Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 356: The might of the Hongmeng Sword! (four)

Suddenly, the **** of destruction trembled violently, and his eyes were full of fear. This made Lu Chen, who had almost no interest in the picture, raised his curiosity again and stared at the God of Destruction carefully, wanting to see what happened to him! It was still good just now, how come it is like this now!

I saw that the whole body of the God of Destruction turned into the disgusting carrion of the previous one in an instant, especially on the face. It was impossible to see what the God of Destruction’s expression looked like now, only the godlessness. Deep fear was revealed in his eyes!

At this moment, Hongmeng, who was lying flat on the legs of the **** of destruction, suddenly shook violently. A deep and loud "choking" sound radiated from the body of Hongmeng Sword, which was almost shapely. The sound waves of, the power is quite huge, as soon as it touches the surrounding planets that are already pale, those planets explode with a "touch".

The exploding planets one after another, the sound is endless. Not long after, it is centered on the **** of destruction, and the surrounding area is not known for many light years. They are all empty, and there is no other thing to see. The only thing that is there is that A cloud of gray, dust formed after hundreds of millions of planets exploded!

Lu Chen's eyes also showed fear and excitement. He now finally understands the power of the Hongmeng Sword. He saw several large-scale moves in the hands of the guardian. Although they seemed to be powerful, they did not cause much damage to the **** of destruction. Threatening, this made Lu Chen mistakenly think that Hongmeng Sword is actually not much powerful!

But now... hundreds of millions of planets are just the Hongmeng Sword, and the sharp contention made them turn into countless dust in an instant. If Lu Chen now thinks that the Hongmeng Sword is not much powerful, then he probably is not one. A normal cultivator!

Lu Chen's mouth was filled with a hint of crystal clear liquid unconsciously. When he thought that the Hongmeng Sword was about to become his own saber and he could destroy countless planets with his hands, Lu Chen was proud and passionate. I completely forgot, how underground my own cultivation base is at this time!

"Why... Hongmeng Sword, I am now invincible in the world, why don't you still recognize me as Lord... Why!"

"Puff" the **** of destruction spouted countless blood, his eyes were helpless, resentful, and deeply unwilling...

Lu Chen finally understood why the spirited **** of destruction just now became so unbearable in an instant. It turned out that when he received the Hongmeng Sword, he received a deep blow, and the Hongmeng Sword had just destroyed so many planets in an instant. , Perhaps just to express their dissatisfaction.

Just when Lu Chen guessed what plans the God of Destruction had, he suddenly discovered that the feet of the God of Destruction had slowly turned into endless brilliance, slowly dissipating between the heaven and the earth, and as time passed, The feet, legs, body, and head of the **** of destruction disappeared from this world in just a few seconds!

Lu Chen could hardly believe his eyes. The Guardian spent so much effort before, the God of Destruction, who had not been killed, actually embarked on the path of destruction without knowing it. What happened, but Lu Chen knew it was definitely related to the Hongmeng Sword!

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's back was covered with cold sweat. Will he also need to do this for a while to receive the Sword of Great Meng! If the Hongmeng Sword disagrees, will he be backlashed by the Hongmeng Sword, and then slowly turn into the spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth, himself...

Lu Chen couldn't imagine it anymore. Even when the whole picture finally turned into the world made up of various sword shapes before, Lu Chen didn't even notice it. The whole person just got up from the water like pain. Usually, the whole body is soaked with sweat!

"Young Master, what's the matter with you?" Lu Chen's state made Xiao Ling worry more and couldn't help but ask.

"No... nothing!" In the voice of Xiao Ling's call, Lu Chen finally recovered. Looking at the sword-shaped buildings around, Lu Chen slowly breathed a sigh of relief. Lu Chen looked terrified, and at the same time he yearned for it, not knowing when he would reach that point!

"Oh! Master! Then come with me! Just now the sword spirit of Hongmeng Sword, communicate with me, let me take you there now!" Xiao Ling's words made Lu Chen excited and worried: " Xiaoling, I haven't passed the third level yet, will it be difficult to collect the Hongmeng Sword in a while!"

"Haha!" As soon as Lu Chen's words fell, Xiao Ling laughed inexplicably, and his eyes were full of joking, which made Lu Chen very confused. Did he say something wrong? The God of Destruction just spent such a long time without subduing the Hongmeng Sword, let alone himself!

Lu Chen wanted to strangle the little spirit unhappily, and asked doubtfully: "Xiaoling, what are you laughing at? Isn't I right? It was originally! This Hongmeng Sword really deserves to be the No. 1 Hongmeng Sage in the world. The weapon, that **** of destruction has not subdued, let alone me!"

"Master! Tell you the truth! This Hongmeng sword has actually been completely subdued, and now you only need to find his body, and he can become your weapon! Do you know why the **** of destruction would die when he subdued the Hongmeng sword? Really! Because he was not cultivating the Hongmeng Jue, the Hongmeng Sword can only be used by those who practice the Hongmeng Jue. Even the guardian, with the help of the Hongmeng Sword and the sword spirit, barely used the Hongmeng Sword, otherwise, you think, a Does the little **** of destruction need so much effort to get rid of it!"

Xiao Ling’s words surprised Lu Chen a lot. Although Zi Xin'er had said before that this Hongmeng sword could only be used by herself, Lu Chen did not expect that it was because of Hongmeng’s relationship. Remind, Lu Chen only knew what the reason was!

"You said I had already accepted the Hongmeng Sword, but I didn't even pass the third test. How could I pass it?" Lu Chen didn't understand what was going on. Didn't I say that I would go through three tests before? Of it! Now that I have only experienced two, I was pulled over to watch the ultimate battle. I...

"I'm telling the truth! Indeed, the third longest test is to let you experience the power of the Hongmeng Sword. There is no test at all. While you are watching the battle, you are constantly communicating with the Hongmeng Sword. Fusion, after you watch it, it will be fusion finished! The only pity is that even if you find the Hongmeng Sword now, it is impossible to use it!" Xiao Ling said with regret, but the smile in his eyes made Lu Chen was extremely helpless!

"Then you quickly take me there!" Lu Chen nodded, indicating that he understood, and then asked Xiaoling to take him.

"Go ahead and walk to the end of this road, let's talk about it!" Xiao Ling nodded his cute little head and told Lu Chen the way to go!

Lu Chen kept walking along this path. The sword-shaped buildings and trees around made Lu Chen curious about it. If it weren’t for something urgent now, Lu Chen would like to go over and see what these things are. How long is it so fun!

At the end of this road, a fork in the road appeared in front of Lu Chen. The road on the right is still similar to what Lu Chen walked before, while the road on the left leads to a small valley. There is something in the small valley blocking Lu Chen’s line of sight. Lu Chen can only see See the fog.

"Go right!" Xiaoling commanded!

Lu Chen just nodded, followed Xiao Ling's command and walked to the right. As for the road leading to the small valley, Lu Chen didn't even look at it, as if it didn't exist. Then, it was the same section of road as before, half an hour later, Lu Chen stopped again before a fork in the road!

There are still two fork roads, the one on the left still leads to a small valley, and the one on the right is the same road that Lu Chen walked. Xiao Ling's expression didn't change at all, and she calmly said, "Keep going to the right!"

In this way, Lu Chen went through several fork roads without knowing it. Each fork road was the same two roads, one leading to a small valley, and the other still the kind of road full of sword-shaped things. Lu Chen did the same. Always choose to go right. Had it not been for Xiaoling not to lie to himself, Lu Chen thought he was in the same position and would not listen!

Finally, after stopping at the first fork in the road, the scenery of the two fork roads in front of him remained unchanged. Lu Chen subconsciously prepared to continue walking to the right, but was directly interrupted by Xiao Ling, "Master, this time to the left. Go, the body of Hongmeng Sword is over there!"

Lu Chen is excited! There are almost no tears in my eyes. It is not easy and simple. After walking so many roads, I will finally see the Hongmeng Sword. I just don't know that this Hongmeng Sword is different from what I saw before! I hope it is still the kind that looks very ordinary at a glance!

With regard to these artifacts, Lu Chen preferred the kind that looked very ordinary at a glance. Because in his opinion, regardless of what is pressed, in the end, it will return to its origin, that is, the kind of rather ordinary appearance, only this appearance should be the most powerful!

Passing through the layers of mist, Lu Chen suddenly opened up, and an empty basin appeared in front of Lu Chen. And in the very center of this basin, some are just an ancient sword inserted there, without any brilliance, and even some rusty. Even if Lu Chen likes ordinary artifacts, but seeing this, Lu Chen can't help but wonder, is this ancient sword covered with rust really the Hongmeng sword?

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