Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 352: Conquer the Hongmeng Sword!

With everything ready, Lu Chen slowly approached the mountain. As he got closer to the mountain, the familiar and unfamiliar voice became more obvious. The excitement in Lu Chen's heart became stronger, but Lu Chen could only endure those emotions in his heart!

As soon as Lu Chen approached the mountain, a huge black hole suddenly appeared in front of him. Lu Chen walked in without hesitation. He knew that this was arranged by Hongmeng Sword. After he entered, he had to go through a series of tests before he could It is true that the owner of the Hongmeng Sword, after all, the Hongmeng Sword is also dignified!

As for why it was so simple to collect the Hongmeng Pearl, it was because it was Lu Chen's contract to practice the Hongmeng Judgment. If Lu Chen accidentally did not get the Hongmeng Pearl, that is, the trouble of Xiaoling's approval, then it would be troublesome! This is not the result that the mysterious man wanted.

As soon as he walked into the dark hole, countless flying swords flashed in front of Lu Chen's eyes, hovering constantly above Lu Chen's head, and the bloodthirsty breath continued to be transmitted from the flying swords, even Lu Chen, I also felt extremely uncomfortable, just like the feeling of being stared at by a poisonous snake!

With a "swish", a flying sword suddenly blasted towards Lu Chen's face. Lu Chen's eyes narrowed, and he was about to make a move. Who knew that the flying sword stopped at Lu with a sudden "swoosh" sound. In front of Chen, a few rays of light flashed above, and a row of words appeared:

"Welcome to those who are predestined. If you want to get the holy sword, you need to pass three levels. The first level is a test of wisdom. Please tell me about these tens of thousands of flying swords and find the one that you think is the most powerful! If you can pass, you can Proceed to the next level, otherwise it means that the donor has no relationship with the holy sword and cannot conquer the holy sword!"

"Um!" Lu Chen was a little dumbfounded. Although he had to pass the test of the Holy Sword before he could conquer the Holy Sword, this was something that Lu Chen's money had already considered, but Lu Chen never thought of this first level. The test, what happened like this, is really...it's a bit cheating!

"Starting to break through!" After a few big characters appeared above Feijian again, it disappeared in front of Lu Chen in an instant, and then the tens of thousands of Feijian that originally floated above Lu Chen's head quickly turned in an instant. , At the same time, the murderous aura from above also spread to Lu Chen, making Lu Chen even more uncomfortable!

Let’s put tens of thousands of flying swords there and wait for Lu Chen to look for it. Lu Chen might still be able to find it. But like this, even if Lu Chen really finds it, it’s probably just as soon as he finds it. The sword did not know that it flew to the place above!

After a long time, Lu Chen still stood on the spot stupidly, not knowing what to do! After a long time, Lu Chen suddenly raised his head and cursed at the sky: "You NND, who do you think I am! You are not only cheating, but also telling the whole family! I don't believe it anymore, I can't find anything!"

As he said, Lu Chen suddenly turned his body into full play, and suddenly produced tens of thousands of flying swords. Then they floated into the air, and followed the flying swords, spinning them continuously. When the speed reached the same level as the flying swords, Lu Chen Only then began to slowly observe those flying swords, each clone was just enough.

When the speed of each Lu Chen and each flying sword reached the same level, Lu Chen and the flying sword were in a relatively forbidden state, so Lu Chen could feel the murderous aura on these flying swords with his heart, and at the same time carefully Observe what these flying swords look like to find the most powerful flying sword.

But half of it disappeared. What made Lu Chen depressed was that these flying swords gave each of Lu Chen's avatars almost the same feeling, and there was no unusual feeling at all, as if these flying swords were the same flying sword. , But just like Lu Chen, he used his external incarnation!

"Wait! The external avatar... yes! Why didn't I think of this, since I can use the external avatar, why these flying swords can't be used! Think about the return of ten thousand swords, isn't that the way! In this way, Lu Chen felt even more attentive, and finally...

Finally, he suddenly yelled at the sky, "These flying swords are all the same, they are the external incarnations of the same flying sword!" After speaking, Lu Chen directly sat on the ground and put away his own clones. He started to recover his mind, just when he observed these flying swords. But Lu Chen is tired!

As soon as Lu Chen's words fell, a flying sword flew out again and stopped in front of Lu Chen. Several rays of light flashed, and a ray of light flashed on it: "Congratulations to the donor for passing this level! But although the donor has passed this level , But the next two levels are not so easy, I wish you success!"

"Haha!" Lu Chen laughed. It was only a trick to pass this level. Although he was very natural after saying that sentence, he was actually quite excited in his heart. I was afraid that he had made a mistake. , Make yourself unable to pass even the first level, that would be embarrassing!

"Of course I will work hard. You belong to the Hongmeng Sword, and I will never fail!" Lu Chen held it all and swung it as if provoking the Hongmeng Sword, but he didn't know if the Hongmeng Sword could see Lu Chen's movements. , I guess I saw it, I wouldn't think Lu Chen will take it seriously!

"Please enter the second level!" Feijian stopped in front of Lu Chen. After a few seconds, another light flashed, and then a line of text appeared. Then in front of Lu Chen, another door appeared. , Still that kind of dark, waiting for Lu Chen to enter!

Lu Chen nodded firmly, and then strode towards the entrance of the black hole.

As soon as he stepped into this cave, Lu Chen instantly darkened behind him, and then a strong storm struck Lu Chen. This kind of storm is quite strong, even if Lu Chen has such a high level of cultivation, he still has some unsteady standing and swaying posture in it, like a flat boat driving in the vast ocean in a storm!

"The second level, test the cultivation base! Ask the donor to fly the sword for an hour in a stormy environment!" I don't know when, a flying sword appeared in front of Lu Chen again, and the words flashing on it made Lu Chen The company went black and scolded again: "Apart from cheating, what else would you do?"

No matter how much Lu Chen yelled, he did not respond to his voice at all, only the flying sword floating in the air in front of him, unaffected by the storm. And this flying sword was exactly the flying sword that Lu Chen needed for this test.

"NND, fight it!" Lu Chen jumped onto the flying sword in front of him without hesitation, but the flying sword seemed to be against Lu Chen. As soon as Lu Chen touched him, he just banged out. On the ground, if it weren't for Lu Chen's quick reaction, I'm afraid he would have a **** stump!

"Wipe! Play with me!" Lu Chen was so angry that he was punching and kicking Feijian, but he thought that this thing was a dead thing, no matter how hard he hits, he didn't react at all, instead he wasted his strength. Lu Chen had no choice but to get to the ground, staring at the flying sword carefully.

After thinking for a long time, Lu Chen finally remembered that although this flying sword was a flying sword to test himself, he did not refine it, so even if it is a powerful flying sword, in his own hands, It is equivalent to a very ordinary long sword, but it will be sharper after waiting!

Thinking of this, Lu Chen was incredibly embarrassed. It was obviously his fault, and he blamed a dead object. Fortunately, there were no people around here. Otherwise, if someone else found out, he wouldn't be laughed to death! Lu Chen can't afford to lose such a big face! As everyone knows, everything about Lu Chen has always been seen by some people! . Seeing what Lu Chen did just now, those people laughed to death!

After controlling the flying sword, Lu Chen jumped onto the flying sword here. Although it was affected by the storm and made Lu Chen's body tremble, at least the flying sword did not fall directly to the ground as before. This gave Lu Chen a face. Something feels good, although in his opinion, there is no one around!

Flying swayingly in the storm, Lu Chen's current look is almost worse than the little guys who are novice flying with swords. Lu Chen flew several times to the high ground in the air and was suddenly blown by the storm. Lu Chen didn't control the flying sword at once, and the whole person was like a bird with broken wings, falling straight down. If it weren't for Lu Chen's luck, he controlled the flying sword again before falling on the ground. Those previous efforts were wasted again!

In Lu Chen's view, this imperial sword flight test, as long as he is holding the sword and flying in the sky for an hour without falling to the ground, it will be fine! So Lu Chen relied on these fortunes and persisted in his mouth for an hour, and finally the flying sword he was looking forward to appeared in front of him!

"Congratulations to the donor, you barely passed the second level test! The third level test is even more difficult than the second level. I hope the donor can pass!" The words on Feijian made Lu Chen feel extremely embarrassed. Especially the words reluctantly made Lu Chen extremely ashamed, and almost wanted to find a hole in the ground. It's a pity that the surrounding area is empty, let alone the ground seam, even the wall seam can't find one!

Lu Chen knew that his calculations this time were still considered opportunistic, especially since he had to fall to the ground several times. He was quite lucky. He happened to gain control of Feijian again and let Feijian reach his own. Under me, I caught myself falling from the air, otherwise...

Then there was a huge dark cave that appeared in front of Lu Chen. Lu Chen knew that after the cave in front of him passed, he would even pass the test of the Hongmeng Sword. Although his tests were very simple and just It was like a gift to Lu Chen, it was not a test at all, but Lu Chen still felt extremely happy!

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