"Xiao Ling, do you know where I am now! Can you feel the presence of that old woman? Why do I feel that I...I seem to be in that old woman's body?" Lu Chen checked, but still didn't get it. With a clue, he can only helplessly call for help like a small spirit.

"Master...you should ask Sister Nightmare about this kind of thing. She is very clear about this kind of thing! You can also ask Sister Nightmare more about what you have in the future, otherwise some people will say something wasteful! Useless words That's it!" Xiao Ling smiled, then pointed at the nightmare that had also appeared in Lu Chen's mind.

Lu Chen wiped his nose awkwardly. Because of his anxiety, he said some nightmare things. Now think about it, he was really wrong at the time and shouldn't say those things, "Nightmare, I'm sorry to you, please Forgive me! Can that tell me where I am now?"

"It’s okay master, as a servant, I should serve the master!" Nightmare shook her head, but Lu Chen still noticed the moving tears in her eyes, and then Nightmare said: "Master, in such a place, you should Believe in the feeling in your heart!"

"Believe in the feeling in my heart?" Lu Chen muttered a few times, then raised his head suddenly, and said, "Could it be...Is it really in this old woman's body? This... how is this possible! When did I run into her body?"

"Nothing is impossible!" Nightmare replied faintly, and then said: "The reason why the master entered this old man's body is because of the black ball just now. That black ball is just a medium. Through that medium, Lu Chen It's like being teleported by someone."

"Is there anything else?" Lu Chen thought for a while, and then asked, "But...why do I feel like I'm still in place! Look around, there is no change at all! I'm still in this cave. Among them, how could it be possible to..."

Lu Chen hadn't finished speaking yet, the environment in front of him changed in an instant, and then he appeared in a pitch-black space. The space was gray and gray. There was no air, no sound, and there was always something outside. There was nothing here. Just like the dark space that Lu Chen stayed in before!

"Haha! Boy, aren't you very arrogant! Now when you are in my place, I see how arrogant you are..." The old woman's voice sounded in Lu Chen's ear, and Lu Chen felt the surrounding pressure increase, even though He has a strong cultivation base, but in the face of this pressure, he has no resistance at all.

"Xiao Ling, what's the matter with me? Why do I feel that I am getting more and more unable to move?" Lu Chen slowly felt like he was imprisoned in his body, and could not move anything except his mind and spiritual sense. , Even the divine consciousness is somewhat like traveling in a solid body, and the speed of a movement is very slow!

"Master, you said that if someone else is in your dantian, will you be able to control everything about him?" Xiao Ling suddenly said a word without thinking, and did not directly answer Lu Chen's words.

Lu Chen was stunned, "You said I was in the old woman's dantian?" This Lu Chen is quite clear. If he is in one's dantian, then the master of the dantian is equivalent to the supreme **** in this world. No matter how strong your cultivation is, you will be under his control.

"Master, you are very smart, but the truth is!" Nightmare also said at this moment!

"Then I am dead!" Lu Chen said speechlessly. He didn't expect that such a good person would die under these circumstances, my God! If I die, what can Lu Ye do! I have not returned to Earth yet! You can't just die like this...

Lu Chen's thoughts were naturally understood by Xiao Ling and Nightmare. Seeing Lu Chen's rogue look, both of them felt extremely headaches. Xiao Ling said, "Master, we didn't say, you are there. The old woman's dantian will definitely die!"

"But in this place, she is a god, how can I be able to deal with her as a person like me! It is impossible for you to have a good idea! That's right! Why I forgot, you two are not ordinary people, quickly tell me, What should I do!" Lu Chen said with joy.

Xiao Ling and Nightmare looked at each other, and then said, "Master, the way you want to get out of here is actually very simple and simple. I just don’t know if you’d like to do it! For you, if you do this, in fact, There are benefits and some disadvantages, but the benefits will definitely outweigh the benefits!"

"In any way, don't turn around. If you know that I am not a person who likes to guess puzzles, just say it!" Lu Chen was very upset that Xiao Ling walked around with himself and himself, and silently left the two Xiaoni. Son, if it wasn't because I couldn't touch it, I would definitely give them two sex!


"What? Blast! Xiaoling, you're kidding! If I blew myself up, I still have a chance to survive! Even if I was lucky enough to escape into the Hongmeng Pearl at the moment of blew up, what about my body, my body? But I'm only sixteen years old, I don't want to die like this!" Lu Chen interrupted as soon as Xiao Ling's words came out!

"Master, you asked me to say everything well! I didn't say that you blew yourself up!" Xiao Ling rolled his eyes and continued, "You only need to compress the power of your whole body, and then be After the power of Hongmeng is compressed into an energy ball as small as the head of a thumb, and detonated, it will be able to escape from this pubic area, and at the same time, it will cause the pubic area to collapse instantly!"

"Are you sure this method is effective, then what did you just say blew up? Isn't this scary! By the way, the power of the Harmony in my body is not a little bit, when the final detonation, it will not explode my body, right? !" Lu Chen couldn't help touching his body and said.

Xiao Ling trembled his body inexplicably, and then said: "Master, can you not "touch yourself"! That feeling is really weird! Don't worry! You underestimated your own body, even if you detonated it. Your own divine pill may not be able to explode this body, of course it is detonated outside the body, detonated inside the body, it is bound to die!"

Lu Chen rolled his eyes, he was an idiot! It's okay to blew up in your own body, even if you don't say it, I know it!

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