Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 378: Ambiguous night! (on)

Lu Chen came out in the morning. As a result, he wasted one day during the martial arts competition. Later, he took Nangong Yunqing away from there and came to the vicinity of Fenglin. He chatted slowly for a while for two days, but it turned out It was about to get dark, which made them very helpless!

Feng Lin is quite far away from the nearest city. Although Lu Chen can teleport directly, he has been accustomed to camping. He did not choose this way. Instead, he found a relatively safe open space near the big tree where they appeared. , Take out the tent and set it up!

Seeing Lu Chen preparing the tent, Nangong Yunqing's eyes lit up, but immediately, his cheeks became red, as if thinking of something. Looking at Lu Chen's back, he was infatuated and shy, and at the same time right. With my helplessness, I went out to do the task and forgot to bring things like tents!

"Yunqing, you can find some dry firewood nearby! Just here, don't disappear from my sight. The dry firewood around us is enough for us!" Lu Chen set up a tent while facing Nangong Yun Clearly ordered! There is no way, it will be dark in a while, now if you don't get some dry wood, you won't be able to see it for a while!

"Oh!" Nangong Yunqing nodded in response, then changed to walk around and started looking for the dry wood. Fortunately, Nangong Yunqing once came out to do missions, although many times, there are people around to follow, these things do not need to be done by themselves, but after all, after seeing so many times, he has already learned!

After Lu Chen set up the tent, Nangong Yunqing also found enough dry firewood to return. Lu Chen’s tent was a one-person tent. After all, he never thought that he would come out to do the task by himself, and there would be one more beside him, otherwise he would not have prepared such a small tent.

Fix these things, a small fireball, directly light some dry wood, and then Lu Chen took out his own, those barbecue tools, as a full-fledged barbecue enthusiast, plus often camping outside, Lu Chen never Don’t forget to add various barbecue necessities and various ingredients to your ring.

So Lu Chen never lacked these things in his ring. Even if Lu Chen is not replenishing it from now on, the raw materials in it are enough for Lu Chen and Nangong Yunqing to use it for a year, and those seasonings and the like will not be used for decades. How much to reduce!

"Wow! Lu Chen, you should always camp in Waiman! The things are so complete!" Nangong Yunqing said with envy. Thinking about myself again, all over my body, except for some dry food accidents, I brought a part of the money. If I didn't meet Lu Chen, I would be sad!

"It's okay! I have been camping outside for the past two years, so I have prepared all these things!" Lu Chen smiled slightly, and while having a barbecue, he looked at Nangong Yunqing and asked, "What should you do? Didn't bring it! I am a little doubtful now, how did you get a B-level mercenary!"

Nangong Yunqing blushed all of a sudden, and said dissatisfied: "Who said I didn't bring anything, I still brought some dry food!" Then, Nangong Yunqing took out one from his small bag. The bag resembled something like biscuits and placed it in front of Lu Chen.

As soon as he saw this, Lu Chen couldn't help but smile. This is called dry food? I think the snacks are almost the same! Even if you eat it all at once, you may not be full! "Okay! You brought dry food, but I wonder if you brought another important thing?"

"Another important thing? What is it?" Nangong Yunqing didn't quite understand the tools he prepared. He became even more curious when he heard Lu Chen's words. He secretly remembered in his heart that he must remember carefully next time. Now, don’t forget to bring these things!

"Water! Did you bring water?" Lu Chen glanced at it and asked.

"Water? Why did you bring that thing! Isn't there a lot there?" Nangong Yunqing glanced at Lu Chen puzzledly, then pointed to a ‘dead river’ in Lu Chen’s camp, not far away! (Dead River: It is a river with no water flowing, it contains many parasites!)

Lu Chen looked at Nangong Yunqing speechlessly, "Don't tell me, when you came out before, you drank that kind of water! I was wondering, you have drunk so much of that kind of water. , There is nothing at all, it stands to reason that you should be dying ill by now!"

"Ah!" Nangong Yunqing suddenly screamed, and he understood Lu Chen's meaning at once, and finally thought in his mind that every time he came out, his subordinates did carry a lot of water, unless absolutely necessary. , Even if you fetch water, you will never fetch water in those flowing rivers, and you will never fetch water in such stagnant water that never flows!

"Haha! It seems that you are really a big lady!" Lu Chen handed the grilled bunch of pike to Nangong Yunqing!

This barracuda was obtained when it was in the **** abyss. Each one has the size of a palm. Except for a skeleton, it has no other spines. It is similar to something called small yellow croaker, but the taste is more delicious than small yellow croaker. , Coupled with Lu Chen's super-high baking plan, the taste is naturally quite delicious!

"Wow! It seems!" Holding the fish in his hand, Nangong Yunqing sniffed deeply, and was immediately attracted by the smell of the grilled fish. The questions Lu Chen asked just now that made her extremely embarrassing were also straightforward. Left behind by him, no longer thinking!

Seeing that Nangong Yunqing liked it very much, Lu Chen smiled slightly, took out a bottle of juice from the ring, held it in his hand, and used the ice spell to freeze it for a while. After helping to open it, he put it next to Nangong Yunqing. , Said: "This fish is a bit spicy, you can drink a sip of juice, it tastes great!"

Lu Chen then continued to grill again. After a lot of work, and after getting enough barbecue for the two of them, Lu Chen slowly put away his grill and then took out a few bottles of beer. After the same freezing, Lu Chen also It was a pleasure to eat, and as for Nangong Yunqing, it was already a pleasure to eat!

For wine, Lu Chen likes beer more. No matter when, Lu Chen usually drinks beer, and things like baijiu are not what Lu Chen likes. Although Lu Chen drinks a lot, they often do. Lu Chen would drink when he had to, otherwise he would only drink beer!

Originally, when Lu Chen didn't make beer, the people around him liked to drink white wine, but after the beer was made by Lu Chen, under the leadership of Lu Chen, everyone fell in love with this. thing! Especially before drinking, it has become a common practice to drink beer with ice magic!

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