Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 372: Take the task again!

Jerry handed Lu Chen's mercenary card and his own purple gold card to Lu Chen. On the mercenary card, Lu Chen's mercenary rank had become SS rank, and the mercenary group he was in had also become an S rank existence. As for the members of Lu Ye and the others, all of them have become S-rank mercenaries!

"By the way, Grandpa Jerry, do you have any fun missions here! It's better to have a higher level. Recently I just have time. I can take a few missions by the way. Maybe, after a while, the mercenary union's SSS level The king of mercenaries was born!" Lu Chen said with a smile.

"Are you sure you want to continue to take up the mission. You have been to the Scarlet Abyss for more than a year. Don't go home to gather with your family, and wait for the mission?" Although Jerry thought of the SSS-level mercenary king, Very excited, but at this time he was thinking about the problem from the perspective of Lu Chen's elders, so he discouraged him!

Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter, it happens that the Chinese New Year is still some time away. After the Chinese New Year, I will go back. Taking advantage of these few months, it is really possible for me to raise my mercenary level to SSS level. Grandpa Jerry, you don't have to persuade me!"

Although Lu Chen missed his family very much in his heart at this time, especially the little sister Lu Tianxue, when he thought of her, Lu Chen's eyes showed a warm look. But thinking that the Chinese New Year would be coming soon, if he went back at this time, there would be no way to do other things, Lu Chen still held back the longing in his heart!

"Okay! In that case, let's take a look, what kind of mission you are going to receive, I may want to help you choose!" Jerry nodded, seeing the firm expression on Lu Chen, knowing that Lu Chen is also the same. He was stubborn and would never listen to his own advice, so he said helplessly.

"The mercenary has high experience, and it doesn’t matter if you have a lot of money. If you can, you can choose S-level or higher quests. If there are many such quests, you can choose some quests on the road from Mowu City to the Imperial Capital! After completing the task, you might as well go home!" Lu Chen thought for a while and said.

"Okay! Wait a while, I'll help you see!" Jerry nodded, and moved quickly on the machine. After a while, a large list of tasks appeared on the screen, but this Shi Jerry just frowned at these tasks, as if helping Lu Chen choose!

"Yes, Lu Chen, take a look at these tasks. They are all S-rank. The mercenaries have good experience and a lot of money. If they are all completed, they can indeed be directly promoted to the SSS-level mercenary king!" Quickly, Jerry said to Lu Chen with a smile.

Lu Chen walked to the screen, looked at the tasks on the screen, and looked at them roughly. They were really good. There were a total of 16 tasks. On average, each had 50 million experience. If Lu Chen could complete them all, it would be perfect. With 800 million mercenary experience, Lu Chen will indeed be able to directly rise to the SSS-level mercenary king!

It’s just that after Lu Chen looked carefully, his brows became frowned. Although these tasks are not difficult, some of them are quite troublesome. You must go through multiple links to complete the final task. If one of the steps goes wrong, it won’t. The following tasks may be carried out.

Lu Chen didn't like this kind of task. It was too troublesome. The kind of task Lu Chen wanted was the kind of task. It's best to fight directly. It doesn't take long. But among the sixteen tasks, there are only two. Such a task made Lu Chen a little depressed!

"Lu Chen, what's the matter? Are these tasks too difficult? Or let me change them for you!" Seeing Lu Chen frowning, Jerry mistakenly thought that Lu Chen was because the task was too difficult, so he said .

"No, Grandpa Jerry! I want to ask, is there any that can fight directly, it doesn’t matter if it’s dangerous, I don’t care, I don’t want this kind of troublesome task, I’m worried that a few months’ time will not be enough. !" Lu Chen said his worry!

"Uh! So it's like this... The tasks you mentioned do exist, but you... I'm worried..." Jerry showed a worried look on his face. He helped Lu Chen choose these tasks because he didn't want Lu Chen to be in danger. , But now Lu Chen took the initiative to request such a task.

Lu Chen shook his head, "It doesn't matter, Grandpa Jerry, you don't have to worry about me, can I deal with such super mythical beasts! There shouldn't be this kind of abnormality in S-level missions! I still have my own cultivation. With a little confidence, you can help me find it!"

"Okay!" Jerry nodded helplessly!

But after searching for a few batches, Lu Chen only saw one mission, which made Lu Chen very helpless, so he had to say: "Grandpa Jerry, you took me on the way home. Help me pick out all the missions. Let me see for myself to see if there is any suitable task for me!"

Jerry was already very helpless already. Now that he heard Lu Chen's words, although he was extremely worried, he still adjusted all the tasks according to Lu Chen's instructions, and then let Lu Chen look for him slowly. Naturally, stand by and refer to it.

It’s still comfortable to choose a task by himself. Lu Chen soon found five or six tasks that suit him. Although Jerry was by the side at this time, his brows were already quite deep, because in his opinion, Lu Chen chose Those tasks are too dangerous, without a super **** level cultivation base, so there is a little chance of completion!

In the end, Lu Chen selected ten S-level tasks. These tasks were the best plan he came up with after calculating the time to the New Year and other aspects. These ten tasks will get a total of more than 900 million mercenary experience, and the time is just right.

"Why don't Lu Chen count it! Anyway, you are already an SS-level mercenary now, don't care about the title of the king of the SSS-level mercenary, or wait for you to complete these tasks!" What Jerry chose for Lu Chen was a mission, and he was really worried. Those missions, even their mercenary union, might not be guaranteed to complete!

"Grandpa Jerry, you don't have to worry! You can watch with confidence! Before the New Year, the first mercenary king in the history of the mercenary union will be born! Okay, you help me lose the task quickly Enter the mercenary card! It's getting late, I should go back to school too!" Lu Chen said.

"Hey!" Jerry could only sigh helplessly. As a result, Lu Chen's mercenary card entered the ten tasks selected by Lu Chen into the mercenary card. Later he wanted to dissuade him, but found that Lu Chen took it. After I got the mercenary card, I disappeared!

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