Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 355: The might of the Hongmeng Sword! (three)

Before the main text: I apologize to everyone for a bug in the previous article. The sword of Hongmeng should be the fourth sacred artifact of Hongmeng in Lu Chen's hands. The former were Hongmeng Pearl, Hongmeng Pagoda and Hongmeng Ring. Thank you for your reminder! Hope you all support!

At this moment, the body of the **** of destruction burst out a powerful breath again. This breath not only carries the dead energy with the corrosive power, but also makes people unable to resist all kinds of crookedness. Lu Chen discovered the evil intentions of reading that the guardian's eyes were slowly replaced by a red expression of thank you when he was taken over by this breath!

"Wipe! This **** guardian is too bad! Isn't it just a bit of evil! How come you have received such a big impact...Ah!" As soon as Lu Chen finished speaking, he felt like he started in his mind. Pictures of "silver swings" continued to emerge, and his eyes began to slowly become like the guardian, and it can even be said that it was more affected than the guardian.

"Humph!" Xiao Ling let out a cold snort, causing Lu Chen to wake up immediately, and then he found that something like a protective shield was formed around Lu Chen. Xiao Ling helped Lu Chen get this protective shield out. Chen's current cultivation base can't resist the evil spirit of the **** of destruction at all!

Lu Chen felt very embarrassed. He just said that he was extremely weak, but immediately he became that way, and he was affected. In the eyes, if it were not for the protection of the little spirit, he would have been lost. Among those "silver swing" pictures~!

"Huh, Master, you are really not a good person! You know that you are saying bad things behind your back. This is just a phantom, which can make you be affected by such eyes. If you were really by your side at that time, you still I don't know what will happen!" Xiao Ling's words made Lu Chen even more embarrassed!

"Xiaoling, I knew it was wrong! Who knew this evil spirit would be so powerful!" Lu Chen felt embarrassed by touching his nose, and looking at the guardian's eyes, he seemed a little evasive, even though Lu Chen is now Still looking at him directly, it is estimated that the guardians of the family will not be able to bird him!

Why! Because everything Lu Chen sees now is nothing but a phantom! That is what has happened, Lu Chen is just watching the video now! Just like when you are watching a movie, you scold the bad guys in the movie. Can those bad guys hear you? Obviously impossible!

It is precisely because of this that Lu Chen feels even more ashamed. When the guardians of the family face each other, they are not affected as much as he is, and he, just by watching a video, has already been exposed to those things in the phantom again and again. If Lu Chen really faced this, it was estimated that he persisted for less than a second, he would be lost directly by the remaining moves of the two! Although Lu Chen now has the cultivation base of the Immortal Emperor!

In the picture, the guardian was affected by the evil spirit of the **** of destruction, but the guardian was obviously not Lu Chen's second person. In just a few seconds, he regained consciousness with his own efforts, and then he was vicious. Looking at the **** of destruction, I don’t know what I’m thinking!

Suddenly, the guardian raised the Hongmeng Sword in his hand. The Hongmeng Sword began to emit a strong fiery red light, and then a bunch of bright purple things appeared on the periphery of the fiery red light. Only the guardian yelled: " Top secret secrets-the dragon of fire and lightning!"

In an instant, a red and purple Chinese dragon appeared above the sky, screaming up to the sky, and rushing towards the **** of destruction. The river that the Chinese dragon hesitated to break through the **** was extremely fierce, and without a trace of mercy, it swallowed the body of the **** of destruction!

Did the **** of destruction just die like this? This is absolutely impossible! Although the guardian's move is quite powerful, but it is almost used to deal with the **** of destruction, which is equivalent to having an immortal body, it seems a little not enough!

The guardian seemed to have guessed that there would be such a result. He didn't care about the **** of destruction surrounded by the fire dragon. His hands moved again, and the Hongmeng sword was like the **** of destruction just now, and began to draw in the sky. No trace of the move.

Because he had learned a lesson before, Lu Chen didn't dare to watch the guardian's actions. He was afraid that he would fall into this again. Although this is considered to be one of the moves of the Hongmeng Sword, didn't the mysterious person say it before! Do not touch the power of these laws until you reach the fourth level of Hongmeng Jue.

Sure enough, I only heard an arrogant low voice from the fire dragon, and then the fire of the fire dragon suddenly slammed to one side, enlarged several times, and then "touched" and disappeared. The upright but unusually evil figure of the King of Destruction appeared. In front of Lu Chen and the guardian!

"I knew that this thing had no effect on you, but what about this?" The guardian raised his brow lightly, and then the sword of the Great Meng in his hand suddenly swung towards the **** of destruction, and then a piece of ice crystal color, but the same Some Chinese dragons with purple light haunted them, flying out from the Hongmeng Sword, heading straight to the **** of destruction!

The God of Destruction did not expect that the Guardian would have a second move. The arrogant laughter just stopped, and then looked at the Guardian viciously, but before he could make any moves, he was directly caught by the Huaxia of Ice Crystal. The dragon was frozen directly, and then the whole person was in that absolute dragon-shaped ice sculpture, motionless!

"Hmph! The taste of the two heavens, it's quite refreshing!" The guardian saw that he had actually frozen the **** of destruction, and looked very happy. Lolibasso and the **** of destruction were in his mouth. Speaking of that, I didn't find at all that the **** of destruction in the ice sculpture had already begun to move slowly!

"Huh! Having said so much, it's time to send you on the road. With the Hongmeng Sword, you can definitely kill you **** directly!" The guardian raised his hands, and the Hongmeng Sword in his hand moved so gently twice. , And then countless sword lights flew away from the Hongmeng Sword and shot towards the ice sculpture. It seems that the guardian is going to break this **** of destruction directly into countless small pieces through the ice sculpture!

With a loud bang, the ice sculpture suddenly shattered, and then as more and more sword lights shot out from behind, there were more and more pieces of ice broken by the ice arrow ice sculpture. The broken ice cubes, and there is no shadow of the **** of destruction.

Perhaps because of the excitement, the guardian didn't care that he didn't see the **** of destruction. Maybe in his opinion, the **** of destruction had been killed by his own big trick! At this moment, what he might want to do is to laugh constantly at the sky!

But before the guardian's move, Lu Chen almost exclaimed. It should be the **** of destruction. At this moment, he suddenly appeared behind the guardian. The spear in his hand directly pierced the guardian. Not so. It even destroyed the nebula in the guardian's dantian directly!

"Puff!" The guardian spouted a mouthful of colorless blood in disbelief, then slowly changed his head, seeing the **** of destruction standing behind him, slowly, slowly, the guardian's eyes began to dim , When he saw the **** of destruction standing behind him, the guardian's head tilted and he died directly!

"This...Is this dead?" Lu Chen was stunned. He didn't expect that the Guardian would die so easily, and the death was too unexpected. Although Lu Chen had thought that he would end this way before, But now that he saw that he was still a little at a loss, he didn't even think that the Guardian would have died so early!

In his opinion, the reason why Hongmeng Sword let himself watch this film is to let himself go to Hongmeng Sword, and after practicing, help this mortal guardian to avenge. At least, the **** of destruction should also be taken by Hongmeng Sword. , Do you seriously hurt! But now the result...

Just when Lu Chen was depressed, the picture before him changed again. The death of the guardian did not herald the end of this battle. After the **** of destruction killed the guardian, he would no longer care about the guardian. As for The spear inserted in the guardian's body, without even looking at it, directly grabbed the sword of the great majesty and held it in his hand, just like admiring a naked beauty, so infatuated!

"Hongmeng sword, Hongmeng sword! Worthy of being the first holy weapon, I finally got you, you will finally be mine in the future! Haha!" The **** of destruction held up the Hongmeng sword in his hands and smiled. Seeing his excitement, Lu Chen continued to slander in his heart. There were a lot of scenes in other movies, and the bad guys laughed like this. I don't know if you just laughed like this! If you die like this, that would be great!

But a movie is a movie, and it can never become a reality, and reality is also a reality, and it can never become a movie.

The God of Destruction looked up to the sky and screamed, and he took the sword of Hongmeng and teleported to a place full of death. Although it was a phantom, the death aura in the phantom still caused Lu Chen's pain, if not With the enchantment where Xiaoling is located around, Lu Chen estimated that he would have to enjoy the pleasure of bleeding from Qi orifices again!

When the **** of destruction came to this dead place, he sat down cross-legged and placed the Hongmeng Sword on his legs. At this time, the Hongmeng Sword was like an impotent man, even if he encountered a stripped beauty, There won't be even the slightest reaction, just so silently immersed!

You don’t need to look at the actions of the Destroyer God to know that he is definitely trying to communicate with the spirit of the Hongmeng Sword, and then control the spirit of the Hongmeng Sword to achieve his own use! But because Hongmeng Sword has been so silently and silently, ignoring the **** of destruction at all, this makes the **** of destruction feel extremely uncomfortable!

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