"Do you know, if we want to leave this valley now, what requirements do we need?" Little Mengmao did not directly explain her thoughts to Little Silver Wolf, but through a form of question and answer, little by little They will speak out their own thoughts.

"En! Of course I know this. The first requirement is that we need a master, and the second requirement is that our master's cultivation needs to reach a certain level, and at the same time we must pass the test of this valley owner!" Little Silver Wolf Said very confidently.

"Yes, you are right, now... our master has already appeared, but the master's cultivation base, his original cultivation base, has been sealed by the owner of this valley before entering this valley, and at the same time, those who have been sealed have returned. There is the master’s memory. Only a part of the master’s own, unconscious aura, and a very ordinary body, then do you know what the master is doing now?"

Little Meng cat looked at the little silver wolf and asked.

"Of course it is to cultivate these auras into your own, and at the same time to cultivate his body to meet specific requirements! It is necessary to cultivate the skin, bone, blood, internal organs and flesh (cells) to the top level of a mortal. !" Little Silver Wolf thought for a while, then said.

Little Mengmao nodded, "So now, you understand, what did I ask the master to do?"

"Oh! I understand!" The little silver wolf suddenly realized, no wonder Lu Chen immediately started practicing after hearing the words of the little cute cat. It turned out that this was the reason, "But, sister Hu, don't you think, you are like this, the hotel Does it feel like deceiving the owner? Isn't that good?

"It's not very good! But this is a white lie after all. Even if the owner knows it, he will definitely not say anything. It would be nice if the owner's memory can be restored. In this case, I don't have to lie to the owner and tell the owner the truth. Just say it, it's really troublesome now!" Little Mengmao said.

"Forget it, since you have already lied, let's lied! I hope the master will not blame us in the future!" Little Silver Wolf shook his head helplessly and said.

Of course, Lu Chen, who was cultivating, didn’t know these things. After hearing what the little cute cat said, he began to follow the order indicated by the little cute cat, starting from skin to bone, from bone to blood, from blood to blood. The internal organs, from the internal organs to the cells of the whole body, of course, Lu Chen is still only in the stage of skinning.

Originally, before these steps, there was another step, which was to temper the meridians. However, after the accident of the master recognition ceremony, those tadpole-like runes had changed, so at that step, Lu Chen had already quenched the meridians. The step of refining meridians is directly completed.

Among these steps, the most difficult is the step of refining blood. At this step, Lu Chen almost drained the blood from his whole body, and then after refining it, it was transported into his body. The most important thing was that Lu Chen drained the blood from his body for a while after that.

You know, whether it is an ordinary person or a cultivator, if there is no blood, it is basically very difficult to survive, especially ordinary people, let alone all the blood, even more than 30% will have life. Danger, let alone all.

And the cultivator, without blood, can help survive for a period of time through the spiritual energy in the body. The higher the cultivation base, the longer the survival time. After the cultivation level can reach a certain level, there is basically no blood in the cultivator's body, because even if it is blood, not much has been turned into energy.

According to Lu Chen's current cultivation base, he can only survive for no more than five minutes when his blood is emptied. In five minutes, he wants Lu Chen to refine all his blood. Obviously It's a very difficult thing. It is almost impossible for Lu Chen to complete it now!

Therefore, Lu Chen wants to complete the steps mentioned by the little cute cat, besides a little progress, the most important thing is to quickly improve his cultivation level so that the aura in his body can be stored more massively. Some, so that Lu Chen would be safer while refining blood.

Among these steps, the simplest one should be considered the step of skinning, which is Lu Chen's current step. As long as Lu Chen's body can withstand a force of about two thousand catties, then he will be successful in skinning. Lu Chen was actually not far away from this.

In addition to the simplest, there is one of the most cumbersome and not dangerous steps, which is the last one, which is to exercise cells. Think about it, how many cells exist in a human body. If Lu Chen wants to refine one by one, how much time will it take?

Of course, refining one by one is the most stupid way. If Lu Chen can think of a better way, he can refining piece by piece, even the cells of his body, refining together. In that case, it won’t take much time. But the problem is that Lu Chen doesn’t have that method at all. think.

What Lu Chen is doing now is to continuously refine his skins, and strive to make them able to withstand two thousand catties of strength. Of course, if it can be more, it will be better. After all, no one will dislike himself. How could the cultivation base be so high!

After talking, Little Mengmao and Little Silver Wolf guarded Lu Chen. Although in their opinion, these things are not dangerous at all, but who knows if there will be any accidents, such as the previous recognition ceremony.

This is also their firm belief that there will be no dangerous things, but in the end, some accidents happened. If it weren't for Lu Chen's fate, he would have died now. This kind of thing is not a little cute cat or two little beasts. I want to see things, so I focus more on Lu Chen's safety!

Just now, Xiao Meng Mao told Lu Chen about Lu Chen's ability to leave this small valley after he completed his cultivation. Therefore, Lu Chen became more focused on cultivation. Although the environment in this valley is very good, there are mountains and mountains. The water is beautiful, and Lu Chen likes it very much.

But in his heart, another voice kept telling him. This does not belong to him, he belongs to the outside world, so he must leave here. Officially for this reason, Lu Chen became more focused on things like cultivation. He didn't want himself to be trapped in this place for a lifetime.

After listening to Xiao Mengmao's explanation, Lu Chen swore in his heart that he must leave this valley in the shortest possible time!

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