Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 340: Weird old man!

After Lu Chen opened his eyes again, Lu Chen had come out of the illusion and stood in the hole before, and in front of him, there was an old woman standing, watching that old woman look fierce, even though Lu Chen doesn't know how long has passed here, but it is estimated that there are not a few minutes!

What Lu Chen didn't know was that at a certain moment on the earth, Zi Lanxin and Zhu Jie suddenly woke up from their dreams, and then at the same time crystal tears flowed from the corners of their eyes, and beside each of them, it was A bank card, a storage ring. In the storage ring, there are some magic weapons they can use and various spiritual stones!

"Master, where did you go just now! Why can't I feel your presence anymore!" As soon as Lu Chen regained consciousness, the anxious voices of Xiao Ling and Nightmare sounded in his ears. Lu Chen was very moved. There were two of them. It is a good thing that the servant really cares about himself!

"Nothing! Did anything happen just now, and how long has it passed?" Lu Chen smiled faintly, and asked suspiciously.

"It's been three or four minutes since we couldn't feel the master. The old woman in front of you had arrived a minute ago. She wanted to kill you at that time, but I gave it to him!" He said to Lu Chen proudly, as if he had done a great thing.

"Hehe! Thanks, Xiao Ling! Let her go! I will take care of the next thing!" Lu Chen said with a slight smile.

After being let go by Xiao Ling, the old woman looked at Lu Chen with a little horror, "You...Who are you? What did you do to me just now, why can't I move anymore, you..."

"Oh! This old lady, don't be so ambiguous, OK? What do you mean by what I did to you, don't you see what your own is like, may I do it to you! If I do to you Now, if my wife finds out, I must say that I'm hungry and thirsty and have no eyesight..." Lu Chen said disdainfully.

"You..." Women love beauty. Even such an old woman is the same. Hearing Lu Chen's words, she fell directly into madness. A black staff suddenly appeared in her hand, and she raised her head high. There was a strange murmur.

Then, Lu Chen felt the dark elements around him, and began to quickly converge towards the old man’s hand. Not to mention a sphere that looked like a black hole, appeared in the old man’s hand. As the black ball continued to grow bigger, the old woman His face began to become pale.

"Um!" Lu Chen was stunned, how could this scene be so familiar! It’s not that this is the same as that of the Japanese. They want to use their own blood and vitality to summon some powerful evil creature. Finally...the thing that was summoned by oneself tragically, let it die. ! Lu Chen couldn't help but think strangely.

Fortunately, the old man’s final trick was not what Lu Chen imagined, but the black ball in her hand. However, this black ball is not an ordinary black ball, but a black ball full of powerful suction. The surroundings are not fixed. Everything about the Lord began to dance under this powerful suction!

"Bump... Klang..." The voice was endless, and everything that was sucked in by the black ball disappeared completely. This black ball seems to have a wireless space inside, just for a while, things that are several times the size of the black ball have been washed in by it, but this black ball has not changed a little!

"Go to hell!..." The old man waved his hands vigorously, and the black ball slowly flew out of her hand, and the moment the black ball left her hand, the huge suction produced by the black ball seemed to be against her. She also had a little effect, her body shook a few times, and then gradually recovered!

Although the black ball kept getting closer, Lu Chen found that the suction generated by the black ball was also increasing, but this suction power had no effect at all for Lu Chen. He still stood on the spot as steady as a mountain, with his hands on his hips. Very leisurely and content!

"Old lady! Isn't your attack like this? It's too incompetent!" Lu Chen raised the corners of his mouth with disdain, and the evil smile made the old man gritted his teeth, and he wished to unload Lu Chen immediately. , Peel the skin cramps to relieve the pain in my heart!

"Huh! You look good!" The old man snorted coldly, and did not answer Lu Chen's words, just staring at the black ball closely, as if this black ball is not so common. What's the next trick? It was a general aftermath that could cause Lu Chen to fly into ashes and annihilate and lose his soul.

Seeing the old man's feelings like this, Lu Chen couldn't help but become vigilant, staring at the black ball, and concentrated a little, but for most of his energy, Lu Chen still paid attention to the old woman. After all, it was similar to this black ball. Compared with the elderly, it is more dangerous.

Suddenly, Lu Chen's eyes flashed, and the old woman disappeared directly in front of him. The empty hole seemed like no one had ever appeared before, but the black ball that was still advancing slowly in mid-air was telling Lu Chen that he had no dizziness. There was indeed an old woman who appeared in front of him just now.

"Pretending to be a ghost, and doing a sneak attack trick, I don't have this thing in my eyes?" Lu Chen's eyes flashed with a cold look, and then his divine consciousness was released from his body instantly, covering the entire passage completely. Lu Chen has already The person who must have captured Lu Ye must be this disappeared old woman!

The old man’s secret body technique is very strange. Lu Chen couldn’t feel his presence at all when he didn’t release his spiritual knowledge. You must know that Lu Chen’s cultivation base is already very powerful now, and his feeling is definitely not comparable to ordinary people. It was, but when he felt this old man, Lu Chen realized that there was nothing at all. Doesn't this seem too mysterious!

After releasing his divine consciousness, Lu Chen once again discovered strangely that his divine consciousness was filled with the figure of the old man everywhere. This was not the feeling of being a clone, but... but Lu Chen seemed to be in the old man’s. Normally in the body, where he is, is in the body of the old man!

"This...what's going on? Is it an illusion again! Or, I really am inside that old guy's body?" Lu Chen just came out of that realistic illusion and had to wonder if it was his own. What happened to the place where I was staying, otherwise, why would it look so weird? The atmosphere around the old man was everywhere, but it just couldn't determine where the old man was!

Message to the reader:

Update early today! Everyone, give me a bit! The subscriptions these days are really miserable! If I can exceed a thousand, I can do eight or ten changes every day!

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