Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 345: Lock the whip!

"Small tool! You didn't know anything before! Why did you just feel like you know me? This change is too great!" Lu Chen checked Lu Ye's body. Realizing that he was only weak, he said while helping Lu Ye recover.

"I... in my mind just now, some things that I have never seen before appeared inexplicably. After I have merged those things, I will know. There is a rule on it. People who enter my house for the first time, It is my master, I will listen to him from now on!" Xiao Qi Ling said with blinking eyes.

"Sure enough, I got the inheritance just now!" Lu Chen smiled slightly, delighted that he had guessed correctly, and then asked: "Xiao Qiling, do you have the name above! I can never teach you Xiaoqi Spirit! It always feels awkward to call it that way!"

"Yes! My name is Bao'er!" Xiao Qi Ling mixed her little finger, and then said her name. In that way, she was a pretty cute loli.

"Bo'er? A nice name! By the way, do you know what this magic weapon is?" Lu Chen asked suspiciously.

"Lock the whip! It is even more powerful than the famous immortal rope tied in the immortal world! But a long time ago, this magic weapon was sealed by the bad guy. Not only does it have no original power, but it becomes a trap. A magic weapon for sleepy cats and dogs!" Baoer said depressedly.

"En!" Lu Chen raised his eyebrows. The meaning of Bo'er's words meant that Lu Ye was a little cat or puppy! Although a little speechless, Lu Chen didn't have much to say, but he still reminded him, "Boer, the one you **** just now is your mistress, not a little cat or puppy!"

Bo'er spit out a cute little tongue, and the two transparent wings behind her flickered, which made people feel very refreshed... "Boa knows, Boa will never say that in the future!"

"By the way, Bao'er, just what you said, this magic lock whip seems to be very powerful, can you tell me about it?" Lu Chen was quite curious about this magic lock whip that he had never heard of. He had heard of such things as the immortal cord, but since the magic whip was more powerful than the immortal cord, it should be very well-known! But why haven't you heard anything?

"En! But what Bo'er told you was something I knew inexplicably just now. As for my own memory, there seems to be nothing. I feel that since I was born, I have always been like this. No one has ever entered me. This place!" Bao'er said depressedly, and then began to talk to Lu Chen.

It is said that a long, long time ago, it was the time when the cultivation world thought of the glorious prehistoric period. At that time, the cultivators and the immortals were in the same world, and only the gods above could cross the catastrophe and fly to another world. Before becoming an immortal, a cultivator does not need to cross the calamity.

Because the gods and men are above the realm of cultivation and the immortals, they obey their orders and do whatever they say. Although the God Realm was huge at that time, the number was too small. It is estimated that there were not enough people in a hundred. However, the cultivation realm and the immortals were counted in units of 100 million.

This makes the aloof gods and men a little jealous. As a result, every **** and man, who doesn't know what's going on, becomes a little bloodthirsty. Everything that he can't see will be plugged in. Then the fate of those who are cultivators and immortals will naturally be wiped out!

At the beginning, it did not attract the attention of practitioners and immortals, but with the increase in the death toll in the cultivation world and the immortals, and the deaths of almost all schools in the cultivation world, it attracted the attention of people in the cultivation world. At that time, they knew that many people had already died.

So under the negotiation and negotiation of the major forces in the cultivation world, I finally decided to ask the gods of the upper realm why they would kill those innocent practitioners and immortals at will. If those gods explained it and paid it back, but they just said something that offended the entire cultivation world, it would cause a battle between the gods and immortals.

"I kill my people, whatever you do, maybe when I see which of you is not pleasing to your eyes, I will kill some of you!" Such arrogant words naturally aroused all practitioners and immortals. Dissatisfaction, which laid the foundation for the battle between the gods and immortals!

In the next ten years or so, whether they are cultivators or immortals, they will all become mysterious, but those arrogant gods, who think that they have a high level of cultivation, will be able to disdain those cultivators and first People, but they never expected...

Another meeting of gods and men will only be held in a hundred years. It was held under the preparations of all the forces in the cultivation world, but no one thought...It was this meeting that not only caused dozens of gods and men to fall, but also allowed cultivation. The world has fallen into a melee for thousands of years.

It was also because of this gathering that a small sect appeared among all the forces. From then on, this sect took advantage of this opportunity to rush to the top ten of the cultivation world in one fell swoop, but this also led to the cultivation of the cultivation world. Re-division, this is naturally another big melee.

The once-in-a-hundred-year meeting of gods and men is actually a meeting where all gods and men visit the realm of comprehension and cheat. Although in normal times, those gods will also ask the practitioners to do something, but the things that can be brought into this conference are basically the best products in the world of cultivation!

After decades of preparation by many highly skilled alchemists, they finally invented a pill that can make people lose their cultivation. The higher the cultivation, the better the effect! On the contrary, it was like the kind of little guy who just learned to cultivate and ate this thing, and it didn't have any effect at all!

This kind of pill is not particularly outstanding because of the support of various spirit fruits, but it still attracted the attention of most of the gods, so they took the initiative to take these pill without knowing it. Those big guys in the cultivation world are secretly delighted.

It is because of this appearance that it did not attract the attention of the gods, but if this kind of medicine is dissolved into a certain kind of wine, it will attract the attention of the great gods, which is also a kind of unforgiving. ! It seems that Heavenly Dao is on the side of the realm of cultivation.

Most of the cultivators who took that kind of pill completely lost their cultivation level after an hour. At this time, the big guys in the realm of comprehension had already begun to prepare for action. After all, the pill had been consumed by these guys Originally, the amount of one serving per person was eaten by some greedy guys, which made the big guys in the cultivation world a bit speechless, but time is already running!

Gods who have no cultivation base are naturally not the opponents of these great masters in the cultivation world, so they finally walked the old path of those who were killed by them, and they were wiped out. This made these great gods feel extremely regretful. No chance!

The remaining small number of gods and men only reacted after they had killed those great gods who had no cultivation base in the cultivation world. Seeing that the people who were friends before, died in the hands of these ants, this made the remaining gods and men feel extremely annoyed!

This is challenging their dignity!

But when they were about to do it, they found that their body was actually trapped by a very ordinary whip. No matter what method they used, they didn't move at all, even the gods in the body. As well as divine consciousness, neither can be moved!

Now these gods are desperate, and the great masters in the cultivation world are naturally delighted, so in this way, the fame of the lock **** whip began to spread throughout the cultivation world, and since then, the lock has been refined. The refining sect of the magic whip has naturally begun to shine in the realm of cultivation!

The great masters of the realm of cultivation were preparing to kill the dozens of gods and men who were **** by the lock **** whip, but suddenly discovered that these gods and men who still existed at the cultivation level were indeed not something they could handle. The primordial consciousness is imprisoned, but no matter what method is used, it cannot leave scars on these people!

In desperation, these great masters of the cultivation world, after thinking about it, could only helplessly seal these trapped gods and men directly with powerful sealing techniques. Since they cannot be killed, they can only be sealed. As for what is said to let go, it is absolutely impossible!

I thought that the vigorous battle between the immortals and gods ended under these circumstances, but the war in the cultivation world has not ended, or it should be said that it has just begun!

Without the control of the gods of the upper realm, those powerful magnates with great ambitions were naturally unwilling to do so, so under the impetus of certain people, the civil turmoil in the realm of cultivation started, and this talent can be regarded as vigorous and extremely passionate. , But the people who died at the same time are also blockbuster movies.

In this battle, the Refining Sect once again became famous. Although their own cultivation base is not very high, but combined with their powerful refining methods, almost every disciple of the Refining Sect has a variety of fairy tools. They are all complete, which makes the big bosses of the other forces jealous!

And what attracted the attention of others more, was actually the necessary fairy tool for every disciple of the Refining Sect-the God Binding Chain, which is a combination of two magic weapons, the Binding of the God Rope and the Lock God Whip, which was refined. However, because of the material, this magic weapon has the advantages of both, but its range of attack power has been reduced a lot, so it is naturally much less than the status of the two magic weapons.

In fact, the reason why no disciple of the Refining Artifact Sect must have a god-binding chain is completely because... Since the end of the Fairy God War, no one can refine the god-lock whip, and the only god-lock whip Those gods were bound and sealed up, but the Refining Sect had no guts to withdraw those lock whips. It is not so much that the gods are sealed, it is better to say that the lock **** whip traps them!

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