Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 333: Fantasy Brawl! (in)

"Master, they are already out! Let's do it now!" In a room with a heavy atmosphere, a sturdy big man whispered in the ear of a coquettish man. If you find out carefully, the sturdy man's lips are already tightly attached to the coquettish man...

"You guys, follow them first, and be careful not to lose track of them, and then follow our arrangements!" In the eyes of the coquettish man, there was a glimmer of lust, and then he turned cold and faced the sturdy man. Said, did the icy cold coming from his body shocked the sturdy man!

"Yes, Master!" The sturdy man nodded, and quickly retreated from this heavy atmosphere room. Although there was a young master he likes in it, the dull atmosphere was really not his simple mind. , People with well-developed limbs stay.

After the sturdy man left, the coquettish man looked to the side with the same gloomy faces. The men sitting on the sofa said: "Matsumoto, Reese, we can't let that **** leave like this. I won't Allow your own money to be robbed by that kind of man..."

"Yes, Mr. Bian Tai, but we must plan carefully! This is Huaxia. Although we never look at the people of China, we have too few people here. If it attracts the attention of the relevant departments of Huaxia, it will be for us. Very unfavorable!" said a sinister little man.

It turned out that the few people sitting here were Shi Biantai, Reese, Matsumoto, and Rand who had lost money just after gambling with Lu Chen. However, there are some differences. The faces and eyes of Shi Biantai, Reese, and Matsumoto are full of resentment. Although Rand is the same, he obviously does not resent Lu Chen as the three of them.

Matsumoto Jiro deserves to come from a big family. Although he is very arrogant, he is also very aware of current affairs. He knows that he does not have much power in China, and cannot head-to-head with the local forces of China. Blow.

"En! I agree with Matsumoto's opinion, we must plan carefully! This guy with the surname Lu is really damn, dare to play us, let us lose so much money..." Shi Biantai nodded and took a mouthful. He agreed with Jiro Matsumoto's suggestion.

Shi Biantai's words make other people despise it, can anyone blame it! It's not you asshole. Seeing that people are so bully, you want to slaughter the fat sheep. Instead of thinking that they will pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and treat yourself as a fat sheep.

And Rand, although he also had an expression of approval, he contemptuously said in his heart: "You rubbish, I really think people can't deal with it so well, then let's see how they destroy you! Should I? Tell Mr. Lu what happened here?"

"Mr. Matsumoto, I don't know if you have any good plans. If I can do him today, I will add a man like Lu Chen to my principal, I don't want anything else!" Shi Biantai said , And licked his lips with his tongue, looking forward to it!

Shi Biantai likes the special character of men, Matsumoto and the others are very clear, but Shi Biantai said so clearly, it still makes them feel uncomfortable, especially the action of licking the tongue, it even makes them stomach The tumbling is more than enough, maybe the meal will be spit out directly overnight!

"This is no problem. We naturally agreed to Brother Biantai's request! But yes! I also have a request, that woman! I want it, and I will also only take my own principal!" Matsumoto Jiro There was a hint of obscene light in his eyes.

"Huh!" Reese snorted in his heart when he heard Jiro Matsumoto's words. He had thoughts about Zilanxin, but now Jiro Matsumoto has spoken first. He can't say anything. After all, the plan has not yet started. Execution, in case something happens during the period, it will be bad!

Reese was sitting next to Jiro Matsumoto. Although the hum was very small, he was still heard by Jiro Matsumoto. Seeing Reese's unhappy expression, Jiro Matsumoto was very happy, but thought of the plan, so he said: " Mr. Reese, if you are also fond of that woman, don’t worry, wait until I’ve had enough, and I’ll send it to you! I promise to help you be docile and docile! We Japanese women are all trained like this Come out! Haha!"

"Yeah!" Reese finally nodded in satisfaction, smiled a little, and then said: "If you are like this, you two have robbed everyone, so Rand and I can only divide the money. So except Apart from the respective principals, the remaining money will be shared equally by the Land brothers and I!"

"Hehe! This is nature, this is nature! Don't worry! My samurai from the country of Japan, words have always counted!" Jiro Matsumoto nodded, his eyes showing a bit of evil and cunning, I guess What should we do when the plan comes!


Matsumoto and the others were planning how to divide the spoils of Lu Chen's various things, while they were walking slowly outside the casino. Although it seems to be very leisurely, if you observe carefully, you can find that they are still quite vigilant at this time!

"Lu Chen, there seems to be another batch of people following us. The previous batch were foreign devils, but now they look like Japanese. It seems that these three billion US dollars are really not easy to get!" Zhu Jie said to Lu Chen slowly while walking "leisurely".

"Nonsense! Do you think this money is so easy to get! Three billion dollars! This money is enough for you to spend dozens of lives. But these people should die! If you lose money, you lose, and you still want to It's really not a thing to play black hands!" Chen Peng said very upset.

"Have you ever seen that devil is a good thing!" Lu Chen said lightly, making several people speechless, because Lu Chen's words were too right.

Passing by the bar in the lobby on the first floor again, perhaps because it is too early and it is about to dawn, there are not many people in the bar at this time, but compared to some places, it is quite lively here. In the bar After swaying around in the middle, after a few glasses of wine, Lu Chen and the others slowly walked out of the streamer KTV.

As for why he would drink in a bar, it was because Lu Chen realized that more and more people were following him, and they were increasing. Lu Chen, who didn’t want to take this to school, decided to wait until the enemy came. After all, kill them together, so that it will relieve the troubles!

Although Zhu Jie and the others are very reluctant to stop at the bar at this time, isn't this just causing trouble for themselves! They couldn't do it with such a small number of people, let alone with so many people, but afterwards, Lu Chen said, "Do you want to live in the school where people are chased every day!" Such a sentence directly blocked it. Up!

Finally, when there were no more enemies, and the square people who gambled with him had already appeared, Lu Chen paid the bill, and slowly led a few people out of the bar and walked towards a few remote places. These people must not survive today!

Seeing Lu Chen and the others took the initiative to walk to those remote places, and the group of places behind them, they were naturally overjoyed. They also don't want to attract the attention of the relevant departments of this country because they killed a few people. Even if they are dead by then, they don't know what happened!

"Boy, stop!" Finally in a dark, remote alley, Lu Chen and his party were stopped by the enemy behind them. This alley is about two or three meters wide, and the houses on both sides seem to have been abandoned for a long time. Even the surrounding walls are covered with weeds.

The cold moonlight shone in this small alley, flashing a strange atmosphere. The constantly blowing cold wind blew some plastic bags into a rustling noise. After passing through the medium of a long alley, this rushing sound became strange and frightening.

But at this time, none of the people from several parties noticed such a situation. The only thing that exists in their eyes is the other party. Zi Lanxin and the women, who should have been quite afraid of such an environment, stood expressionlessly beside their man, looking at the enemy ahead with cold eyes!

There are at least nearly two hundred people in the Quartet surrounded by Lu Chen and others. Among them, Jiro Matsumoto and Shi Biantai are relatively close to each other. Each has about 70 or 80, while Reese is Thirty, the rand is the smallest, only ten.

Moreover, the Rand’s team was the farthest away from Lu Chen and the others, and they were standing behind the other three. Although the guns in their hands were also shining with faint light, it seemed that the threat did not exist at all. Lu Chen felt a little strange!

"A bunch of rubbish, do you guys like Matsumoto, Reese, Biantai, and Rand think that you can **** the bank card back from me with rubbish! It's a fantasy! Today... you all deserve to die? !" Lu Chen's words are like a demon in the abyss of hell, calling those people to death!

"Go!" Those people didn't talk nonsense with Lu Chen. Hearing Lu Chen's sarcasm, they were quite upset. They directly took the weapon in their hand and rushed towards Lu Chen and the others, and shot those guys with a gun. , Naturally stood in a position that was beneficial to them and set standards for Lu Chen and others, but unfortunately they forgot that this is a gloomy little alley, there is no luminous device, it is really difficult to hit someone! No, it should be very difficult to hit the enemy!

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