Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 833: Time is like water!

Time faded away bit by bit in Lu Chen's cultivation. He didn't know how long he had been in this valley. The only thing that could tell Lu Chen had lived for a long time was that he was only five or six. The centimeter-long hair now has at least more than 20 centimeters, scattered on the shoulders.

To be honest, Lu Chen’s appearance is pretty good at first. With this black and bright shawl hair, coupled with his relatively exquisite figure, from behind, absolutely no one would think that Lu Chen is a big man, absolutely I thought Lu Chen was a big beauty.

In this regard, Lu Chen was very helpless. He didn't want to look like himself, but he couldn't cut his hair short without anything around him, so he could only keep it. Unexpectedly, such a stay would be kept until now. This long, although very elegant, but it is too feminine!

Another point is the problem of Lu Chen's figure. Lu Chen is also very distressed about his figure. He has always hoped that his figure can become burly, even if it is not so burly, but at least it should be stronger than it is now. It's not.

But what made Lu Chen want to cry without tears is that no matter how he exercises, his own body just can't get stronger, but there is a tendency to become more and more exquisite and smaller. It is because of this figure, two small beasts, regular Laughing at Lu Chen made Lu Chen always very embarrassed.

Not only Lu Chen, but also the two little beasts, the same is true. After so long, the body of the two beasts has not changed. The little cute cat is still the size of a fist, and the height of the little silver wolf is still only When it reached Lu Chen's knee, there was no slight change.

Sometimes, Lu Chen didn’t pay attention, and the little cute cat was too young. He almost stepped on her several times, or sat on or lay down on her. If it weren’t for the little cute cat’s faster speed, he felt dangerous. Qiang, now she is probably already a meatloaf.

Now, Lu Chen has already reached the step of refining blood, but when Lu Chen was refining his body, he did not follow the steps Xiao Mengmao said. He started refining cells while refining the skin. Because in his opinion, there are also cells in his own skin. If so, why can't both start at the same time?

The same was true when refining bones, so Lu Chen started refining like this. It’s just that Lu Chen didn’t think about it. This method of his own is really effective. If you switch to a little cute cat, it’s like, "Neither did I expect that if you do this, it takes more time to refine cells than others. It's more than five times faster!"

Not only the refining of cells, but also the refining of internal organs, which was adjusted by Lu Chen. The same was true because Lu Chen had always had a sense of fear for refining blood, so he prepared to take all the things he had confidence in. It's all done first, but it's okay to think of it.

Although it can be, but at this step, Lu Chen has achieved the strength that Lu Chen needs to endure in addition to refining skin and bones. The strength that needs to endure for refining cells and internal organs has not appeared at all, and Lu Chen now also It is stuck, as if it has reached a bottleneck.

According to Xiao Mengmao’s explanation, Lu Chen’s refining method, as long as the body's endurance reaches two thousand catties, it is considered complete, but when Lu Chen is completed, he can fully understand the strength of this endurance. It tripled, reaching more than 6,300 catties.

After refining the bones, Lu Chen's body should endure 8,000 catties, and Lu Chen is even more exaggerated this time, more than eight times more than 60,000 catties. This is only 10,000 catties less than the average person after completing the blood refining.

You know, this is the height that Lu Chen reached after he finished refining the bones. If Lu Chen can complete the refining of the blood, can it be doubled eight times, or even more, then, what will be the effect? Lu Chen and Xiao Meng Mao have been looking forward to this event.

But what made Lu Chen and the others very puzzled was that since Lu Chen reached the current weight, his body's strength has never been able to improve, even if Lu Chen has finished refining the internal organs, most of the cells have been refined. There was no increase of a pound either.

Lu Chen thought it was because of a mistake in his refining step that caused this problem, but there was a voice in his heart, and he kept telling him that there was no... this step was correct, as long as he could finish refining the blood. , Then those refining internal organs will increase the power, can directly increase.

It is precisely because of the existence of this voice that Lu Chen has not been worried about the abnormality of his body. He is not afraid. Anyway, he has nothing to do. Even if something does happen, he has finished refining these things now, what can he do!

So now, Lu Chen could only wait for himself. After he finished refining the blood, he would look at the situation. If the situation didn't allow him, Lu Chen would think of a solution. Maybe the final result is the same as the voice in Lu Chen's heart told him. After the refining of his blood, those powers that should not be increased will appear.

Lu Chen didn’t know who the voice in his heart belonged to, whether he should listen to him, but every time, no matter what that person said, Lu Chen would believe him without hesitation. It seems that the person is himself.

Moreover, for so long, Lu Chen has never happened to that person. As long as he listens to that person, what Lu Chen wants to do can be achieved, or even better, just like Lu Chen refines his body. For many times, Lu Chen referred to that voice and told him how to do it.

Perhaps it is for this reason that Lu Chen's physical strength is much faster than ordinary people using the same method to train. Therefore, based on this most obvious example, Lu Chen would not hesitate to believe what the person in his heart told him.

It may be that Lu Chen will not get any benefit in the end, and even the things he worked hard for a long time will become other people’s wedding dresses, but Lu Chen doesn’t care. In his current situation, without thinking, Lu Chen can only believe this, what the unknown person told him! Lu Chen also has reason to believe that this person will never deceive himself!

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