Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 323: Enter the illusion again! (three)

Suddenly, the door of the box was kicked open fiercely, and a young man came in! The young man's footsteps were light, and his eyes were surrounded by black eye sockets. At first glance, he knew that it was an over-indulgence. That arrogant look is even more disgusting when I see it!

This man, Lu Chen, also knew him. He was a major evil in their school. It is said that his family is relatively strong. His father is the mayor of the city, and his second uncle is also the police chief of the city. Because of the existence of these two men, So even if this girl makes a big deal outside, he can be suppressed by those two.

Especially his second uncle, who was the chief of the police, put a lot of effort into it. Sometimes this girl got into trouble and was directly found at the police station by the family, but not only did not achieve unexpected results, but was beaten half-dead by those policemen, so that she dispelled the idea of ​​calling the police.

The man's name is Zhang Tianyi, who is a loyal suitor of Zilanxin. He is a good man, but his character is too bad. Some women who worshipped money out of school, as well as women forced by him, are even better than him. The other family members who are a bit strong, ignore him at all. Just like the few people in Zi Lanxin's dormitory.

"Zhang Tianyi, what do you want to do!" As soon as he saw Zhang Tianyi, Zhu Jie stood up and picked up a beer bottle on the table (when the liquor was served, a box of beer was also loaded!) , Pointing to Zhang Tianyi. He naturally knows Zhang Tianyi's personality, but he won't be afraid of Zhang Tianyi. He has never had a good face for Zhang Tianyi!

Zhang Tianyi stared at Zhu Jie with a sullen look, and then said in his mouth: "Zhu Jie, there is nothing to do with you today, don't worry about it! Don't think that there is some power in the family, and you can be arrogant here! Otherwise, I will let him today. You know, who owns the site here!"

"Really?" Zhu Jie was initially a little annoyed by Zhang Tianyi and bothered them. Now he was even more irritated by Zhang Tianyi's arrogance. After seeing Zhang Tianyi's head, he directly smashed the beer bottle in the past, not afraid of it. What an accident, how powerful it is, how powerful it is!

The unexpected blood splashing did not appear. I saw a young man behind Zhang Tianyi with a tall figure and a burst of killing spirit. He suddenly rushed to Zhang Tianyi's body and pinched the fly with one hand. The beer bottle that came, then looked at Zhu Jie warily.

"Huh!" Zhu Jie whispered in surprise, then glanced at the young man standing in front of Zhang Tianyi, and suddenly said: "Oh! I said today that your grandson is so bold, there was a soldier He became your bodyguard. Humph! When did soldiers learn to be running dogs!"

In Zhu Jie’s first sentence, Zhang Tianyi’s face flushed suddenly, and the latter sentence also made the young man standing in front of Zhang Tianyi blush, a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes, but soon, the young man As if thinking of something, he raised his head and said, "I am not a soldier anymore! The Zhang family gives me money, I naturally want to listen to them!"

Lu Chen discovered that when the young man was talking about money, a sad look flashed in his eyes, and he knew that this was another person who was stumped by money. But Lu Chen didn't say much. Although this world was an illusion, what he showed was a real world. Lu Chen will not lower his value because of such a person!

"That is to say, in today's affairs, you will definitely intervene?" Zhu Jie's eyes flashed an angry look. His family is a military family. Most of the elders in the whole family have served in the military, so he has a special affection for soldiers, and he will also be a runaway for the soldiers, and feel extremely sad.

"En!" The young man nodded firmly.

"Okay!" Zhu Jie was silent, lowered his head and began to think slowly. No one knew what he was thinking at this time, but Zhang Tianyi saw Zhu Jie's way and thought Zhu Jie was scared by his bodyguard. Up!

"Haha! Zhu Jie, aren't you very NB! Why are you not a good one now? Show me another good one! You bully and afraid of hardship, you just saw that I had no one, you were arrogant, now I am amazing, you Why don't you continue to be arrogant to me! Come on! Come on..."

"Touching" Zhang Tianyi's mouth was yelling recklessly, and suddenly he felt black in front of his eyes, and then a sharp pain came from his forehead. At the same time, there was also a huge burst of power, which was driven by this powerful force. , Zhang Tianyi flew out directly!

"I really hate a dog barking in front of me!" At this time, Lu Chen's voice finally sounded slowly.

Lu Chen's movements were too fast. Like Zhu Jie, he also picked up the beer bottle in front of him and slammed it directly at Zhang Tianyi. Lu Chen's skill is naturally not something a soldier can handle. Even a special person, in the hands of Lu Chen, still can't get through!

"This..." Everyone looked at Lu Chen with an indifferent expression in surprise. This was the first time Lu Chen had gone crazy in their impressions, but when Lu Chen went crazy, he was so powerful. Seeing Zhang Tianyi's blood covered his head, everyone couldn't help feeling a burst of refreshment in their hearts!

"Lu Chen, how dare you smash me?" Zhang Tianyi, who finally recovered, slowly got up from the ground, covered the wound on his head with one hand, his face was painful, his eyes flashed hard, and he pointed to the landing. Chen said. He was like that, and he simply took Lu Chen alive, and he couldn't relieve his anger!

"What's the matter! Who made a dog bark constantly in front of me! Looks like I am anxious. I have told many people that I like quiet and don't want others to disturb me! Don't you know? Oh! Sorry, I forgot, dogs don't understand human words!" Lu Chen squinted his eyes and looked at Zhang Tianyi with a languid look.

Lu Chen did say this before. At that time, Lu Chen's fame had just emerged. People often came to him to ask questions. Later, when Lu Chen got bored, he ran directly to the broadcasting room. During the broadcasting, he talked to the teachers and students of the school. It was also because of Lu Chen's sudden eruption that it really made him quiet. Except for a few familiar people, such as Chen Peng and Zi Lanxin, the others never came to bother him.

"You... Dezi, beat me fiercely, and I am responsible for killing him! He MD, isn't he an orphan! You dare to beat Laozi! The woman who robbed Laozi again, do you really think how powerful you are!" Zhang Tianyi's eyes became vicious and treacherous. After speaking to Zhang Tianyi, he took a step back slowly!

The person called Dezi was the soldier’s bodyguard just now. Hearing what Zhang Tianyi said, he couldn’t help but let out a wry smile. It was just the matter of Lu Chen throwing a bottle of wine just now. He already knew that Lu Chen was a master, absolutely I can't deal with it by myself, but thought... Tokuko still gritted his teeth and rushed directly!

Lu Chen sat in his seat leisurely, not caring about this person named Dezi. Zi Lanxin on the side was extremely worried when he saw Lu Chen's appearance, while Zhang Tianyi showed a smug smile. But seeing Zi Lanxin's nervous look at Lu Chen, the anger in her heart burst out again!

"Go!" Just when Dezi's fist was not far from Lu Chen's cheek, Lu Chen suddenly turned his head and roared. Dezi suddenly trembled as if he was frightened by something, and then his face turned Suddenly he became pale, and the big beads of sweat flowed down.

"Asshole! Dezi, what are you doing! Beat him to death!" Zhang Tianyi didn't care about the expression on Dezi's face. Seeing Dezi didn't follow his request, he felt even more angry and shouted The call was made, the wound on the head that had been solidified, and the blood came out again!

But Dezi was so scared just because of Lu Chen's voice just now, he didn't hear Zhang Tianyi's voice at all. After being pushed so gently by Zhang Tianyi, he fell directly to the place, trembling abruptly, and then stopped awakening!

"You...what did you do to Dezi?" At this time, Zhang Tianyi finally felt something wrong with Dezi. Looking at Dezi who was motionless under his feet, Zhang Tianyi felt cold and icy behind him. The feeling of a ghost made his heart tremble.

"I didn't do anything! Just let him sleep peacefully!" Lu Chen shrugged his shoulders, feeling indifferent!

"Sleep!" Zhang Tianyi gritted his teeth and suddenly turned around to leave. But will Lu Chen let him leave so peacefully? This is absolutely impossible.

"Stop, why do you want to go!" Lu Chen still squinted his eyes slightly, as if asking for advice on something very light!

"Where do I go, what do you care about?" Zhang Tianyi was still so arrogant and said directly with his back to Lu Chen. In his opinion, Dezi should have been hypnotized by Lu Chen directly. He thought to himself, as long as he didn't look at him, he would definitely not be hypnotized by him!

"Really! Then you have to make some compensation for interrupting our meal! Otherwise, next time we are eating, you will interrupt our meal again, don't we seem to have no face?" Although Lu Chen said casually, But the necessity in the tone made Zhang Tianyi unable to resist!

"I'll take this meal!" Although Zhang Tianyi didn't want to say this sentence, he found that his head could not control his mouth. What he said was not what he thought at all, and his actions, It made him feel even more frightened, took out a gold card, handed it to the waiter on the side, and said again: "Pick up the credit card! How much is this meal, I will give it!"

Everyone looked at Zhang Tianyi with surprise. They didn't understand the nerves Zhang Tianyi had made. Only Lu Chen was sitting aside mysteriously, without showing anything!

PS: There are repetitions in the previous chapters because I considered that paragraph. If you read them together, it would be very cool, so this is it! Since everyone mentioned it, it won't be like this in the future! well! Everyone, subscribe more and give more rewards! The one set before has not changed. Reward one thousand plus one change, and subscribe one thousand plus one change!

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