Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 380: Ambiguous night! (under)

The words written before the article: I'm sorry, there has been a problem with the line at home these few days, and there are always inexplicable power outages, so I have been writing at a friend's house, and the update time is not stable! However, the number of 9,000+ per day is still guaranteed! Hope you all continue to support!


"Is it interesting?" Lu Chen smiled faintly, did not answer, but was drinking beer slowly and eating barbecue, not knowing what he was thinking!

Nangong Yunqing was also affected by Lu Chen’s emotions at this time. He saw that Lu Chen didn’t speak, but showed a sad atmosphere. Although he didn’t understand what happened to Lu Chen, Nangong Yunqing just sat aside. , Quietly looking at Lu Chen in sadness.

I don’t know how long it took. Lu Chen’s side was already full of beer bottles, and Nangong Yunqing was also inexplicably crying. If you ask Nangong Yunqing why this is the case, she probably doesn’t understand it, but only knows to look at Lu Chen. She felt very sad, and her sadness would naturally fall.

"Ah! Yunqing, what's the matter with you?" Lu Chen finally woke up from that sad atmosphere, and looked at the tearful expression of Nangong Yunqing beside him, Lu Chen couldn't help but wonder! Did this little girl remember something sad just now? Still say that I just...

If Nangong Yuqin knew what Lu Chen was thinking at this time, she would definitely stretch out her nine-yin white bone claws and perform nine turns and eighteen pinches on the soft flesh of Lu Chen's waist, so that Lu Chen could understand what it was like to be unhappy. of!

"No... it's nothing!" Nangong Yunqing wiped her tears embarrassedly. In order to change the subject, she grabbed the beer in Lu Chen's hand and took a big gulp and said, "It's so delicious! Lu Chen, you have to prepare more in the future, and I also want to drink it!" After speaking, I took a gulp!

Nangong Yunqing's bold and unrestrained touch aroused Lu Chen's same emotions. He took out a bottle of beer from the ring again and said, "Okay! As long as you want to drink, I will naturally not forget you! Don't worry! With beer! I have prepared a lot, enough for us to drink for a few years!"

"How many years? Lu Chen, are you kidding! The ring in your hand should be a space ring! I have never heard of a space ring so big!" Nangong Yunqing said with a smile.

Lu Chen looked at Nangong Yunqing aggrievedly. What he said was the truth. Besides, I didn’t say that this ring of mine is a spatial ring. This is the storage ring of the realm of cultivation. It is naturally not that small. Something comparable to the space ring, although the principles of the two are similar!

"Where did I joking with you! It was originally! My space ring was given to me by my grandfather, and the space inside is quite large!" Lu Chen said as if it were true. Although he saved Nangong Yunqing, Nangong Yunqing didn't know him very well after all, and it was impossible for Lu Chen to give her a ring as soon as he met.

"Haha! Okay, let's not talk about it today, drinking...drinking!" Nangong Yunqing didn't say anything. He raised the beer bottle and banged against the one in Lu Chen's hand, then raised his head and filled it with nothing at all. Lu Chen couldn't help being surprised by the way he drank beer for the first time!

The two of them were like this. I don’t know how long they drank. In short, there are already a lot of beer bottles on the ground. Lu Chen doesn’t know how to think today. Maybe it was because of mood or other reasons. Lu Chen didn’t let his body relieved. The impact of beer.

Although this did not make Lu Chen drunk quickly, it was easier to get drunk than before. After dozens of bottles of beer were gone, Lu Chen was already a little confused, and at this time Nangong Yunqing, It's even more unbearable, the flushed eyes, the slightly squinted eyes, it looks like so alluring!

Although looking at Nangong Yunqing's feelings made Lu Chen overwhelmed, Lu Chen always felt that in his heart, there was a voice telling himself that he must not make mistakes, and he must not make mistakes, so Lu Chen has been holding himself up. The impulse in the heart did not rush Nangong Yunqing.

"Lu Chen...you...you are necrotic, people...thought...you are...a good person, but I didn't...think that you are...a big...sat, a...a big gangster! "Nangong Yunqing was very uncomfortable by Lu Chen, but at the same time, his confused nerves were a little sober!"

"Hey! I don't know who brought it here! It looks like you did it before, it should be you! I just took it passively!" Lu Chen held Nangong Yunqing with a reduced expression, although the two did not have that, but The series of actions before that were completed just now!

"Lu Chen, why... why don't you continue?" Nangong Yunqing raised his brows and blurted out these words involuntarily!

"Why, girl, think about it?" Lu Chen smiled evilly, and then said, "Hey! I just didn't let you do what you wanted. It's late today, so go to bed! Tomorrow morning, we have to hurry. Go! Hurry up, you go to sleep in the tent, I'll be watching outside!

As soon as Lu Chen finished saying these words, he directly pulled Nangong Yunqing out of his arms, then slowly stood up and looked at the huge full moon in the sky.

Lu Chen actually woke up just now, but at that time, Nangong Yunqing was quite proactive. Lu Chen had the idea of ​​being a **** and not taking advantage of it. Naturally, he had to enjoy it. Anyway, we didn’t take the final blow. It's not a "betrayal", it's not!

"You...Lu Chen!" Lu Chen's words made Nangong Yunqing quite angry. This lady is so proactive, you still dare not come over. Could it be that you are Liu Xiahui, maybe someone Liu Xiahui is the one , Is it that you are the same as him?

Of course, although Nangong Yunqing was very angry, she didn't mean that she had fallen in love with Lu Chen, but that she had a good feeling for Lu Chen. After all, people have helped me a lot. If she doesn't react at all, will she appear too ruthless soon!

"Go in! Go to bed! If you can't get up tomorrow morning, I will leave you here alone!" Lu Chen said with a smile.

"Hmph! Do you dare!" Nangong Yunqing glared at Lu Chen, then reluctantly walked into the single-person tent, lay down and got ready to sleep!

Perhaps it was the emotion that was teased by Lu Chen just now. It hasn't calmed down until now. Nangong Yunqing lay in the tent for a long time without falling asleep. Lu Chen's figure constantly appeared in his mind. Seeing that there is still a big place next to him, even if Lu Chen comes in, it doesn't matter, so Nangong Yunqing couldn't help but shout to the outside:

"Lu Chen, come in and sleep too! There is still a lot of room inside!"

After Nangong Yunqing finished speaking, he felt that his company had started to burn again. Although the two were a bit crazy just now, in fact, they did not perform any more practical actions, so the relationship between the two can be said to be relatively innocent. , But now Nangong Yunqing's words have suddenly made the relationship between the two passive!

Nangong Yunqing was in the tent, waiting very nervously for Lu Chen’s answer, but for a long time, she didn’t see any voice from Lu Chen. While happy, she couldn’t help but feel very disappointed. This is a particularly unpleasant thing!

But just when Nangong Yuqin thought that Lu Chen would not answer him, the tent mouth suddenly moved slowly, and then Lu Chen's proud figure suddenly appeared in front of Nangong Yunqing, making Nangong Yunqing low. Use your forehead again!

After Lu Chen entered the tent, he did not say anything to Nangong Yunqing. He lay down directly on the side of Nangong Yunqing! The single-person tent is worthy of being a tent. Although both Lu Chen's figures are not very burly, after lying down, their bodies are only stuck together!

Nangong Yunqing was a little upset. He was a big girl who asked you to come in to sleep with me. It was enough for you to come in. You didn't even say a word of thanks. That's all, could you say hello to death! Just like this, I was so stunned, who regarded you as you!

Just when Nangong Yunqing was complaining in his heart, Lu Chen suddenly turned over and hugged Nangong Yunqing tightly, without saying much, just like this, he closed his eyes and fell asleep slowly!

Being hugged by Lu Chen, Nangong Yunqing's body trembled slightly, but when he heard that Lu Chen was a little familiar and full of security, Nangong Yunqing surrendered a little, with a faint smile on his face, and then closed Eyes, found a comfortable posture for books, and fell asleep!

The two of them seemed to have a good mind, so they kept holding each other quietly without saying anything. The sounds of various mosquitoes outside the house were extremely loud at this moment, but they did not disturb each other in the slightest. The two men and women are so warm and happy!

The way the two are now, if someone who doesn't know it sees it, they will think that these two are a match made in heaven, and the feeling of happiness is definitely not something ordinary boy and girl friends can show! Even if this is not the case, the relationship between the two is definitely not shallow! But in fact, the relationship between the two is so ordinary and somewhat ambiguous!

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