Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 101: Worried about it?


The moment Du Meng was blown into the air, the crowd outside the space of the third ring fell silent for an instant, and a thought came to mind.

Then they saw clearly, Du Meng really lost!

Du Meng, who was bombarded by Tang Qijian's sword, threw it away for a long distance, and even vomited blood, sprinkling a blood trail in the air.


Falling on the ring fiercely, Du Meng vomited a few bites of blood, and the breath of the whole person dropped to the extreme. He saw that Du Meng was seriously injured under the first kill of Tang Qijian's sword "Sword of Seven Kills". Up.

But Du Meng was Du Meng, even if he was seriously injured, he immediately stood up again.


Seeing Tang Qijian's sword, Du Meng roared with blood on the corner of his mouth.

What is inconceivable is that under his roar, he is like a new scorching sun, glowing with new vitality and new vitality!

At this moment, somewhere above the space of the third ring, a vague figure was looking down, watching the battle.

After seeing Du Meng's changes at the moment, the figure suddenly laughed.

"Yes, standing after the break, this kid has finally officially entered the realm of "Nine Revolutions"! Only three months to reach this step, as the Second Junior Sister said, it really brought me a surprise!"

The figure gradually disappeared after saying this.

No one noticed this scene, even the elder referee in the third ring at the moment, did not notice it.

On the 5th ring where Qin Shaofeng was, the elder seemed to be aware of it, and he glanced slightly towards it, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he withdrew his gaze.


this is?

Tang Qijian in the space of the third ring was slightly surprised when he felt Du Meng's sudden change at this moment.

But then, he just laughed bitterly.

I'm afraid this is the real "Nine Revolutions", right?

It seems that Du Meng hadn't entered the realm of the first turn of "Nine Turns Hegemony" before, but after feeling the oppression of his first killer aura, he finally broke through.

With such a defensive power without entering the first turn, this "Nine Turns Overlord Body" is really amazing!

Tang Qijian was right, Du Meng finally reached the realm of this moment with the help of his first kill.


If Qin Shaofeng were here, after the fiery eyes were opened, you could see Du Meng's inner energy value at the moment, which had reached 5000 points.

It's complete!

Du Meng's "Nine Revolutions Hegemony" first turn has successfully practiced!

Even if it was Tang Qijian's men who were merciful before, Du Meng was still injured. His right fist without the golden light body was already a little bloody.

If it weren't for the critical moment, Tang Qijian's sword was recovered in time, his right hand would have been abandoned.

But after the oppression, Du Meng officially entered the first turn of "Nine Turns Overlord Body", a strong vitality broke out in his body. There were still some wounds on his right fist on his body, and he was moving quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Recovery, healed in the blink of an eye.

"Nine Turns Overlord Body" really terrible!

And not only that, although it only increased the internal vitality by 10 points, Du Meng's overall popularity was more than several times stronger than before.

The breath that had been severely injured and weak was swept away, and Du Meng's whole body became radiant again.

And not only that, Du Meng's breath is actually still slowly improving. At the beginning, he was still in the breath of an acquired martial artist, but at this moment, it was faintly exuding a faint smell of innate energy.

At this time, Du Meng seemed to have fallen into a state of epiphany. According to this situation, I am afraid that in a short while, he will be completely promoted to innate martial artist.

No, this kid is about to enter the innate realm!

Upon seeing this, the elder snorted in his heart, and immediately drew a low voice: "Wake me up!"

Forcibly interrupting the innate epiphany of others is extremely vicious.

But at this moment Tang Qijian didn't have any surprises, and even if the elder who came out did not speak out, he would interrupt Du Meng's promotion.

For ordinary people, if they can be promoted to the innate realm, they will naturally not miss it.

But for Du Meng who was in a situation similar to his own, Tang Qijian knew very well that if Du Meng was promoted to Innate now, it would be of no benefit to him.

The promotion of an acquired martial artist to innate is to change the acquired qi in the body into innate qi.

But in fact, apart from changes in quality, in terms of quantity, for cultivators, there is no distinction between innate and acquired.

That is to say, how much of the acquired qi in the acquired realm, after being promoted to the innate, you can also have the same qi.

It's like having 1000 points of inner Qi of the Houtian realm. After being promoted to Innate, the inner Qi of Innate Qi is also 1000 points.

It's just that this transformation process takes some time.

After 1000 points, the internal energy value of Tianqi, after entering the innate, is at most the innate energy that can be converted into 500 points of internal energy, and the remaining 500 points can be improved by cultivation.

However, this 500 points of internal energy is relatively easy to cultivate.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the more Qi in the acquired realm, the faster the realm will rise after being promoted to the innate.

Once a 5,000-point inner aura like Du Meng is promoted to an innate martial artist, it can be promoted to the innate triple realm in a short time.

Because the internal energy value of the innate triple realm is generally 5000 points.

It’s just that there is a time limit for this short period of time, that is, within three days of being promoted to Innate, if it is three days later, if you don’t convert the internal energy you have in the acquired realm into Innate Qi, then you can only Relying on myself to cultivate slowly.

There are only these three days for this big improvement stage of acquired promotion to innate.

And geniuses like Du Meng and Tang Qijian, in their situation, if they break through and promote to innate martial arts without the slightest preparation, it will be too late to transform their due innate energy, and they will have missed the promotion of innate talent. benefit.

This is also the reason why there will be several breakthroughs after the acquired martial artist enters the spiritual garden.

Because the spirit garden has aura, even innate martial artists can't absorb aura for cultivation, but in such an environment, it is much easier to break through the innate realm and transform the innate aura.

As for Du Meng's situation at the moment, if he were to be promoted to Innate now, he might barely be able to reach the level of Innate Double in three days at most.

After all, Du Meng was still seriously injured before. Although the breakthrough of "Nine Revolutions" has recovered, no matter what, this moment is not the time for promotion.

Du Meng also understood this, so after being awakened by the elder, he did not express any dissatisfaction, but rather thanked the other person in his heart.

But after all, he was forcibly interrupted by someone, and he was promoted to the Innate Contract, suffered some backlash, and the breath in his body was in confusion.

This made Du Meng very helpless. He also wanted to take advantage of the first round of "Nine Revolutions Overlord Body" to fight Tang Qijian!

But now the situation in his body can only make him give up.

If Tang Qijian was just a normal opponent, he would be able to deal with it in his current state, but it was a pity that Tang Qijian was not.

Tang Qijian naturally saw that Du Meng was in the state at the moment, and he could not help but stand up with his sword, saying: "This battle, we will continue next time!"

Although he defeated Du Meng before, Tang Qijian didn't think he had won.

What he wants to defeat is Du Meng who has entered the first turn of "Nine Revolutions Hegemony" at this moment, and not the former Du Meng who has not yet entered the real cultivation state of "Nine Revolutions Hegemony".

He didn't win!

Du Meng smiled and said confidently: "Next time, you will win the battle in the ring competition this time. However, I can say that next time, if you want to repel me, you won't It's that easy!"

"I am looking forward!"

Tang Qijian said blankly, and then he seemed to remember something suddenly, and he was about to leave Du Meng and asked, "By the way, you should be familiar with Qin Shaofeng?"

"Brother Feng?" Du Meng was taken aback for a moment, then withdrew his steps, nodded to Tang Qijian, "Yes, I know Brother Feng very well, and I know him better!"

"Really? Then you should know how Qin Shaofeng's strength is? How does it compare to you?" Tang Qijian asked.

What made Tang Qijian stunned was that when he asked this sentence, he found that Du Meng, who was opposite to him, suddenly changed his breath.

Become arrogant, but this arrogance does not come from him, but he took over the person he said.

"What is the strength of Brother Feng?" Du Meng glanced at Tang Qijian strangely, how he understood something, and said to Tang Qijian with an arrogant expression, "Tang Qijian, Brother Feng's strength is not comparable to you!"

Du Meng said arrogantly, as if he was afraid that the other party would not believe him, he immediately continued: "Tang Qijian, I admit that you are indeed very strong, but now I am confident that I will fight with you in my whole body condition. You! But I can tell you clearly, even if I am now, I still don't have the confidence to face Brother Feng. The only one who can defeat Brother Feng is the only one among the acquired martial artists, so give up!"

After speaking, Du Meng jumped out of the ring without looking back and left the ring space.

Du Meng's words shocked Tang Qijian's heart. He believed that Du Meng couldn't speak big words. In that case, Qin Shaofeng's strength far exceeded his expectations.

"Then Qin Shaofeng has such a strong strength?" Tang Qijian's eyes flashed a little. Not only was he not shocked by Du Meng's words, but he was increasingly looking forward to seeing Qin Shaofeng.

As for the person Du Meng said that could defeat Qin Shaofeng, Tang Qijian didn't ask who the other party was, because he already knew who that person was.

I remember that he himself used that person as his opponent, but his master warned him that it is best to dispel the thoughts in his heart.

The reason is very simple, his master said, it is impossible for the acquired martial artist to defeat that person.

And in his situation, even if he had cultivated the first kill of "Sword Art of Seven Kills", if the cultivation level was not enough for the innate triple level, he would still not be qualified to challenge her.

Because of this, Tang Qijian didn't ask.

However, at this moment, Tang Qijian felt a little excited, because now, besides one Du Meng, there was one more opponent he needed to defeat in the acquired realm!

Ring 5 space.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng didn't even know that he was already worried about him.

However, Qin Shaofeng was relieved now.

Because just now, he defeated his fiftieth opponent!

With fifty wins completed, he has advanced!

And this is not an ordinary promotion, because Qin Shaofeng's fifty victories, but fifty consecutive victories.

With fifty consecutive victories, not only can he enter the next round of competition, he can even advance to the top 20 competition.

It's the top 20, but the top 20 is just the top 20 in the fifth ring.

But even so, such results are amazing enough.

Those who are in the arena, but the elders of the academy, although they will not deliberately embarrass one person for a winning streak, if they feel that the other party is qualified to enter the top 20 in the arena, they can defeat several opponents arranged by themselves.

That winning streak fifty times, it is not impossible not to appear.

In the eyes of the elder referee in the fifth ring, it is clear that Qin Shaofeng has such qualifications!

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