Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 348: Two-headed evil lion!

Standing next to the magma pit, Lu Chen began to carefully observe this huge karst cave. What surprised Lu Chen was that he could not find anything with his spiritual sense before, but now with his eyes, not only that appeared There are many weird-shaped trees around the magma pit!

Although these trees are a bit peculiar, they have one characteristic, that is, the direction in which the branches grow, they all point to one location. That is a wall close to Lu Chen. Because of this, in Lu Chen's eyes, these trees are quite tall. strange.

Lu Chen looked at the rock wall like a knife cut curiously, and couldn't find anything on it. Lu Chen slowly flew into the air, and then calculated the point where the treetops of those trees extended out and concentrated on the wall, so he took out the flying sword and struck it with a sword!

There was a loud "bang", and as expected, as Lu Chen had guessed, a deep cave appeared again there. The cave was very large and tall. Compared with the previous deep cave that Lu Chen had dropped by more than 10,000 meters, it was hit ten times. Several times, from this location of Lu Chen, one could vaguely see the other end of the cave, and there was light coming from!

Lu Chen was a little puzzled. In this 10,000-meter-long cave, there was still light appearing. How could this be? Could it be... Could it be that this cave leads to an unknown world, just like that novel? What kind of paradise appeared in the middle!

And with such a paradise, there are naturally indispensable treasures. Thinking of this, Lu Chen felt excited. Treasure, treasure! This is Lu Chen's favorite thing. After being hit like this, Lu Chen almost forgot what he wanted to do with this thing!

Smiling evil intentionally, Lu Chen began to walk towards the cave, but at this moment, behind Lu Chen, there was a roar suddenly, holding some water to boil, the sound of constantly rolling when it boils , At the same time, there was a dangerous aura flying towards Lu Chen!

Lu Chen escaped the sneak attack with a gentle yield, but then, the entire cave began to vibrate constantly, and the **** evil spirits around it also began to surge behind Lu Chen, don’t think about it, Lu Chen He already understood that behind him, a powerful creature must have appeared.

Lu Chen turned around helplessly, a huge body stood erect behind Lu Chen, his dark red hair seemed soft but extremely hard, wheel-sized eyes, in the darkness, two ghosts flashed The faint green light is full, making people look at it with shock.

A loud roar came from his mouth, and his mouth was full of sharp and sharp teeth. Against the orange light of magma, bursts of cold light flashed. The proud and tall posture is like a lion magnified countless times, but what makes Lu Chen feel shocking is that this lion's abdomen still has a small head open.

The small skull on the abdomen is exactly the same as the huge one. Of course, apart from the difference in size, it is almost carved out of the same mold. Lu Chen had never seen such a weird lion, especially with such a weird head on his abdomen, which made Lu Chen sigh with great emotion!

"What the **** is this? Why is it so weird? There are a lot of creatures with two heads, but this way, it is the first time I have seen a creature with a head on the abdomen. ...... Is this thing that caused such a strong blood evil spirit around this pothole?

There was a loud noise of "touching", the big lion with two heads fell to the ground from mid-air, shaking the whole cave again, and "Coco Cha" dropped the rubble for a long time. Minutes, it stopped slowly, and at this time the two people, not...it should be one person and one lion, have begun to stare at them!

"What the **** are you!" Lu Chen murmured.

As a result, I didn’t expect that someone’s voice came from the speech: "What the **** are you!"

Lu Chen's eyes widened suddenly, the two-headed lion in front of him was able to speak, isn't it right, it should be able to speak human words? "Did you talk just now? How could you speak human words! Are you not a...a lion that has been magnified countless times?"

"Why can't I speak human language? Don't compare me with those ordinary lions. My name is a two-headed evil lion? What are you? Are you a human?" The two-headed evil lion tilted his head and asked suspiciously.

Lu Chen glanced at this girl contemptuously, and then muttered softly: "Why don't you compare you to an ordinary lion? Isn't the two-headed evil lion still a lion? If there were no ordinary lions, where did you come from! "Of course, Lu Chen wouldn't say this!

"I am a human being, why are you doing here?" Lu Chen said.

"Oh! So you are a human! My mother said that humans are delicious! Let me taste the taste of humans!" As he said, the two-headed evil lion licked its tongue like a glutton, as if it were true. It's like a taste, what exactly is the taste of Lu Chen, a human being!

At first, Lu Chen was shocked by what the two-headed evil lion said, but when he saw the joking sentiment in the eyes of the two-headed evil lion, he knew that the two-headed evil lion was playing with him. This made Lu Chen again. Very depressed, you said that you are a lion, and it is weird. You are still like humans, learning to play people, this... This is too joking!

Lu Chen gave the two-headed evil lion angrily, then asked: "I'm not kidding you! What are you doing here! I know you won't eat me! It's at least black here, and everything is nothing. No, what's the point, why don't you go out and stroll around!"

Lu Chen’s words made the two-headed evil lion look lonely, then bent down four legs, lay on the ground, and said, “I also want to go out and play, but I have my own mission. When my mother leaves, let I must guard this place, and don't let the monsters inside come out!"

"There is a monster in it?" Lu Chen looked around in surprise, and finally turned his gaze to the cave that he had pierced before, "Is the monster you mentioned in it? What is that monster? Ah! Can you tell me, maybe I can kill him for you, and then I will take you out to play!"

"Really, can you really take me out to play?" This two-headed evil lion, at first glance, I know that it is a little guy who is not very old and has never gone out. He has seen this world. He is good, but because... this guy seems to be very powerful, and he went out to follow Lu Chen, isn't it because he has another thug!

"Of course it's true! I, Lu Chen, never lie! But you have to tell me some information about that monster! Otherwise, how can I help you get rid of him!" Lu Chen stretched out his hand and gestured to the two-headed evil lion. , Tell yourself to quickly tell yourself the monster’s information!

"That's what I said!" The two-headed evil lion nodded its huge head, and then slowly said, "It is a bloodthirsty phoenix. It is a mutant race of the Phoenix family. It was once the elder of the Phoenix family. Something he didn't know, let this bloodthirsty phoenix be sealed here by the Phoenix clan.

Moreover, our two-headed evil lion clan is also the next race of the Phoenix clan, so we were arranged to guard the bloodthirsty phoenix here. Each double-headed evil dragon must be guarded here for five hundred years before it reaches adulthood. However, if the bloodthirsty phoenix can be killed, there will be no need for members of our clan to continue guarding here! "

"Um! Your clan is still related to the Phoenix clan, wait, what is this place! Why do the Phoenix clan seal people here?" Lu Chen asked suspiciously.

The two-headed evil lion scratched his head in embarrassment. Lu Chen almost didn't laugh at that. Then he said, "I don't know where this is. Anyway, I came here through a teleportation array of the Phoenix family. Then I sent it directly here. You are the first creature I have ever seen except the sealed guy!"

Lu Chen was a little regretful. The two-headed evil lion didn’t know about this place, but maybe after he found the Phoenix clan, he would know what this place was. "Right, do you mean that when your time is up? In the future, you will still be able to leave through that teleportation formation? Then can you tell me where is that teleportation formation now?"

"This..." The two-headed evil lion hesitated for a while, and then said: "It's not that I don't tell you, but I don't know where the teleportation array is. My mother said that when the time is up, she will naturally come to pick it up. I, let me not worry, this year will be my fifty-year stay here!"

"Oh!" Lu Chen didn't know the location of the teleportation formation for the two-headed evil lion. Lu Chen had already planned, so he didn't feel anything. He already guessed that it must be so, "Where is the bloodthirsty phoenix you mentioned? Let's take a look now, and you can tell me something about him by the way!"

"En! That's for sure!" The two-headed evil lion turned its huge body. Although the cave is huge, the body of the two-headed evil lion is also huge. In this cave, it turns. The body is a bit difficult!

Lu Chen silently watched the two-headed evil lion turning its body difficultly, and then asked: "I said Xiaoxie! Can't you let your body shrink a bit! Now like this, no matter what you are uncomfortable, it's me watching It's also uncomfortable!"

"Uh!" The two-headed evil lion looked at Lu Chen still a little depressed. He must be younger than Lu Chen, but he was called Xiaoxie by Lu Chen. Can he be depressed! Besides, it is still a question whether the name of the double-headed evil lion is called Xiaoxie!

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