nightmare, Lu Chen knew that Lu Ye must be in crisis now, so he didn’t care about thinking or not. Directly under the guidance of the nightmare, he quickly went to the place where Lu Ye was. Rush away. The anxious look made the nightmare a little bit edible!

Along the way, Lu Chen can be said to meet the gods and kill the gods and the Buddha to kill the Buddha. Everything that stood in front of Lu Chen was directly and violently destroyed by him. If you look down from the sky at this time, you will find that the places Lu Chen passed by have become messy, just a straight line!

Soon, Lu Chen appeared at the entrance of a cave, and the nightmare said directly: "Master, be careful, the mistress is in the cave, but this cave is full of formations, and most of them are fantasy formations. I hope the master Don't be trapped by these formations!"

"It's right here! I know you can help me solve these formation problems, don't give me nonsense, just kill them, if there are any problems, I will find time to compensate you later!" Lu Chen said coldly .

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