Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 371: SS-level mercenary!

With a "boom", the giant crab's huge body fell into the basement of this space covering an area of ​​2,000 meters. Obviously Lu Chen's estimate was somewhat wrong. At this time, the giant crab's body was two-thirds of the basement. The space is occupied. Fortunately, the basement is large enough, otherwise it will be troublesome~

"Boy Lu, this big guy is not three times the size of one hundred square meters! This is more than ten times the size!" Jerry said in shock.

"This, isn't it not estimated! But even if it is more than ten times, this basement is enough!" Lu Chen said with a smile.

Then, Lu Chen took out the items for several other people’s tasks from the ring. The items for these tasks are small things, so just hand them over to Jerry. "Grandpa Jerry, I picked up these things. Those tasks are over, you can take a look, and it’s correct!"

"En! Okay, you give me your mercenary card, let me compare it!" Jerry took the mercenary card handed over by Lu Chen and walked to a corner of the basement. There was a machine in front of the mercenary counter. , Jerry inserted Lu Chen's card directly, and compared them one by one!

Looking at the quest items in his hand, except for the body of the big crab, some surprised him, others got nothing, but now comparing the quest levels on the quest list, Jerry was stunned in surprise, and he even forgot to go. Suck, no response for a while!

At the beginning, Lu Chen received ten missions, five at B-level, three at A-level, one at S-level, and one at SS-level! The B-level and A-level tasks are basically looking for some special plants and animals in the Scarlet Abyss, while the S-level task is to draw a rough map of the Scarlet Abyss!

Of these ten missions, five of them are B-level missions, and one will get 100,000 mercenary experience, that is, 500,000 mercenary experience. Each one has more or less money rewards of purple gold coins. Although each is different, there are nearly two million purple gold coins in total!

For the three A-level missions, each mission will get 1 million mercenary experience. This total is 3 million mercenary experience. One of them is a monetary reward of 10 million, and the other two are 5 million. Adding up these three tasks, Lu Chen has another 20 million purple gold coins!

This S-level mission is to draw the map of the Scarlet Abyss. Because it is more dangerous, the mercenary experience is ten times more than the general S-level mission, that is, one hundred million mercenary experience. The reward money is divided into two types, one is to give Lu Chen a reward of 10 million purple gold coins, and then wait until the mercenary union copies the map and sell it, and get 50% of the profit. . The other is to directly give Lu Chen a reward of 100 million purple gold coins.

For this, Lu Chen of course chose the second type, because now the **** abyss has been closed by Zi Xin'er, so no one can enter the **** abyss, so this map, although very real, is of no use, Lu Chen Ke doesn't want anyone to cause trouble in future!

As for the last super task that has been upgraded to the SSS level, the mercenary experience directly rewards one billion, and the money rewards are quite large. This task is jointly promulgated by the mercenary union and several empires, even if the mercenary union , Are not stingy, let alone other empires, so the monetary reward is more than five billion purple gold coins.

For this mission, not counting Lu Chen’s mercenary experience, just the money, Lu Chen got a total of close to six billion purple gold coins, if it were changed into gold coins, this would be six trillion gold coins, so much. Although money is much less than Lu Chen's possession, it is also a lot less than wealth!

"Lu Xiaozi, how come the first SS-level mercenary of the mercenary union is about to be born!" Jerry said with joy after summing up all the experience Lu Chen had gained.

Mercenaries are divided into SSS-level, SS-level, S-level, A-level, B-level, C-level, D-level, E-level, and the smallest F-level. Among them, A-level includes an increase in the level of mercenaries below A-level. For example, to upgrade from F-level to E-level, you need to complete ten F-level tasks and one E-level task.

The level of mercenaries above A level needs to be divided according to how much experience is worth. One hundred million experience is an S-level mercenary. Eight hundred million are SS-level mercenaries, and to become the most advanced SSS-level mercenary, that is, the so-called king of mercenaries, two billion mercenary experience is required!

Although the mercenary union has been born for so many years, the guy with the most experience has only 200 million mercenary experience. After all, tasks that exceed the S-level cannot be completed by ordinary people. There is no team cooperation. Personally, if you want to rise to this level, that is a fantasy!

The mercenary experience that Lu Chen now has is 1,103,500,000 in total! Compared with the SS-level mercenary, it has more than 300 million more experience, and compared with the SSS-level highest mercenary, it is less than 800 million. Therefore, Lu Chen is now an SS-level mercenary!

"Lu Chen, congratulations. Since you became our mercenary union, the highest-level mercenary. I hope you can continue to work hard and rise to the SSS level as soon as possible, so that our mercenary union has been established for so many years. People are jokes, there is no highest mercenary!" Jerry said with emotion.

"Haha! Grandpa Jerry, that's for sure! By the way, Grandpa Jerry, you don’t know for a moment, so you raised my mercenary level to such a high level. You are not afraid that I will lie to you with substandard goods. What should I do if that guy is not a quest item needed for SSS-level quests!" Lu Chen pointed to the big crab's body and said.

"I believe you will not lie to me! At the same time, I believe even more in the coercion of the super mythical beast from this guy! For many years, I have not seen the existence of the super mythical beast! Even if it is not this guy, you are still done This task, by the way, Lu Xiaozi, can I take this guy's magic crystal out and let me see!" Jerry said treacherously.

"It turns out that Grandpa Jerry believed him, not me!" Lu Chen curled his lips and took out the big crab's magic crystal from his ring.

Lu Chen did feel the pressure on Big Crab at the beginning. He originally thought it was just the pressure of a beast, but he didn't expect it to be the pressure of a super beast! Lu Chen couldn't help but sighed, and fortunately this guy, even though his soul has left, the pressure still exists. Otherwise, he might be treated as a liar!

It seems that the saying is right, what you hear is not necessarily true, but what you see...Although it is not necessarily true, it must be more true than what you hear!

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