Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 351: The world of Zi Xiner!

"Oh! What are you using? It should be a magic weapon with space spells!" Lu Chen guessed!

"En! Almost!" Zi Xiner gave Lu Chen a weird look, and then said: "Actually! This magic weapon is the ring you left me at the beginning, but for some reason, I didn't want to separate from this ring. , So I refine this ring into a world, and then hide it in my body!"

Lu Chen was stunned again, if according to what Zi Xin'er said, doesn't it mean that they are now in Zi Xin'er's body, so why can Zi Xin'er appear in the world in her body again? ? "You said we are in your body? But you..."

"Don't you know that there is a spell called Extraordinary Incarnation?" Zi Xin'er gave Lu Chen a white look, and then said: "This spell I remember is still one of the knowledge you left me, now in front of you This is my deity, and this world is actually in the body of my clone now!"

Lu Chen grabbed his head embarrassedly and turned into something like this. Of course, Lu Chen had previously been in the settlement of the blood sea clan not long ago. Because of the extra incarnation, Lu Chen made the blood sea clan women People, it can be said that he ate tofu, how could Lu Chen not remember it deeply!

"What did you just say about this world? There is another thing related to me. It wouldn't be this ring!" Lu Chen nodded. In that case, Lu Chen has no need to explore this world, this **** abyss. , After leaving here, you can go out directly!

"Of course... not!" Zi Xin'er gasped, making Lu Chen extremely depressed, "You now seem to have two Hongmeng-class magic weapons in your hand. There is one from the center of this world. , The sacred artifact that only you can use!"

"What? There is another sacred artifact in this world?" Lu Chen was stunned. It was already a lucky thing for Lu Chen to be able to obtain two sacred artifacts. Now he sent another one to the door and listened to purple. Xin'er meant that this kind of sacred artifact could only be used by herself!

"Yes! If I guess correctly, you should be a Harmony Pearl, and a Harmony Pagoda. The Harmony Pearl is equivalent to a world, and the Harmony Pagoda is something that allows you to understand the law and is also a protection. The magic weapon, the one in this world now, is a Hongmeng sword, a super weapon that only you can use!"

As Zi Xin'er said, she saw Lu Chen's expression of excitement and joy. She knew that Lu Chen had not had a suitable weapon, which led to this, but Zi Xin'er had to attack Lu Chen. Lu Chen, although this is your weapon, but now you only have the cultivation base of the immortal emperor, and you can't use this sacred artifact at all, so... you have to work harder! Unless you wait until your sacred master is cultivated. The third level peak, that is, my current state of gods, is it possible, and I can barely use this super sacred weapon!"

Zi Xin'er's words made Lu Chen faint, but thinking that he was so lucky to be able to obtain this sacred artifact, it was already pretty good, and he would definitely reach the third level peak state in the future, so this sage I will be able to use it someday sooner or later, and besides, with my current cultivation base, I will not be able to meet an enemy worthy of my all-out effort. What is there to be dissatisfied with!

"Haha!" Seeing Lu Chen's return to normal so quickly, Zi Xin'er couldn't help being surprised at Lu Chen's mental state cultivation base. Although she could see Lu Chen's own mental state cultivation base, Lu Chen's mental state cultivation base, Zi Xin'er couldn't see through it all the time. Every time she wanted to see it, she always felt chaos before her eyes!

"Let’s go and take a look now! I want to know how powerful this Hongmeng Sacred Artifact is. It needs the cultivation realm of the deity to be able to use it reluctantly. What a great face!" Lu Chen laughed. , Said with his arms around Zi Xin'er's delicate body.

"En! Come with me!" Zi Xin'er nodded and took Lu Chen out of this sealed place with both hands for a while. Xiaoxie was planning to follow, but seeing the two disappear so quickly. I couldn't help being disappointed, but I didn't expect that I had just prepared to leave here and returned to my own territory. I felt lighter. When I returned to normal, I saw a beautiful valley appearing in front of my eyes.

"It's so beautiful!" Lu Chen looked at the beautiful environment in front of him. He couldn't believe his eyes. In this **** abyss, a place with only blood red, there would be such a beautiful place, no more than on the earth. Those so-called scenic spots are bad!

Moreover, in this valley, the strong atmosphere of the sacred atmosphere has made everything living here, whether it be plants or animals, have produced some spiritual wisdom. As for the ordinary fruits in other places, here, there are already a lot of them. The spiritual fruit of energy!

"Haha! It's pretty good here!" Zi Xiner couldn't help feeling a burst of pride when she saw Lu Chen's expression of enjoyment. My own world, because of the blood of those gods and men, turned into a hellish scene of Shura, this is the result of my later efforts to change. Zi Xin'er was naturally very proud.

"En! It's not very good, but quite good!" Lu Chen took a few deep breaths of air, the air full of humongous air was sucked into his body by Lu Chen, and the operation of the humongous air in his body was added to the joy, the only pity The thing is, compared with Hongmengzhu, here is still a bit worse!

If Zi Xin'er knew that Lu Chen compared her own place to Hong Mengzhu, she would definitely be performing a woman's peculiar skill-Nine Turns Soft Kneading, squeezing Lu Chen's waist fiercely. This girl is really inauthentic. Comparing that kind of stuff with your own small world, isn't this the Mai Tairen!

Hongmeng Zhu is a sacred artifact of Hongmeng, and Zi Xiner's world was refined based on the storage ring that Lu Chen gave her before, so Dingduo was considered a divine weapon! The Hongmeng Sacred Artifact is something that is many times higher than the Divine Artifact...

"Come with me! That Hongmeng sacred artifact is in the center of this small valley!" Zi Xin'er was not teleporting this time, she directly pulled Lu Chen's arm and walked towards the center of the valley. Such a good environment, no It's a waste to walk over while admiring it!

At the center of the valley is a huge mountain. As soon as Lu Chen walked here, he felt an unusually familiar sound from the mountain, but this sound was so strange that Lu Chen had never heard it before, but It just feels so familiar!

Suddenly, Xiao Ling’s voice sounded from Lu Chen’s mind, and said to Lu Chen happily: “Master, it’s... it’s the Hongmeng Sword. I finally know why the Hongmengzhu is so strongly affected as soon as you enter this world. The oppression turned out to be affected by the Hongmeng Sword!"

Xiao Ling was very excited, but when Lu Chen heard what he said, he was not at all excited, as if he already knew it, and asked strangely, "Master, are you not happy! It's the Hongmeng Sword! No longer have to worry about not having a suitable weapon!"

"Haha! I already know!" Lu Chen knew that it was already Zi Xin'er. He shielded Xiao Ling from the words he had just with her. Otherwise, with Xiao Ling's ability, it would be impossible not to know. Xiner's mouth received news of Hongmeng Sword.

"Lu Chen, is there a very familiar calling sound! That is the Hongmeng Sword is calling you, and the Hongmeng Sword is inside this mountain. I hope you can conquer him! The Hongmeng Sacred Artifact is not so easy to deal with. !" Zi Xiner pointed to the mountain in front of her and said.

"I know this, I will work hard!" Lu Chen nodded affirmatively. Since the Hongmeng Sword can only be used by himself, if he can't subdue it, wouldn't he be very sorry? Mysterious person to yourself!

Causality, cause and effect, Lu Chen didn’t believe that he got the Hongmeng Pearl, not the result of someone’s arrangement. After all, Shui Yulan had said before that this Hongmeng Judgment was arranged by the person behind to cultivate for him. If so, how could he be able to? Don't treat me well!

"Xin'er, how did you get this Hongmeng Sword?" Lu Chen was very curious. Although the Hongmeng Sword is right in front of him, Lu Chen is not sure to subdue it, so he needs to make some preparations. It may not be used at the time, but Lu Chen is not willing to cause the Hongmeng Sword to not be subdued by him because of his negligence!

"After I crossed the God Realm one hundred thousand years ago, this Hongmeng Sword automatically came to me! At that time I thought that he wanted to recognize me as the master, but I was very happy..." Zi Xinerbai After taking a look at Lu Chen, he continued: "Who knew that it wasn't. Later I found out. It turns out that this Hongmeng sword already knew that I had a relationship with you, so I came to me specifically to get your call in the future!"

"Um!" Lu Chen blinked his eyes. He didn't expect it to be like this. This Hongmeng Sword had known its appearance more than 100,000 years ago. Isn't this causation? So Lu Chen believed even more that his path had been arranged by the mysterious man! No matter how hard he works, the corresponding arrangements will change accordingly, but it is precisely because of this that Lu Chen has to resist even more!

He is a thoughtful person, not a puppet. He doesn't want his own path to be controlled by others. Although the final result may still be calculated by the mysterious man, at least, the process between Lu Chen has worked hard. Now, he has no regrets at this point!

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