Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 354: The might of the Hongmeng Sword! (two)

"Don't think about it! This is just the beginning. It's not necessarily the end who died in whose hands!" The guardian showed a decisive expression on his face, as if life and death had been placed outside him, the only thing in front of him, Just kill the **** **** of destruction!

Seeing the guardian's look, Lu Chen showed a disdainful look, and thought in his heart: "It's a dead brain! Knowing that he can't do it right now, he has to be able to do so. You think this is very pleasing to women, isn't it! The emperor still knows how to be brave, you, a guy who didn't know where he came from, don't understand this truth!"

If the Guardian heard Lu Chen's words, it would be a strange thing not to be **** off! Who am I! The guardian of the dignified space, compares an ordinary human emperor with me, can he compare it to me! Don't look at how much weight you lose, let alone the emperor, even the **** king of the gods, the holy kings of the holy realm can't compare!

At the same time, if the guardian knows that Lu Chen scolds himself for being able to do it, he will probably be even more angry. You are a little bit of a shit, don't know the current situation, just comment on it. Is Lao Tzu the kind of person who can't bend and stretch? If you can, you think I want to die!

The Guardian yelled again, holding the Hongmeng Sword in his hands more tightly, and then using both hands to continuously use his hands, muttering quickly in his mouth, not long after a spell was completed, the Guardian's body appeared two golden lights, and then Waves of blue, as beautiful as stars, appeared from the guardian's body.

Then I heard the guardian roar, "Xingchen~~Jianchen..." The Hongmeng sword flew out of his hand, and began to quickly turn his body. The blue light of formation was guided by the Hongmeng sword. Driven by the Hongmeng Sword, it turned likewise quickly.

Not long after, those forming forces that began to rapidly revolve around the Hongmeng Sword turned out to be centered on the Hongmeng Sword, and then formed nine layers. Each layer also had a center and began to converge slowly. It was under Lu Chen's eyes. This speed seems to slow down the camera, in fact, it is quite fast!

However, in just a few seconds, a picture similar to the Milky Way appeared before Lu Chen's eyes. The Hongmeng Sword is the central sun. The surrounding light spots that revolve around the Hongmeng Sword and converged by the light of the stars are planets, but on these planets, there is a large or small sword shadow!

With a "coax", the galaxy formed. This attack that seemed to Lu Chen without a trace of power caused the God of Destruction to change his face, and whispered in his mouth: "The guardian is worthy of the guardian. The legendary moves have been practiced, and it seems that I have to work hard!"

As he said, the **** of destruction raised the spear in his hand and began to wave it slowly. The traces of the spear dancing were quite weird, making Lu Chen involuntarily sink into these. There were no traces of concealment, and his hands were unconscious. It shook, as if imitating the actions of the **** of destruction!

"Hey!" There was a sudden thunderous sound in Lu Chen's ear, causing Lu Chen to wake up directly from that obsession. When Lu Chen woke up, he suddenly felt a cold sweat. Had it not been for the thunderous sound just now, he would have been lost in that trace forever!

"Huh! The ability to manage more is like learning the power of other people's rules! You are still a little tender. If you want to learn the power of rules, you should quickly practice your Hongmeng Jue to the fourth level and reach the realm of a saint. Let's talk about it!" A cold female voice reached Lu Chen's ears.

"Who are you? Tell me who you are?" This woman's voice made Lu Chen a little vigilant. Although the woman's voice made Lu Chen a little familiar, many of them were strange, just like before. The feeling of Hongmeng Sword is the same, it can be said that it is not bad at all!

"Okay! Now you don't need to know who I am!" The woman returned to Lu Chen again, and there was no more voice. No matter how Lu Chen yelled, he could no longer make the woman's voice sound. This made Lu Chen feel extremely stunned, and finally he had to look at the battle in front of him again!

In less than a minute, the God of Destruction had already completed his attack, but Lu Chen did not dare to look at the moves of the God of Destruction this time, let alone imitate the actions of the God of Destruction easily. He was afraid that he was trapped in the same way as before. This time, it is estimated that the mysterious woman will not save himself again!

Before the move of the **** of destruction was completed, the guardian's move was completed, and at the same time he began to attack the **** of destruction. The attacking technique is very simple, that is, those light spots with phantom shadows continuously form one after another sword of omnipotence, shooting towards the **** of destruction.

The seemingly weak phantom made the God of Destruction like a great enemy, and at first it could dodge one by one. A virtual sword shadow hit, causing the **** of destruction to shake, and the movement in his hand had to stop.

It is precisely because of this that the move of the **** of destruction took nearly a minute to complete. If it weren't for being interrupted by someone in the middle, a person like him, such a move, would probably be completed in less than ten seconds. It can be seen that the guardian's move is still very NB!

Lu Chen understands now. Although these great moves are fairly simple, they contain absolute rules. The more seemingly simple things, the more powerful they are. Lu Chen now The power of those rules is quite greedy. It's a pity that his cultivation base is too low. I haven't heard what others said just now. When he reaches the fourth floor of the Hongmeng Jue and becomes a saint, can he come into contact with the power of these rules!

The final move of the **** of destruction was formed, and what appeared was a rather weird text. No, it was not quite right to say that he was a text, because Lu Chen looked carefully and discovered that this thing was like a painting again, Lu Chen didn't dare to study in depth, for fear that he would fall into it by accident!

This is something that I don’t know if it is a text or a picture. After being added by the Destroy God waved something, it instantly changed from the previous dimness to the brilliance. It’s a pity that the light is dark red. Things are even more weird!

This pair of things, after being fed by the Destroy God, began to slowly move in the direction where the Hongmeng Sword was located. The speed was quite slow, but it made the Hongmeng Sword seem to be threatened, and the speed of rotation was even faster. , And the things that shoot out virtual sword shadows around them also accelerate the speed of shooting swords!

"Boom boom boom..." The sound of explosions that kept coming, those virtual sword shadows did not hit the **** of destruction, but after colliding with the things that looked like words and not pictures, they bounced directly out and moved the surrounding The planets in the void were directly blown to pieces.

Such a huge power made Lu Chen's heart jump. Although Lu Chen's current ability could also cause a planet to explode, it was impossible for Lu Chen to become so shattered! What's more, the reason for this is just a move of the two people in front of him. Lu Chen now has an urge to cry!

At this time, Lu Chen finally felt that something was wrong. It stands to reason that everything is in a vacuum in this void, but he can hear the sound. Didn't it mean that the sound transmission needs a medium? What is going on now, but what is written in the book is not true?

Although he had this doubt in his heart, Lu Chen had no way to prove him, because before him, the move of the **** of destruction would finally collide with the move of the guardian, and there was still the existence of the Hongmeng Sword. He is about to become Lu Chen's weapon. Of course, Lu Chen cannot miss this opportunity to learn about his future weapons!

But what made Lu Chen dumbfounded was that after the two moves collided, he did not see sparks splashing, explosions and other things making noise, but like two oil flowers floating on the water, they just merged directly. After being together, of course, after fusion, it just disappeared directly. The only thing that still exists is the Hongmeng sword that is still spinning.

The moves of the **** of destruction and the guardian counteracted them, causing both of them to suffer a lot of damage. After each stepping back for a certain distance, they both spewed a mouthful of blood. The spurt of blood made the two of them suffer. His complexion got worse. Especially the guardian guy, who had already received an injury just now, and this time he suffered another injury. The consequences of the injury and the injury made him miserable!

Although the face of the **** of destruction was not as pale as the guardian, his face turned black. His magnificent world invincible, in the hands of such a defeated general, suffered such a big loss, how he can bear it, it doesn't count, where is the face of his **** of destruction?

"Very good, very good!" The God of Destruction slowly wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth, his face was gloomy and terrible, his eyes showed hatred, if he could, he might just let the Guardian take it off. , You can even cramp him, drink blood and eat meat!

"Asshole, you are nothing more than that! It seems that we are really not sure who will die today! Cough cough!" The guardian continued not afraid of death, the provocative king of destruction, but he said, because it affected his wounds. , He couldn't help coughing!

"It's up to you! I've been injured like this, and I don't know who will kill you! Humph! It's something you don't know good or bad!" A cold hum from the **** of destruction caused the guardian's body to shake, the most important thing is It's because of coughing constantly, maybe it's forbearing it, or I guess the blood will keep vomiting!

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