Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 343: Improve your cultivation!

I don’t know how long it took, Lu Chen finally woke up slowly. After he woke up, he raised his head and looked around, and found that not far from him, it was the old woman who had also fallen into a coma and had not woken up until now. Looking at the old woman's face how many times older than before, Lu Chen showed a faint smile!

Lu Chen slowly got up from the ground. Just now, he released all the power of the Magnificence in his body. He was compressing the power of the Magnificence and consumed his spiritual consciousness. Now if there is another old woman Such a powerful person, Lu Chen is about to die!

Of course, this is absolutely impossible to happen, and even if such a person does appear, the little spirit and nightmare in Lu Chen will absolutely not allow Lu Chen to happen, even if Lu Chen really becomes a waste person, Under the protection of Xiaoling and Nightmare, Lu Chen can definitely break out of this world!

Slowly walked to the old woman's side, perhaps because she felt someone around her, the old woman shook her body a few times, and then slowly opened her eyes, when she saw Lu Chen standing beside her, the old woman's There was a fierce look in his eyes, and he couldn't help but want to pounce on Lu Chen like a hungry wolf.

But the dantian of the body has been shattered. The old woman’s cultivation base also turned into ashes at the moment the dantian was broken. The old body, without the support of the cultivation base, has already appeared very weak. A good body, support him to stand up, just about to stand, his legs are tingling, and then the whole person sits on the ground again, making the old woman feel annoyed!

"Smelly boy, you dare to meet my dantian, I...I won't let you go!" The old woman said with a vicious face, gritted her teeth, her wrinkled face, and the coldness in her confused eyes , It's even more tolerant than that Rongma, it looks a little scary!

"Huh! But let me go, you can see how you are now! What can you do to me! Besides, who asked you to put me in your pubic pub, actually put me in your pubic house , You must be prepared to sacrifice!" Lu Chen replied without saying anything.

"You..." Lu Chen's words, the choking old woman didn't know how to answer. It was indeed because she herself took Lu Chen into her own dantian, and wanted to pass her status as a **** in the dantian. Wanting to kill him, not only didn't kill him, but also completely lost his cultivation base. I don't know if I will survive in the future!

Thinking of these things, the old woman felt she wanted to cry without tears, but now it is useless to regret, her own cultivation base is gone, and her dantian is now destroyed. Even if she regrets it, her cultivation base cannot come back again. Dantian, it is even more impossible to be repaired! Besides, could Lu Chen bypass him!

"Hey!" The old woman sighed slightly, turned her head obsessively and glanced at the cave behind her, and then resolutely knocked the black seal in her hand on her heavenly spirit, only to hear a "click" tendency. Then I saw the old woman's forehead dripping with blood, and then her eyes slowly lost her look, her head tilted and she died like that!

Lu Chen didn't do anything to the old woman. There was any obstruction. Even if the old woman didn't do it herself, Lu Chen would kill her. This kind of **** who kidnapped his own woman and let himself eat a large piece of bastard, how could Lu Chen let him survive in this world!

"Let's go to Lu Ye... Uh!" Lu Chen was just about to say to Xiao Ling and the others, he felt a sudden burst of pain in his head. There was inside and outside, and it felt more uncomfortable than a needle stick. , Made Lu Chen hug his head and fell to the ground, constantly rolling.

This painful feeling is too strong, even if Lu Chen’s perseverance is quite strong, but not long after, a lot of sweat gushes out of his brain, and his critical teeth are almost crushed by him. He has also bitten out blood by his tremendous strength.

If this kind of painful toothache in ordinary times, it will definitely make Lu Chen frown, but at this time, the small toothache in his head, in front of the needle-like pain, can be regarded as insignificant, and Lu Chen hardly feels himself. The pain of the gums, and the teeth that are about to break.

Lu Chen’s eyes also became swollen and red because of the constant blood congestion. There were already a few drops of blood left at the corners of his eyes. That kind of fear. If you have watched some apocalyptic movies, you will find Lu Chen's current situation at this time, what kind of virus is changing exactly!

The headache is just a small pain. After a while, the headache gradually weakened, or it can be described as weakened. It cannot be said that it is still painful as before, but because he has endured so long Over time, Lu Chen has the ability to resist, and most importantly, Lu Chen discovered...

Lu Chen found that there was a huge pain in his dantian. The pain was like the feeling of a gastric ulcer that eventually caused the most perforation. Because of this intense pain, Lu Chen's body began to continue Convulsions, if you have a madness.

"Master, you must hold on. According to the right, you can't faint..." Just when Lu Chen was suffering from these two pains and was about to fall into a coma, Xiao Ling and Nightmare's eager voice spoke to Lu Chen. There was a ringing in his mind, which made Lu Chen wake up suddenly!

"I...what the **** is going on with me, why did I become like this!" Lu Chen was a little stupid and wondering what to do. How could his body inexplicably appear such a great difficulty? Knowing that these pains will definitely not be something ordinary people can bear!

"Master, because you have extracted all the power of the Harmony in your body before, and at the same time, because you are fully operating the divine consciousness and compressing the power of the Harmony, you have caused some changes in your body. Clearly, why did your previous stagnant detectives suddenly increase so much? Now as long as you pass this level, your cultivation level will be able to reach the second level peak! Even directly break through the third level!" Xiaoling said all.

During the time when Xiao Ling was speaking, Lu Chen's pain increased again a lot, and a blood-flowing path had formed in the corner of his eye. It stretched continuously on Lu Chen's cheek, and finally disappeared in Lu. Under Chen's neck, he gave Lu Chen a feeling of death!

"Roar..." Suddenly, Lu Chen noticed that there was a feeling of itching behind his body, and there was a constant itch from his arms and pants. This kind of itch was not something mosquitoes. At that time, that kind of itching, but the feeling of going deep into the soul!

The constant itching on his body made Lu Chen also feel uncomfortable, and his body was uncomfortable, but there was no place to scratch it. Lu Chen scratched this side, and the other side kept itching, and scratched that side. , It itched again here, making Lu Chen extremely depressed!

"Puff!" Suddenly, Lu Chen felt that a large swath of Harmony power he was familiar with suddenly surged in his dantian, but because these Harmony powers appeared inexplicably second, Lu Chen didn't dare to be presumptuous. It's not a good thing to move around, for fear of something wrong, and let yourself end the game!

"Master, quickly tighten up those great powers and recover them directly, otherwise the great powers you get will all dissipate in the air, I see where you go to cry by then!" Xiao Ling said He pouted, was anxious, and said with contempt.

Lu Chen cast a blank glance at Xiao Ling, then released his spiritual sense, and went directly into his dantian, without the feeling of an old woman's dantian. Lu Chen controlled the power of Hongmeng. That was a handy, short-term effort. , I have completely absorbed the power of Hongmeng in my Dantian!

Finally felt the sound of fear coming from his body again, and a powerful aura emerged from his body. Lu Chen's mouth also showed a faint smile, then sat down cross-legged, and began to slowly improve the cultivation. To consolidate and practice!

Although Lu Chen has controlled the powers of the Great Mengmeng in his dantian, Lu Chen’s cultivation level has not increased because of this, because Lu Chen has not yet fully integrated his state of mind and normal life. As long as Lu Chen can integrate with these things, at the right opportunity, Lu Chen will be able to directly break through his current cultivation base, and even upgrade to two levels in a row!

I immersed my mind in my mind, and slowly merged the things related to those moods one by one. The speed was quite slow. After half an hour, Lu Chen only merged one-tenth of the things. , And the remaining nine tenths are even more difficult!

"By the way, Xiaoling, help me see how Lu Ye's situation is now. If nothing happens, ask her to come over and help me protect the law. If there is a problem, help me teach those people a good meal!" Lu Chen once again realized that he still had something to do, and said to Xiao Ling.

Xiao Ling curled his lips. For Lu Chen at this time, he only thought of his mistress. This made Xiao Ling feel uncomfortable with the mistress, but he knew Lu Chen's situation at this time and he was not allowed to do it himself. Lu Ye called over. Some of the troubles were quite big, so Xiao Ling curled his lips and began to complete Lu Chen's instructions!

After finishing the order, Lu Chen was once again immersed in the fusion. The process of fusion is boring, with five flavors, but if the fusion is completed, it will be the time for Lu Chen to be reborn!

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