Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 344: Save people!

Finally, Lu Chen completely integrated the energy in the body and the state of mind. Of course, because the cultivation level of the state of mind is much higher, Lu Chen's current state of mind is only the level of energy possessed by the body, although it is only that. But Lu Chen had now reached the peak state of Hongmeng Jue.

At the moment Lu Chen broke through, a powerful aura suddenly burst out from Lu Chen's body, from the inside out, and the sky was dim, the ground was shaking, and the mountains were shaking. All creatures in the entire Scarlet Abyss had a feeling of surrender.

Even the king of the abyss did not leave. Looking at the direction where Lu Chen was, the eyes of the king of the abyss were full of fear, and a few human words were whispered in his mouth: "Is this person my future? Master? Why, why, he is so powerful..."

Lu Chen didn't know at all. Just as he broke through, he had once again an extremely loyal subordinate in his hands. Even if Lu Chen knew now, he probably didn't feel too excited. Even if he did, it was just for himself. There is one more thug, and it feels more comfortable!

"Girl Lingying, did you feel it just now?" Lu Chen's aura was quickly felt by Yang Mingzi and the others. When they felt this aura, the complexions of Yang Mingzi and Lingying suddenly changed, and their bodies slightly changed. Some trembled, looking at the direction from the momentum, silent.

"En!" Lingying nodded silently, then frowned, and muttered softly: "How do I feel that this breath has a lot to do with myself, like someone I know! But I am here again. I don't know anyone, is it... Is it Lu Chen!

Thinking of this, Lingying's expression changed and Lu Chen's aura was so powerful. It was obviously because Lu Chen had encountered a strong opponent. Otherwise, he was usually kind and would never let go of his aura. How could he let out all of a sudden? , Even so far away, you will feel a terrifying aura, this...

The more I think about Lingying, the more it feels like this. Because I didn’t know the situation before, I felt a trace of fear, and it has been completely replaced by worry. She was sitting on the ground calmly and cultivating. At this time, she would look around. The direction from which the momentum came.

Lingying's actions naturally couldn't keep Yangmingzi from hiding. This made Yangmingzi feel very puzzled. He didn't understand what was wrong with her. Why did she suddenly become so restless when she felt the huge momentum. Does she already know who is the person who gave off the momentum? It was because she was worried that the imposing person would come to her door.

Regardless of this reason, before leaving, Lu Chen had already told himself to take care of everyone. Yang Mingzi didn’t want to. After Lu Chen came back, he found that such an anxious person was Yang Mingzi. What I didn't want to see, so he said to Lingying:

"Lingying girl, do you already know who the person who is showing off the momentum is, or you are worried that that person will find us! Don't worry about this, don't worry! I can guarantee that he will never find Come here! As for if you know who it is, you can tell me!"

Ling Ying gave Yang Mingzi a glance, and then whispered his guess to Yang Mingzi, where is this girl in the province, guessing and thinking, saying a lot of inexplicable things, leaving herself speechless, this is Ling Yingzai told Yang Mingzi what he thought before guessing.

"You said that the person who gave out that huge momentum just now is actually Lu Chen?" Yang Mingzi's mouth grew up in shock. Although he didn't know much about the immortal world, the momentum just now was definitely not an ordinary fairy. Yes, at least it is also the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian, this...what is this concept!

Although there are still many levels of existence above Daluo Jinxian, and above the immortal realm, there are also the **** realm and holy level. But for an ordinary cultivator like Yang Mingzi, as long as he can reach the realm of Daluo Jinxian, it is not the highest level he can imagine.

But now... Lu Chen has actually reached this level of cultivation, which made Yang Mingzi feel extremely sad for herself. When she was sixteen, she had reached the place she had hoped to achieve in her life, but she was still fighting for herself. He was complacent about his cultivation, which made Yang Mingzi, who had done a lot of envious things before, feel ashamed!

But it didn’t take long to think about these things, Yang Mingzi stopped thinking about it, because he had already thought of the meaning of the words behind Ling Ying, thinking that Lu Chen had encountered the same abnormal characters as him, Yang Mingzi was just I feel that the matter is serious!

"What do you think we should do now, whether to transfer them to other places, this position is too obvious!" If it is really like Lingying said, people catch up, but it will be in trouble, now Yang Mingzi dare not be arrogant Said, people will not come to the door.

"Did you just say that they won't come!" Lingying whispered silently, and then said: "Forget it, no, no matter how tightly we hide, it's not expensive to be a fart in front of other immortals. Now, it might as well be so generous, but some protection is still needed!"

"Okay! That's all!" Lingying's words made Yang Mingzi feel quite helpless, but he was helpless. Who made Lingying tell the truth, and blamed himself for exaggerating and letting Lingying catch When it comes to excuses, even if Yang Mingzi refutes the opposite, there is no chance!

So next, Yang Mingzi and Lingying began to carry out various protections against the surroundings. At the same time, they also told Nalan Feiyun about the matter, but did not say that the huge stock just now Lu Chen's aura is Lu Chen, only to say that there may be a strong enemy coming to the door for a while.


On Lu Chen's side, after spending half an hour, Lu Chen was able to use his more advanced cultivation skills smoothly, and then slowly walked towards the cave. Because he asked Xiaoling to help, Lu Chen Chen Da is not worried, what will happen to Lu Ye!

Walking into the cave, I found Lu Ye's figure, but at this moment, Lu Ye looked a little embarrassed. Opposite her, with his back facing Lu Chen, there was a man who was anchored, looking at him. Lu Chen felt extremely angry when he took off his pants.

With a loud "bang", the anchored man flew out directly in front of Lu Ye, then was slapped into the top of the 10-meter-high cave with great force, and was directly turned into a pile of meat sauce. Stuck inside and can't get out anymore. But this girl is much better than that old woman, because at least he still has a burial place!

Looking at Lu Chen, who did not have many cracks on his clothes, the stone in his heart was put down, and he walked to Lu Ye's side, grabbed the rope tied to Lu Ye's body, and was ready to break it directly, and then help Lu Ye heal . Even if she is not injured, it won't work to help her recover!

But what Lu Chen didn't expect was that this rope was actually quite powerful. Not only was it not torn off by himself, but the strength of the surrounding landing leaf became tighter. This change made Lu Chen not react for a while until it passed. After a while, Lu Chen suddenly realized that this rope should be a magic weapon!

"Wipe!" He cursed softly, Lu Chen directly released his spiritual knowledge and went inside the rope. Now the owner of the rope is dead. It should be regarded as an unowned thing, but Lu Ye is still bound. Lu Chen was a little puzzled, so he had to look at whether there was anything inside this rope!

"Haw...Who are you and why did you come to my house?" As soon as Lu Chen's consciousness entered the rope, he heard the voice of a charming little girl. Lu Chen's consciousness swept away. Seeing a spirit similar to Xiaoling appeared in front of him.

"You don't need to know who I am! But I now give you two choices, one is to recognize me as the master, but to be destroyed by me..." Lu Chen didn't talk nonsense, and directly said his purpose. Come out, and then quietly wait for Xiao Qi Ling to return.

"Recognize you as the master? Destroy my consciousness? Brother, what are you talking about! Why don't I understand?" Xiao Qiling looked at Lu Chen with a bewildered face, and didn't understand what he was talking about. Lu Chen was a little surprised. He didn't understand this little tool, why didn't he know anything!

Lu Chen nodded helplessly, and said, "You will recognize me as your master from now on! To recognize me as your master means that you will listen to me in the future, and you will do what I say, now...I order you, The sister who trapped you first, let go!" Lu Chen said directly.

"Um! Why should I listen to you..." Xiao Qiling was about to say something, suddenly his eyes lit up, and then said joyfully: "I remember, I remember, brother...you will be my master from now on. , What do you say, I will definitely listen to you!"

After Xiao Qi Ling finished speaking, he quickly released Lu Ye. Lu Chen felt holding Lu Ye, while Lu Ye fell directly to the ground when there was no one to support him.

The sudden change of the little spirit made Lu Chen breathe a sigh of relief, and he was secretly vigilant, because just now, Lu Chen discovered that this little spirit seemed a little different, by the way... it was the kind of rustic girl who entered After arriving in the city, after experiencing various temptations, the feeling of becoming power and worshipping money.

amount! Of course, this is not to say that this little tool spirit is also the same as those gold worshipers, but she was just a little kid who didn’t know anything, and now she has become an extremely shrewd kind of figure, making Lu Chen a little confused about this little girl. Qi Ling was also even more curious. Lu Chen guessed that it might be the moment that this little Qi Ling had inherited something like that!

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