Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 347: Mysterious pothole!

Everyone walked into the **** abyss. Although they had been prepared before, they were still a little shocked when they saw it. The **** air here is estimated to be more than ten times that of the outside world, and the outside world is still the kind of faint blood floating in the air, and fog has formed here.

After Lu Chen entered the dense crimson mist full of blood and blood, he could not help but feel a bloodthirsty mood rising all over his body. Thinking of his own high level of cultivation, that was already the case, let alone other people, Lu Chen looked at his head decisively, but it surprised him!

Because in addition to Yang Mingzi and Ling Ying’s reaction, that is, Heidi, the person whose cultivation level is ranked below the two, can see a little reaction on his face, as for the others, there is no reaction at all. Even the dense fog, as if not seen!

"You have nothing to do!" Walking to Yangmingzi and Lingying's side, Lu Chen directly passed some of the life energy in his body, washed away the bloodthirsty emotions in their hearts, and then faced several other people. Said, Lu Chen was worried about how they felt, but he couldn't feel it.

"We?" Feng Yi looked at Lu Chen strangely, "We are fine! The environment here is better than the outside environment! There is no **** smell at all, if we didn't know that this is the inside of the **** abyss, I must have thought I was in the wrong place!"

"Yeah! Lu Chen, we didn't feel anything! The environment here is really good!" As he said, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath of satisfaction!

It can be said that with the exception of Lu Chen, Lingying, Yang Mingzi, and Heidi being affected, even Heina, who has a cultivation level similar to Heidi, didn’t feel anything. As for the others, it’s even more so. Lu Chen was a little surprised, the fog inside turned out to be the kind that the higher the cultivation level, the greater the impact it received.

"Are you sure you haven't seen the thick fog around you?" Lu Chen still asked a little worried!

"No! Lu Chen, are you wrong? The surrounding environment is so good, it's even more beautiful than the **** abyss outside, and the air should be clearer. How can there be any fog!" Kathrine is still that kind. Said with a big grin.

"En! Okay! Be careful, and tell you the truth! We are all surrounded by **** mists, but the problem is this kind of thing, the higher the cultivation level, the deeper the impact will be, you Although I can't see anything, I am not affected, but I am worried that what you see is an illusion!" Lu Chen said.

After Lu Chen finished speaking, Yang Mingzi and Lingying nodded at the same time, even Heidi did. Although Heidi was also affected, what she saw was not a thick mist, but a layer of mist like a veil. The **** atmosphere she felt was similar to the outer layer!

Speaking of this, the other people did not look relaxed and comfortable like before, like an outing, but carefully followed Lu Chen, walked forward slowly, and once again recovered to the outer layer of the **** abyss. That kind of battle formation, as long as you encounter danger, you can immediately start a battle!

"Hey! Lu Chen, there seems to be a big pit ahead!" After walking for less than half an hour, Lu Ye, who was walking beside Lu Chen, suddenly called out, and then the whole team stopped suddenly. They all looked at Lu Chen, waiting for Lu Chen's instructions.

Because everything Lu Chen saw was thick fog, he was most affected by this thick fog, so he could only let Lu Ye, a person who had barely received any influence, come as a guide and lead everyone forward. , After all, Lu Ye's cultivation base is pretty good!

As soon as Lu Chen opened his eyes in the sky, he immediately found that the surrounding fog had dissipated. Sure enough, he realized that there was a huge pit in front of him. The width of the pit was at least twenty to thirty meters wide, and its depth! From Lu Chen, at least the bottom of the pothole could not be seen!

"Let's take a look!" Lu Chen said, walking slowly towards the pothole, but as soon as he approached the pothole ten meters away, he felt a strong **** spirit around him. This **** qi is not a **** qi, but a kind of experience that can be practiced. Legend has it that it is the cultivation power of the Shura clan.

Lu Chen was stunned. Could it be possible that there is still the Asura clan here? Lu Chen looked at the narrator Lingying suspiciously, and found that they were also frowning at the same time. Obviously they felt the strong blood evil spirit in the air. As for the others, it seemed that they were also affected by the blood evil spirit. The impact is average!

"Lu Chen, okay... so uncomfortable! I feel... the blood in my body seems to be going to... burst my own blood vessels..." Just as Lu Chen was about to move forward and check the situation, he suddenly heard Lu Ye next to him screamed in pain, before he turned his head, several screams came from beside him!

Lu Chen turned his head nervously, and suddenly found that the few people who were not affected just now all fell to the place with painful faces, and their whole bodies became blood-red and blood-red. The blood vessels were quite obvious. People have a rather terrifying feeling.

Lu Chen hurriedly set up a protective shield next to him, isolating the **** air and blood evil air from the outside of the protective shield. With Lu Chen's action, Lu Ye and the others began to feel less painful. , The blood vessels soaring on the body gradually disappeared!

"What's the matter?" Lu Chen asked.

"Blood evil spirit is simply not something they can bear. If it's not because they still have a little cultivation base, if they are replaced by ordinary people, the blood vessels will burst and die as soon as they encounter blood evil spirit!" Yang Mingzi After thinking for a while, he said slowly.

"Wipe!" Lu Chen scolded uncomfortably, "You know that the blood of evil spirits affects them, then why don't you tell them in advance, do you have to wait until they die before thinking about it!"

"No..." Yang Mingzi glanced at Lu Ye and the others guiltily, and said: "I didn't even know these vitality just now, it was the blood evil spirit. After you helped them fix it, I just remembered... this This **** spirit is something of the Shura realm. If my master hadn’t met people in the Shura realm before, I wouldn’t know it at all!"

Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay! Forget it, when I didn't say it! You guys be careful here, I will go down and see for myself! No matter what happens then, I must wait for my return..."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he walked directly out of the protective shield, and then the huge pothole under Fei's body. As the pothole approached a little bit, the **** spirit that Lu Chen felt became more intense, but until now, Lu Chen Du did not feel the existence of life force from the pit underground.

My feet finally stepped on the ground at the bottom of the pothole, and the surrounding area was dark red and hot, making the whole land look extremely dry. The **** breath came from this pothole. Below, it continued to spread, but after one meter from the pothole, there was no more scorching breath.

Lu Chen, who had not found anything, was a little annoyed. He stepped on it lightly. As a result, the ground beneath his house collapsed, revealing a dark and deep hole about one meter wide. Lu Chen hesitated for a while, then picked it up. I picked up a stone and threw it into this deep hole. As a result, I didn't hear the sound of the stone falling to the ground for a long time.

Lu Chen was a little shocked. He didn't know what to do for a while, but right here, a powerful blood evil spirit suddenly came out from the deep cave. This blood evil spirit was compared with those just now. , It was so powerful that it was countless times stronger. If Lu Chen had not been vigilant in his heart, he might have capsized in the gutter!

I thought that this powerful blood evil spirit came out, indicating that something would come out of it, but after waiting for a few minutes, Lu Chen found nothing. This made Lu Chen feel a little aggrieved, so he prepared to release it. Divine consciousness, look at how deep the bottom is, go down and talk about it later!

I don’t know how long he spent exploring with his spiritual sense. Lu Chen finally felt the bottom of this deep hole. After a rough calculation, hey, it is more than 8,000 meters deep. This is on the earth, but you can drink that. The highest mountain is comparable, but one is above the surface and the other is below the surface!

Lu Chen roughly checked this thing with his spiritual sense and found that there was an empty dark space inside. Maybe something was blocking Lu Chen's spiritual sense, so Lu Chen didn't notice anything, even the **** spirit. The source of it was not found!

This caused Lu Chen, who was planning to use teleport directly, to think for a while, first communicated his meaning with Lingying's divine sense, and then jumped directly into this deep hole.

The width of the deep hole was too small, only one meter in diameter. Lu Chen couldn't even stretch out his hand, so he curled up, then released his spiritual consciousness, while descending, slowly exploring what's here, and his eyes were not in vain. Look around, sometimes the eyes are better than the divine sense!

The distance of 10,000 meters is no more than a blink of an eye for Lu Chen, but because he wants to explore the secrets inside, Lu Chen walks quite slowly, but despite this, after half an hour, he has already fallen into a deep hole. At the point, an internal cave with a considerable space.

Because the closer the distance to the inner core of the planet, the higher the temperature. After Lu Chen descended into the cave, it was almost equal to the temperature of a volcanic crater. Just below this deep cave, there was a constant rolling Lava pit with bubbles.

Lu Chen couldn't help but cursed in a low voice, this **** guy, I really don’t know who made this place, and he made such a **** trap. Had it not been for Lu Chen's discovery, it is estimated that it has fallen directly into the lava. Got it! Although the temperature of the magma is not harmful to Lu Chen, one can still burn Lu Chen's clothes and hairs without paying attention!

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