Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 379: Ambiguous night! (in)

"How about it, it's delicious!" Lu Chen took the beer and took a sip, that kind of refreshment, suddenly poured his whole body, the corner of his eye glanced at the side of Nangong Yunqing, staring at the beer in his hand, Lu Chen Unable to smile, he asked: "Why, do you want to drink too?"

Nangong Yunqing picked up the empty juice bottle, shook it in front of Lu Chen, and said, "What kind of juice is this! Why is it so delicious? I have never had it before! Isn't the juice I drunk? Few, but most of them are only one-tenth of your taste, and even the most famous Yeling juice from the Elves is not as delicious!"

"Of course it's delicious! This is what I made with the fruit that has a little aura in the Hongmeng Pearl! If it doesn't taste good, it's fine!" Lu Chen curled his lips and said, "This! I don't know, it's just normal. Fruits! Maybe my craftsmanship is better than them!"

"You said you made these juices yourself?" Nangong Yunqing suddenly opened his eyes wide, and looked at Lu Chen in disbelief. Although Lu Chen gave him the feeling that it was quite mysterious, making juice is something like that. In his opinion, the bartenders should have made it.

"Why don't you believe it! Not only the juice you drank, but the beer in my hand, I also made it myself! The taste is better!" Lu Chen raised the beer bottle in his hand, but he didn't signal Nangong. Yun Qing, let her have a taste, the anxious Nangong Yunqing was unhappy!

Nangongyun gave Lu Chen a clean look, and then said, "You, beer, is really good? You are not lying to me! Can you let me taste it? I want to see, you can make it yourself. What's so good about the wine that comes out! You made good juice, but the wine is not guaranteed!"

"If you want to drink, just say, is it necessary to excite me like this! Let me taste it! But I stated in advance that this beer tastes weird. If you are not a frequent drinker, you are not used to it. If you vomit in the future , Don't blame me!" Lu Chen said with a smile.

Nangong Yunqing nodded, eagerly grabbed the beer bottle in Lu Chen's hand, and then took a sip like Lu Chen's appearance. As a result...

"Puff...cough cough! Lu Chen, you lie to me, what is this, why is it so awful, it's all puffy!" Because beer is puffy, and Nangong Yunqing has never tried it at all, plus just being frozen Yes, as soon as the beer passed her throat, she was choked all of a sudden, and she vomited all the beer she drank!

Lu Chen looked at the beer sprayed all over the floor with regret, and said dissatisfied: "I reminded you just now that the taste of this beer is very strange. I am not a person who drinks it often. I can't drink it at all. It's all right now. Right! What a waste! You vomit all of you for such a big sip of beer!"

"Huh! This thing is not good at all, you still regret it so much! Or you can tell! I just drank so much, how much money, I will pay you directly!" Nangong Yunqing flashed Lu Chen One glance, smash your mouth, smash it twice, this smash is terrible, it smells like a smash!

"Hey! The taste of this beer seems to be really good, it feels a bit sweet!" Nangong Yunqing thought so in his mind, and involuntarily looked at the beer in Lu Chen's hand, his eyes kept rolling, and he knew it at first glance. , This little girl must be thinking of something bad again!

"You...what are you going to do, I told you, this wine is not good, you want to drink..." Lu Chen thought that Nangong Yunqing was forced by this beer, so he wanted to retaliate. What about beer! You can't blame Lu Chen for thinking so, woman! What mind can't think!

He probably didn't think of any other way. Nangong Yunqing looked at Lu Chen shamelessly, and said in a low voice, "That Lu Chen, I...I found that this beer is still delicious, with a sweet taste. , Can you... can you give me another sip?"

"No, I can't give you any more drinks, what if you waste it?" Lu Chen said with a painful expression on his face.

Nangong Yunqing suddenly burst into tears and hugged Lu Chen and said coquettishly, "Lu Chen...no! I'll just take one sip, one sip, just one sip, I promise, I will definitely not waste a bit, if I don’t count. , You...whatever you ask me to do!"

Lu Chen couldn't bear the tears of the woman's eyes. Seeing Nangong Yunqing, it seemed that he wanted to drink beer instead of other thoughts. Otherwise, he would not say anything that he could do, so he nodded and asked: " Are you really going to be with beer instead of doing other things?"

"En! Really! I promise!" Seeing hope, Nangong Yunqing suddenly nodded his little head!

"Okay!" Lu Chen slowly passed the beer in his hand to Nangong Yunqing, his eyes full of vigilance, and he kept secretly guarding whether Nangong Yunqing was going to do something bad, and at the same time he said: "This Drink beer. At the beginning, you can drink it in small sips, and when you are familiar with it, you can drink it in large sips!"

Holding the beer in his hand, Nangong Yunqing suddenly became frightened again, and began to struggle in his heart. In the end, his appetite defeated the fear. He put the beer bottle to his mouth, ready to take a sip, but saw the bottle. Mouth, Nangong Yunqing suddenly thought of Lu Chen's mouth just now, so he directly touched it, and he also touched it. This does not mean that he and Lu Chen indirectly kissed!

Thinking of this, Nangong Yunqing suddenly glanced at Lu Chen cautiously, especially on Lu Chen’s lips. He paused for a long time. When he recovered, he suddenly found that his face was as hot as a fever. , Don’t think about it, you know it must become red at this time!

Lu Chen looked at Nangong Yunqing with some wonder, and when he saw Nangong Yun coldly pressing the mouth of the beer bottle to his lips, he didn't see any movement, but soon, his face suddenly turned red. Lu Chen couldn't help but wonder. Thought: "Could the smell of this beer make people drunk?

"Yunqing, drink quickly! Otherwise, it will be hot for a while, and it won't taste good" Lu Chen couldn't wait any longer. You can drink it if you want, or give it back to me if you don't want to make peace. I'm still hungry! What do you mean by doing this? Isn't it just a beer?

"Oh!" Nangong Yunqing didn't dare to look at Lu Chen. He raised the beer bottle and took a careful sip. Suddenly, a bitter and sweet smell filled his tongue and buds, making Nangong Yunqing feel all over his body. The pores opened instantly, and involuntarily, Nangong Yunqing picked up the beer again and took a sip!

Seeing that Nangong Yunqing had no tendency to return the beer bottle to himself, Lu Chen had no choice but to open a bottle of beer again, paying attention to Nangong Yunqing while eating his own food. It must be noted that people who drink beer for the first time generally, although the degree of beer is not high, it is very easy to get such people drunk.

Nangong Yunqing took a bottle of beer in his hand and drank for a long time. He felt his head dizzy, and his body felt like floating. His eyes looked at Lu Chen next to him and Nangong Yunqing blindly. It feels like being in those fairy-tale dreams of oneself!

"Lu Chen, this wine is really good...drink! I still want to drink...and drink!" Nangong Yunqing suddenly raised the beer bottle and poured all the remaining beer in the beer bottle. She took a small sip, but she still couldn't bear it.

I was choked again, but fortunately, this time Nangong Yunqing didn't spray it directly, at most it was a smile from the corner of her mouth, and she directly poured everything else down. After that, Nangong Yunqing held the beer bottle to his side, tremblingly ran from the ground, and shouted to the distant sky!

Lu Chen looked at the girl Nangong Yunqing depressed, but think about it, let her vent vent, save it because of today's daytime things, suffocated herself in his heart! Although Nangong Yunqing has not mentioned the daytime affairs today, Lu Chen knew that she was very upset in her heart!

After shouting for a while, Nangong Yunqing's wine woke up. After all, less than half a bottle of beer would not make people drunk to much! Seeing Lu Chen on the side, thinking about how he was crazy and yelling just now, Nangong Yunqing felt embarrassed!

"Yun Qing, are you hungry again? Come over and eat something! Although this beer is delicious, it is better to drink less for new drinkers like you! Otherwise, you will get drunk easily!" Lu Chen He took a bunch of chicken wings and handed it to the embarrassed Nangong Yunqing!

Looking at the chicken wings, Nangong Yunqing really felt very hungry. When Lu Chen was roasting just now, Nangong Yunqing only ate two skewers of grilled fish. Later, he drank a bottle of beer. Not having a full stomach, even though Nangong Yunqing's usual appetite is not big!

"Thank you Lu Chen, I just made you laugh!" Nangong Yunqing slowly turned his chicken wings, and then sat down beside Lu Chen!

"Which one of us are with whom! What can I do to thank you! What was so funny about you just now! I often look like this. After drinking beer, yelling at the sky is a good way to vent. It is of great benefit to your own health!" Lu Chen said with a smile.

"That's your man, it's normal for your man to do that, but we women, just..."

"What's wrong with women? Are women no longer humans! Women don’t need to vent! Don’t forget that this world is made up of men and women. Since both are human, it means that they are equal. Men Women can do what they do! Men can do what women do. Of course, except having children!"

"Haha! Lu Chen, you are really interesting!" Nangong Yunqing has never heard of gender equality. From the perspective of people in their world, men should have a higher status than women, and women are a subsidiary of men! Women think so, don't they seem very sad!

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