Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 334: The Great Brawl of Illusion! (under)

At this moment, you can tell at a glance which of the Quartet is the most threatening. Although all the dozen people in Rand had a pistol, because of the harsh environment, these ten guns hardly played a role. As for the Japanese with the largest number of people and all katana in their hands, this is indeed the best opportunity!

"Bump!" Following the body of the person who rushed the fastest, it accurately collided with Lu Chen's fist, and was directly beaten out by Lu Chen. It indicates that this big melee has already begun! The man who was hit by Lu Chen flew out directly, hitting the wall with his back severely, and then fell to the ground, motionless!

If it were at another time or in another location, perhaps Lu Chen’s powerful move could attract the attention of some people and put them under control, but at this time, Lu Chen’s enemies were crazy and didn’t know they were. Who, there is only one thought in his eyes, killing these people in front of him...

"You guys be careful!" Lu Chen said to the people behind him, and rushed directly into the melee circle. And Lu Chen's brave performance immediately caused the enemy to rout. In less than a minute, dozens of people were already lying down around him.

But these did not stop the enemy's resentment towards Lu Chen, the force of the impact was not reduced at all, on the contrary, there was a more intense situation. This made Lu Chen have to train dead men to be strong against these families. If China had so many such existences, why not be strong!

Another fierce man rushed in front of Lu Chen. Lu Chen was about to raise his fist and slammed at his head fiercely, but suddenly he heard a gunshot "touch", and then he saw the strong man. With a surprised look, he slowly turned his head and looked behind him.

But the gun just hit his back heart, and accurately shattered his heart, so that he could not turn his head, and he fell directly to the ground-dead!

"Um!" Lu Chen was stunned, and Zhu Jie was stunned...Even the enemies were suddenly stunned at this time. Lu Chen's crazy behavior before did not stop them, but now he has stopped because one person was shot. This has to be said to be an irony.

Those who stopped, finally found that a large number of disabled people were lying under their feet. No...it can't be said to be disabled people, but people killed in action. Although these people seem to have suffered damage from a certain part of their body, they are actually all dead!

"Hiss..." All the enemies took a deep breath and stood on the spot stupidly, not knowing what to do for a while, a cold wind blew through, making these people shiver. , The chill in my heart is also in my heart at this moment!

There was another "touch" gunshot, and a man was lying on the ground again, never able to stand up. No one thought that at this time, there were still people thinking about shooting, and even Lu Chen was a little surprised, because Lu Chen discovered that the person who opened the gun would be a man of Rand!

If it’s just that, it’s fine, or it’s because the guns of Rand’s men went wrong, but Lu Chen could clearly find that this was not the case. Rand’s men had shot, obviously there was The purpose, their purpose is Matsumoto, Reese, and Shi Biantai's subordinates!

"Huh! What's going on? How did they cause civil strife at this time?" After someone fell again, Lu Chen was even more affirmed of his own thoughts, but at the same time he was also very concerned about this rand, the Rockefeller family’s rand , Has generated some interest. Of course, not that interest!

"Kill..." Suddenly, the members of the Rand family shouted fiercely, and ten guns were aimed at the men of Matsumoto, one by one. The people they killed first were naturally the same in their hands. Guys with pistols, these people are still very dangerous to them!

Although there are more than one hundred and ninety of Matsumoto’s subordinates, because of Lu Chen’s madness just now, he has directly lost thirty or forty people, that is, more than one hundred and fifty people, more than one hundred and fifty people. In the continuous cold shots of the Rant family, some have been lost. Although the number is not large, it is also a lot!

"Fuck..." Matsumoto's subordinates immediately reacted, and ignored Lu Chen and others, directly looking for a location around where they could avoid the shooting, and preparing to counterattack. But the only place in this alley that can block people is also controlled by Rand and the others, which makes them feel extremely distressed.

Afterwards, these guys who really had no choice, blocked the corpses of the brothers on the ground directly in front of them, and then kept approaching the people under Landt and began to counterattack. With the help of these assaults, those with guns began to build a fortress of human corpses and began to counterattack.

Lu Chen and the others stared at each other stupidly, "This is the situation of the horse, didn't they come to trouble us! Why are they starting to fight on their own now! Damn! A bunch of **** guys, and then it's nothing good. Things! No, they are not good things!"

When Lu Chen heard Zhu Jie's words, he rolled his eyes and said, "You care about what he has! It will not be long before you stand on the side and watch the jokes. How can we miss such a good scene? It's a pity. It’s just too bloody, otherwise a bit of popcorn would be nice to eat!"

As he said, Lu Chen kicked the chopped arm of a person who rolled down beside him and said. Although Lu Chen was just a random action, Zhu Jie and the others discovered that they actually didn't know Lu Chen at all, and they didn't even know that Lu Chen had such a cold-blooded side.

"You... what are you doing looking at me like this! I don’t have anything to look at. Look over there! It’s a good show over there. After watching it today, when we go back to school, let’s brag and talk to those guys. Let me tell you that we have really seen Hei Shi go shopping, and I will be envious of them!" Lu Chen said with a smile.

Lu Chen's words made a few people smile, and then they raised their middle fingers to Lu Chen in unison, and said: "You perverted fellow, you are so inhumane. Such a cruel thing, you can We can still watch it as a scene, we admire it!"

The words of a few people made Lu Chen's smile disappear, and he was silent for a while, and then said: "It's not that I am cold-blooded, nor that I am inhumane. In my eyes, these guys can't be regarded as humans at all. So a bunch of crazy dogs Killing each other, no matter how bloody, will you feel inhumane!

Moreover, this world is like this, where blood and violence coexist. If you don't have good strength, don't want to make your head in your life, you can only live in your own small circle forever! Of course, these are meaningless to you, because your own family is even your strength!

You say these are bloody, I admit, these things are indeed bloody. But this can be counted. When I was a child, I had seen something bloodier than this. So when you get used to something. But I don’t feel anything to be afraid of! "

Lu Chen’s words kept these people silent for a long time, not because they didn’t want to say it, but because they didn’t know what to say. The gunshots and various screams coming from their ears seemed to have no effect at this time. . Seeing how several people were doing, Lu Chen showed a slight smile.

Just when a few people were thinking about it, the surrounding killings continued, perhaps because they thought they were being beaten all the time. This made the guys like Matsumoto, seeing Lu Chen who were motionless, felt that they wanted When they were upset, several people looked at each other, and immediately pointed their guns at Lu Chen and the others.

A cold light flashed in Lu Chen's eyes, and with a wave of his hand, a transparent mask immediately covered Zi Lanxin and the others. And those bullets that flew in at a rapid speed were also half frozen in an instant, stuck on the surface of these masks, and could not move!

"Hmph! Looking for death!" Lu Chen snorted annoyed, and suddenly these bullets flew out all the way, and they accurately shot at the center of the eyebrows of the few people. Those people didn't expect such a thing to happen. They were surprised and never had the opportunity to change their expressions again!

"Puff..." The sound of bullets entering the center of the eyebrows a few times passed into Lu Chen's ears, and then a few "pops" sounded. The bullets shot out by Lu Chen turned out to be directly at these people. His brain exploded, and then all these people's heads were exploded.

For a while, red blood and yellow and white brains sprayed out, and Lu Chen remained motionless, letting those things shoot at him. But not a drop of dirt splashed on Lu Chen's body. Asking about the familiar smell of blood, Lu Chen smiled faintly, beautiful and natural!

"Die all! You can't get any forgiveness for your sins!" A faint voice sounded from Lu Chen's mouth, and then a few weird notes came from Lu Chen's ears. The note person could not help feeling heavy eyelids, dizzy heads, and a drowsy touch.


"Bump...bump...bump..." As the first person fell to the ground, some people fell down one after another. In the end, the only people who could stand were Lu Chen and the others, including the subordinates of Lande who had caused the civil war before, at this time, they went straight down!

Although Lante's men did help himself a little, Lu Chen did not regret it. For a while, there were not many of Rand's men at the time, and in the frantic counterattack by Matsumoto's men, all of them had arrived. And when Lu Chen uttered these notes, the only one of them was standing. And the standing person is almost dying! He was able to stand because of his perseverance, which is too strong!

At this time, these fallen people are all dead. If a person who can see through the sky appears here, you will be able to find that some dazzling Buddha light appears in the sky above the alley, which will bring down the souls of those who fell later. Directly pulled out of the body forcibly, and then swallowed it. As for the souls of those people before, these Buddha lights naturally did not have the slightest politeness, and they also swallowed them directly!

The disappearance of the soul does not mean that there is no **** existence. I don't know why, for those who have lost their souls, the blood in their bodies is not controlled by certain factors. Through certain channels, such as the mouth, nostrils, and various wounds on the XX body, it starts to gush away continuously.

That's right, it was spewing out, and the scene of blood spurting that usually only appeared after the aorta was cut. At this time, it also appeared. The bodies of hundreds of people began to spew out blood at the same time, how spectacular the scene was, how... bloody!

But fortunately, Xin'er and the others were not awake, otherwise they would vomit again... But before Lu Chen wanted to play, they heard a few retching sounds behind him. Lu Chen turned his head to look, speechless. He patted his forehead, and suddenly found that Zi Lanxin and the others were staring at the macro scene in front of them. Of course, there was a constant retching sound from their mouths.

"Lu Chen, what's going on? Didn't there be a lot of people alive just now! Why are they all dead at once?" Zi Lanxin asked with a bewildered look in her eyes, her tone firm. , Telling Lu Chen, you must tell me why!

"They were all killed by me, it's that simple!" Lu Chen said lightly.

"You killed them all? You... Didn't you become a murderer? But it's okay, these people can't be called humans. If you kill them, you kill them~!" Zi Lanxin said subconsciously, suddenly Seeing that Lu Chen's face changed a little, he immediately realized that he just changed his words!

"Lu Chen, worthy of being my brother, if you want me, I will kill them all too! Haha! This gun seems to be a genuine desert eagle! This is issued, it turns out that it was in the old man’s army to let him Get me this gun for fun, he won't do it, now I have it myself!"

Zhu Jie, who was talking, suddenly saw a silver-white pistol at his feet, and couldn't help feeling a burst of excitement. The strong body rushed forward, and he didn't notice the broken arm that Lu Chen had just kicked you under his feet. If it weren't for Lu Chen's quick eyes and quick hands, he might have fallen straight now!

"Isn't it just a gun! Is it necessary to be so excited!" Lu Chen doesn't like guns as much as other men. Because in his opinion, even if the pistol is powerful, even the innate people in the hands of martial arts masters can't deal with it. And the innate people are just the lowest level among the cultivators. They have not even reached the foundation building period. Such people can't hurt them. What's so useful!

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