Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 353: The might of the Hongmeng Sword!

Walking into the dark and deep cave again, Lu Chen suddenly realized that he seemed to have entered a dreamlike world. The only difference was that everything in this world was made up of various sword-shaped objects! Sword-shaped house, sword-shaped plant. Everything is sword-shaped!

"Where is this..." Lu Chen was a little confused, didn't he come to pass the third test! Why did you enter this world all at once? Is this world the only way to pass the third test! This is... this is too unusual!

Suddenly, Lu Chen's eyes went dark, and the world made up of swords slowly shattered, and then a beautiful picture of the starry sky appeared in Lu Chen's eyes, and Lu Chen now stands proudly in this vast starry sky. Among them, it seems so small, so...

Lu Chen was wondering when he heard a loud and loud voice in his ear: "Hahaha! You are finally here! But you are already late, and I will soon be invincible, even if you, the guardian, come here. , It's no longer useful! It's late...hahahaha!"

This voice made Lu Chen frown, and the arrogant tone made Lu Chen annoyed! Invincible? Humph! How could it be possible? As the saying goes, there are heaven outside the sky and people outside the human world. No matter how powerful you are, it is impossible to be invincible in the world. Besides, my cultivation base is still weak, but when I get there, will you still be invincible in the world? Lu Chen thought very proudly in his heart.

Just when Lu Chen was about to say what he was thinking in his heart, another person said, "Really! With you, a **** who constantly devours others' vitality, I admit that I can't beat you now, but don't forget. I still have him in my hand—the Hongmeng Sword!"

This sound made Lu Chen stunned for a moment, and then followed the sound to look at it, only to see a man with golden light all over his body, wearing a set of shining radiance, appeared in front of Lu Chen, and attracted Lu Chen's attention. , It was in the hands of this man, that very inconspicuous Sword of Great Meng.

"Huh! It's a delusion that this little sword of the Great Mengmeng can stop the tyranny of the God of Destruction!" The voice of the man before rang out again. Lu Chen turned his head and looked around, only to see a black robe man whose face was full of rotten flesh, exuding a strong life, and some silver light flashing in his eyes said arrogantly.

Seeing this man’s face, Lu Chen felt a little nauseous, not only because of the carrion face, but also because Lu Chen discovered that...every time the man said a word, the man’s mouth was rescued. There was a strong dark yellow gas. Although Lu Chen could not smell anything, he could feel the dark yellow gas and the strong stench in his heart!

With a "Yeah" sound, as if dissatisfied with the insult of the **** of destruction to him, the sacred air that was guarded and held in his hand suddenly trembled, and a strong bloodthirsty air rushed to the **** of destruction. Even the **** of destruction suddenly poured sweat from that forehead!

"Drink...it's a small thing like you!" The **** of destruction gave a soft drink, and the bloodthirsty aura that forced him instantly dissipated between heaven and earth, if it weren't for the sword of Hongmeng, it was still trembling. Lu Chen thought it was because his eyes were blurred, and he had an illusion!

With a wave of his hands, the **** of destruction completely enveloped himself with bursts of death from the front of heaven and earth. In less than a second, the original darkness of death instantly lost its color and turned into a ray of transparency. The mist of light yarn and water dissipates between the heaven and the earth.

And at this time, the **** of destruction that appeared on Lu Chen's face was no longer the disgusting look just now, and at first glance, it was really incomparable.

I saw the face full of carrion before, and he has become a fierce and wicked man. There is no existence of carrion. A strange ray of light began to emanate from the mountain. The silver ray in his eyes became more obvious and powerful. Lu Chen's murderous aura made Lu Chen almost unsteady.

At the same time, a set of bright silver armor appeared on his body, with a pair of tentacles growing on his forehead, and a strange spear coexisting blood red and silver in his hand. Although it was just a glance, Lu Chen I felt the pressure from that spear!

Not only that, the spear was surrounded by lifeless spirits, one by one almost materialized ghosts, moaning constantly in the spear, the scream of pain reached Lu Chen's ears, causing Lu Chen's blood to roll. , If it weren't for the protection of the Hongmeng Sacred Artifact on Lu Chen's body, it is estimated that he would have been bleeding from his seven orifices now!

"MD!" Lu Chen cursed secretly. He never thought that the two guys in front of him would be so powerful, especially the guy called the God of Destruction. Just the spear in his hand had already made Lu Chen couldn't bear it, and couldn't afford to resist. If he really started fighting with him, Lu Chen wouldn't know if he had a chance to do it!

Looking at his opponent, the one who is called the guardian, although he holds the sword of Hongmeng that Lu Chen is looking forward to, but looking at his appearance, his face is kind, and he doesn't seem to fight. If two people fight, Lu Chen is a little less optimistic about this guarding!

"The beginning of the Hongmeng Sword-Shijue!" Only heard the guardian roar, the ordinary and abnormal Hongmeng Sword held in his hand, the sword suddenly flourished, and the colorful rays of the sun radiated from the Hongmeng sword. , And then flew away to the sky guarding the head, converging into an initial picture of the universe.

Then this initial picture of the universe began to move slowly and continuously. Although it seemed slow, Lu Chen knew that it didn’t take two seconds at all. The scene of the initial big bang of the universe began to take place. , A powerful force shoots at the **** of destruction from which explosion of the universe.

The God of Destruction probably didn’t expect the Guardian to use such a powerful move at the beginning, with a trace of caution in his eyes, and then he clenched the spear in his hand and swung his spear away one by one against those flying attacks, as if only by The singing voice in his hand is enough for him to deal with this guy!

Lu Chen never imagined that the **** of destruction was so powerful that he just wanted to use the power of the spear in his hand to destroy these attacks caused by the Big Bang, but the next scene surprised Lu Chen. Almost dropped his chin!

Although those attacks did make the King of Destruction step back a few steps, there was no change in his face, and there was deep disdain in his eyes. He just heard him say: "Huh! Guardian, it seems. I still think highly of you! Even if you take this sacred sword, it will have no effect on me!"

As he said, with a fierce wave of the spear in his hand, when it reached a weird red light, it shot out from the spear head, and then flew straight into the sky, taking a picture of the Big Bang. The speed was so fast that Lu Chen's eyes couldn't keep up with the red light movement.

And Lu Chen’s eyes were still at the tip of the gun, and he heard a huge boom in his ears. He quickly turned his head and looked at him. He was shocked, and saw the red light burst into the sky and the big cosmic explosion. In the picture of, dashing around for a few times, the picture of the Big Bang was shattered.

Then, by the power of his own attack and backlash, the guardian's figure shook for a while, and then "poofed" a mouthful of blood, and his face was obviously pale! This moment caused Lu Chen's heart to tremble slightly. Although he had thought about it before, he was still a little worried when he saw the guardian being injured!

The guardian’s face was a bit ugly. Although he had guessed that he was bigger than the current God of Destruction before, his first move was still such a powerful first move. It was so easily destroyed by the God of Destruction. I was injured, this is what the guardian did not expect!

"How about, guardian, **** power! I told you a long time ago that you are inferior to a child in my eyes, so why bother to be so aggressive! I will give you another chance now, if you If you agree to be my subordinate, I will let you go and help you improve your cultivation!"

A greedy look appeared in the eyes of the God of Destruction. Lu Chen discovered that the God of Destruction’s greed came from the sword of the Great Meng in the hands of the guardian. This made Lu Chen a little puzzled. It seemed that it was clearly in his own hands. His unknown spear is more powerful, why does he want this Hongmeng sword that is not so powerful at all!

Fortunately, Lu Chen's words were really thought in his heart, otherwise if he said it directly and was heard by Hongmengjian, Lu Chen's life would be difficult! Not to mention that the Hongmeng Sword will be directly subdued in the future, it is still a question whether he can leave this place!

Don’t forget, although Lu Chen is now staying in such an unknown place, this is Lu Chen’s third level test after all. It means that Lu Chen can see these things, it must be related to the Hongmeng Sword, and the Hongmeng Sword must be By the side, I don't know where the cat is, and he has been paying attention to Lu Chen's movements. If he says it, isn't Lu Chen looking for death!

Lu Chen now understands a little bit. The so-called guardian in front of him must be the previous owner of Hongmeng Sword. The reason why Hongmeng Sword wants to allow himself to see these things is to let himself know his power and possibility. It was because his former master died, and the so-called **** of destruction has not yet died, so after Lu Chen inherited this Hongmeng sword, he would kill the so-called **** of destruction when his cultivation level reached him. As for the third, Lu Chen didn't think of anything else, it was worth seeing Hongmeng Sword for himself!

But despite this, Lu Chen decided to study the Hongmeng Sword's moves. After all, his weapon will be the Hongmeng Sword in the future. If he doesn't understand him at all, how can this be done!

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