Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 346: Enter the **** abyss!

"Didn't you say that no one can refine the magic lock whip, and all the lock whips trap those gods and people! Then how did the current lock whip come from?" Hear Baoer After talking for a long time, finally stopped talking, so Lu Chen said his only doubt.

It shouldn’t be the only doubt. Lu Chen is very curious about Baoerjiang’s things, but for other things, Lu Chen doesn’t need to care at all. Even if he knows it, it has nothing to do with him. I found a question related to myself and asked it.

Bao'er pursed her mouth: "My disgusting master, I haven't finished it yet! I just want to stop and rest because my throat is a bit dry! Just drink some water in an instant!" , An exquisite teacup appeared, and he drank slowly!

Lu Chen shook his head helplessly. How could this Bo'er have the same personality as Xiao Ling? They are both the character of this little naughty ghost, can it be said that all the spirits... Uh! It should be a female spirit, with that kind of naughty, really cute character!

After moisturizing his throat, Boa chirped his mouth, and said slowly again:

"In this way, because of the appearance of the god-binding chain, it slowly replaced the position of the god-lock whip. In the entire cultivation world, with time, it gradually faded into the hearts of all cultivators. And the replacement of the god-lock whip-- The chain of the gods shines brightly in the realm of cultivation, becoming more and more red.

I don't know how long it has passed, the war in the cultivation world has ended, and the structure of the cultivation world has also undergone tremendous changes. Because of its superb status and the numerous magic weapons possessed by each of its disciples, the Refining Artifact Sect suddenly entered the five major forces in the realm of cultivation!

Slowly, the strength of the realm of comprehension continued to increase, and thousands of years have passed. During these thousands of years, for some reason, there are actually a large number of gods and men who have directly ascended to the immortal world. Especially the Refining Sect, a sect whose cultivation was not good at first, directly appeared ten gods.

Although there are a large number of gods, but because of the last time, and also because these ascending practitioners and immortals are the elders of their respective sects, their own disciples are still in the sect, so they don’t want the previous gods. People are average, but it is also stipulated that there is no special reason, no lower bound!

But at this moment, those gods and men who were sealed, did not know how, and somehow broke through the seal, and the lock whips on them had no effect, as if they were sealed and became ordinary The whip is exactly the same, there is no magic weapon anymore!

Those gods, with dozens of lock whips, went to the address of the refining sect, but they never thought that after these years, the refining sect would have ten gods with superb cultivation. God-man is also divided into levels, and the cultivation base of these ten God-man is also high.

Although there are not as many gods and men as those who have been sealed, but when they fight, those who are sealed are definitely not opponents, but at this time they don't know that they will regret it when they fight, but after these seals The gods and men fell one by one, and the remaining gods and men surrendered one by one.

Next, under the supervision of that great god, the remaining twenty or so gods directly vowed blood, surrendering to the refining sect for life, and must not betray. So with the participation of more than twenty gods, the Refining Sect directly squeezed out the position of the first sect in the cultivation world in one fell swoop, and sat on it himself!

But I don’t know why, after the Refining Sect took the throne of the first sect in the realm of cultivation, the ten great gods suddenly destroyed all the lock whips of the gods who had been sealed before, but no one thought that one of them The magic lock whip that possessed the spirit of the device had slipped away beforehand!

The magic lock whip that entered the time and space tunnel was originally sealed because of the powerful tearing force in the time tunnel, so that the power of the lock whip dropped again and again, until the spirit of the lock whip exploded. , Forcibly blasted a small opening into the space-time tunnel, and locked the magic whip to escape from the tormenting place.

But at this time, because of the self-destruction, the spirit of the lock whip, except for a little spiritual sense, was attached to the lock whip, and its body had been wiped out! In this way, it was sealed again, and without the magical lock whip, it became an ordinary rope in this world.

After that, I slowly formed in the lock whip, but because no one has ever been able to enter my ‘home’, so far no one can make me believe it is the master, oh! No, I now recognize you as Lord! You are my master now!

As my consciousness slowly formed, the power of the lock whip began to slowly recover, but because of the seal, the lock whip was now just equivalent to a magic weapon! Compared with the previous elementary artifacts, it can be said to be too much different! "

As time went by, after Lu Chen understood the origin of the lock whip, he studied the seal intensively, but neither he nor Xiao Ling found any of the seal, because They did not find the existence of the seal in the lock whip.

If it weren't for Bo'er's expression of affirmation, Lu Chen would have thought that Bo'er had lied to himself again. Later, after Lu Chen reaped no results, he tightened the lock whip inside his ring. At this time, Lu Ye had just woke up and his body had already recovered. Lu Chen took Lu Ye directly and left here!

When Lu Chen and Lu Ye returned to the simple station, they attracted everyone’s attention, especially Lingying and Yangmingzi. They discovered that they had two auras and were rushing to their side. When he came, he was frightened. If Lu Chen hadn't even spoken out, it was estimated that the two of them would have released their moves!

"What are you two doing? I just went out for a while, so you are ready to welcome me like this!" After the moves of Ling Ying and Yang Mingzi were dissipated, Lu Chen smiled and walked to them. , Directly hugged Lingying's slender waist, and one hand became unstable.

"It's not that you bad guy was scared! Just now your aura that surpassed the Da Luo Jinxian cultivation base was released, but it scared us to death, thinking you encountered some powerful enemy. This did not feel that the breath was constantly approaching, It made us nervous. Lu Chen, did you meet someone with the same cultivation level just now, what did you do with him?" Lingying asked.

"Um!" Lu Chen grabbed his head and said, "What happened to a powerful enemy! I just broke through accidentally, OK! I didn't control my momentum for a while, so I couldn't help but let it go. Fortunately, You are not by your side, otherwise the momentum will make your bodies useless soon!"

"What... You broke through just now. You are now the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian? Didn't you go to Lu Ye? Why did you break through again? Your breakthrough is too easy!" Yang Mingzi didn't care about Lu Chen. The demeanor, I feel like crying but no tears, people are compared with people, how can the gap be so big!

"En! It was originally, you guys also know about the epiphany! I just accidentally realized the epiphany, and I, who had already reached the critical point, naturally broke through directly, but...but my cultivation base does not seem to be a big Luo Jinxian. ..." Lu Chen said distressedly.

"Ah! It's not Daluo Jinxian! That's good, that's good! You are so young, if you reach the cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian, I won't be ashamed to die!" Yang Mingzi showed a trace of rejoicing, but Lingying did not Show it, but the expression in the eyes clearly also has this meaning.

Lu Chen looked at the two people helplessly, thinking for a long time, and finally decided not to tell them his true cultivation level, otherwise... he let out the momentum of Da Luo Jinxian, and they were already scared like this. Their own cultivation bases still scared them away! In order not to let himself lose such a woman and a subordinate, Lu Chen decided to hide it!

"Everyone pack up, take a rest here tonight, and then we will enter early tomorrow morning!" It was good, I went into the interior of the **** abyss this morning, but I did not expect that after the intersection, something like this would happen. It is already It's three or four o'clock in the afternoon. This time goes inside, obviously not a good time. Most people know that animals that live at night are very cruel!

When Lu Chen interrupted like this, Lingying and Yang Mingzi forgot to ask about Lu Chen’s specific cultivation base, but in their minds, they had decided that Lu Chen should be Luo Tianshang’s peak cultivation base, otherwise they would not either. Will mistake Luo Tianshang's cultivation base for Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation base!

As for Lu Ye and the others, although they have been listening for a long time, they don’t know what the Daluo Jinxian actually represents, but they often hear this name from Yang Mingzi and others who are familiar with the knowledge of the cultivation world. This cultivation base is quite powerful, quite NB. When they heard that Lu Chen was not the Da Luo Jinxian cultivation base, they still felt extremely regretful!

Of course, I think so. It's just outsiders like Li Yanshi and Feng Yi who are not familiar with Lu Chen. As for Lu Ye and the others, they understand what Lu Chen said just now. Lu Chen didn't mean to say that his cultivation level is not good. Da Luo Jinxian, it should be more powerful than Da Luo Jinxian. As for what it is, since Lu Chen doesn't say it now, he has his own reason. Lu Ye and the women did not ask directly, it's a big deal. In the future, when there are no outsiders, ask again, it will work soon!

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