Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 324: Enter the illusion again! (four)

Although everyone looked at Zhang Tianyi's gaze, they were very surprised, but they were more vigilant. They knew exactly what Zhang Tianyi's character was like, and he would never do such a thing. Although this is Zilanxin's mother's property, there is no guarantee that he will retaliate from this! But they didn't expect that Zhang Tianyi really had no other purpose for doing this. It should be said that he could not have any other purpose at all!

Zhang Tianyi’s actions were naturally controlled by Lu Chen. Lu Chen only wanted to teach Zhang Tianyi a lesson, and also for fun, but he didn’t expect that everyone would react so strongly. It seems that Zhang Tianyi’s character is really good. too poor!

After Zhang Tianyi picked up his gold card from the waiter, he left directly! It looks like it's more arrogant than when I came! It seems that I have done something very great here just now!

"Lu Chen, was that you just now! So arrogant!" Tan Fang quickly said to Lu Chen after Zhang Tianyi left.

"Arrogant?" Lu Chen was a little depressed, he seemed to be quite low-key! How could it be arrogant. To be arrogant, Zhang Tianyi is already arrogant! By the way, even Zhu Jie said arrogantly, I can't even compare to him, let alone Zhang Tianyi!

"Do you think that Zhang Tianyi had any conspiracy! Otherwise, Lu Chen just smashed it so hard, and in the end he listened to Lu Chen's words and paid the bill with a smile?" Zi Lanxin's third sister and Zhang Zhang Jingjing of Tianyi's family asked with a frown.

"Haha! What conspiracy can he have, he only knows that it takes a lot of money, and it is not because today we Lu Chen is so crazy, so we have stopped him. You didn't see any of his bodyguards who served as soldiers, and Lu Chen shouted and frightened him. He has to fall to the ground. What kind of conspiracy does he dare to play!" Chen Peng said quite happily.

"Conspiracy?" When talking about conspiracy, Lu Chen knew that Zhang Tianyi would definitely not let him go like this, but Lu Chen was not afraid of his conspiracy. The big deal would be to destroy them directly. Could they still dare or say, there are What can you resist?

With this kind of thinking, Lu Chen had completely forgotten that this was in an illusion, he had already regarded this place as a real world. But in his heart, one thing Lu Chen didn't seem to forget was that he was very powerful now, and he was no longer the weak orphan before.

As for why he became so powerful, it was not something Lu Chen considered!

"Don't worry about his conspiracy, I'll just solve it at that time!" Lu Chen smiled slightly, and directly took the conversation from a few people, making Chen Peng and the others a little shocked again!

"Are you really still Lu Chen!" Although the others, including Zi Lanxin, wanted to ask Lu Chen for this sentence, but seeing the confidence on Lu Chen's face, they really really My friends are naturally quite happy. They naturally did not bring up such a disturbing topic!

"It's getting late, shall we go back to the dormitory now? Or go to karaoke?" This is the first time Lu Chen proposed to go out for entertainment in front of Chen Peng and the others, but because of the many changes Lu Chen had made before, So these people didn't care about Lu Chen's unusual suggestions this time.

"Of course I went to karaoke! How do you say today, it is also the day when you and your siblings have lovers, how can you waste your time in the dormitory! I have decided that I will not do the dormitory tonight, just spend it in KTV The remaining time!" Chen Peng shouted loudly!

Zhu Jie also nodded. He has completely recovered from the state of irritation just now. Although he has been thinking about what Zhang Tianyi did when he left, he still chose to go to K for entertainment at night. song! dorm room? That's where fools go!

In the end, everyone agreed to go to KTVK song together. Although this suggestion was made by Lu Chen, after all, he had never been to such a place. Naturally, he didn't know where a KTV existed, so in the end he still quite helplessly followed Chen Peng and the others.

Seeing Lu Chen's gloomy look, Yang Qianqian said with a grin: "Who told you, every time you call you out, you always make excuses. It's all right now! The person who asked to go to K-sing, even what KTV is? I don’t know the place, this is a big irony!"

Lu Chen touched his nose awkwardly, and said with a smile: "Sister, don't you know where the KTV is? This kind of place, not everyone must know, the irony of this day is too big Exaggerated!"

"It's not an exaggeration at all. Now college students, who doesn't know where the KTV is? You, a well-known figure of our Z University, don't even know where there is a KTV near the school. Are you talking about it is a big irony? !" Yang Qianqian said with her lips curled.

"Okay, okay! Don't do this for the two of you! This kind of thing is really convincing you!" Zhu Jie reluctantly pulled the arms of the two people to calm them down.

Soon, Lu Chen was taken by these people to a building with dazzling lights. Lu Chen looked up and saw that this was a KTV called "Liuguang". From the outside, it was luxuriously decorated with colorful lights of various colors, constantly flashing, reflecting the prosperity of the world.

"Let's go!" Lu Chen took the lead and walked into it, and found that this KTV called Liuguang, in the lobby, turned out to be a bar, which was very noisy and crowded. In those dim corners, Lu Chen could not even see Less in the group doing dirty business.

Lu Chen looked at this place with disgust, which was obviously different from the KTV in his impression. However, seeing a few other people, they seemed to be familiar with this place. Even Zi Lanxin did not leave. Lu Chen could only helplessly put away the disgusted expression on his face, walked behind Chen Peng again, and took Zi Lanxin. He put his arms in his arms and watched how they arranged.

Perhaps they knew that Lu Chen did not want such a noisy environment. Chen Peng and the others quickly found the waiter. Under the leadership of the waiter, they walked to a relatively remote box. When the box door was closed, the noisy environment outside , Was immediately isolated, and the smile on Lu Chen's face gradually revealed!

Although Lu Chen proposed to go to KTV to karaoke, this was done under the premise of a quiet environment! Of course, the so-called quiet environment here is definitely not the kind of quiet and silent, if it is, you still sing fart songs! It's that there is no disturbance from outsiders, only these people, happily together.

"Hehe! Lu Chen, how is this place? It should suit your appetite!" Chen Peng patted Lu Chen on the shoulder, then said with a grin.

"En! Very good! Do you come here often? How did I see the hall outside..." Lu Chen did not continue. With Chen Peng and their wisdom, they naturally understood Lu Chen's meaning, and Lu Chen didn't need to do it anymore. If the nonsense goes on, it is an insult to Chen Peng and the others!

Chen Peng smiled, and then explained, "Although it is a KTV, it is a large entertainment venue. Not only does it have KYV, you also see that there is also a bar outside. The second floor is the game hall, and the third floor is The billiard room, the fourth floor is an Internet cafe! And what is on the fifth floor. As for the basement, it is the largest casino in the city!"

"What!" Lu Chen looked at Chen Peng with some surprise. He didn't expect that such a small five-story building would have such a complete set of entertainment facilities.

"What's wrong! My great talent now knows that he knows something, but he doesn't have much at all! I've told you that although you can learn a lot in books, it is actually totally different from this society. To survive in this society requires not only reading, but also personal experience! You are still a student now, with this opportunity, after you graduate, you won't have so much time left!" Yang Qianqian said with a grin.

Lu Chen nodded slightly, and did not refute Yang Qianqian's words. Now he has understood the essence of wanting to survive in this society. You can really use what you learn from trees in school, but in addition to society, Unless you are doing research, you won't even use the opportunity at all!

Sitting on the sofa, he picked up a bottle of strawberry-flavored yogurt from the coffee table and handed it to Zilanxin. Although Lu Chen had not had much contact with Zilanxin before, it did not mean that Lu Chen did not understand Zilanxin. He knew what Zilan liked to eat or wear, even if it was something he used. It's clear. This strawberry-flavored yogurt is naturally Zilanxin’s favorite drink.

Then Lu Chen took a bottle of beer and pried open the cap with his thumb, then took a sip, and said, "It's so cool!" Fortunately, Lu Chen's actions were relatively secretive and were not discovered by anyone else. Otherwise, Lu Chen would pry open the beer bottle cap directly with his thumb, which would definitely surprise them a lot!

"Who will come first?" After adjusting the microphone, Zhu Jie motioned to Lu Chen and the others, and found that Lu Chen and the others were all letting themselves come first, so Zhu Jie was not embarrassed and directly pulled Yang Qianqian together. I chose a love song of male and female duet and sang it!

In the end, perhaps because they sang directly out of their emotions, the two of them forgot about Lu Chen and the others. They hugged each other and prepared for that, but Chen Peng, who was a little anxious, suddenly howled the wolf and made Zhu Jie and Yang Qianqian and the two woke up and ran to the sofa in the corner shyly, ignoring Lu Chen and the others!

Because of Chen Peng's troubles, Lu Chen and the others lost a chance to watch a good show. This made Lu Chen and the others gritted their teeth. In order to punish Chen Peng, Lu Chen and the others always decided to let Chen Peng sing the Internationale. The depressed Chen Peng almost didn't die!

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Subscribe! These illusions are related to Lu Chen's mental state cultivation! So don’t worry!

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