Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 102: Soul of Sword

This is also OK?

After listening to the elder referee, Qin Shaofeng was speechless!

After Qin Shaofeng won fifty times in a row, the referee elder told Qin Shaofeng that since he had won fifty games in a row, there was no need to compare.

Because he is already in the top 20 in the fifth ring.

Then after the elder gave a little explanation, Qin Shaofeng understood.

It turns out that once there are students who have won 50 games in a row, there is no need to continue the competition, and they can be promoted directly to the final round of competition.

The general arena is the top 20 competition of the eight major arenas. That is the real arena. Now this is just a warm-up, or testing the training status of all the students.

It is actually very simple to directly enter the general ring.

The first is to win fifty games in a row, which must enter the top 20 in a ring, and then enter the general ring.

The second is that if you can win 50 games, then according to the number of contribution points, the top 20 are eligible to participate in the general arena.

The maximum number of games for everyone is only one hundred, so if you want to enter the general ring, you must maintain a winning streak to get more contribution points.

Another point is that no matter how many games you have participated in, once the number of wins reaches fifty, you cannot continue.

After understanding this, Qin Shaofeng finally knew why, and the referee elder refused to let himself go on.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care anymore.

Anyway, his original goal has been achieved.

After winning fifty times in a row, Qin Shaofeng has already received 1,430 Contribution Points. This, coupled with the 10,000 Contribution Points reward for winning 50 games in a row, has earned Qin Shaofeng 11430 Contribution Points so far.

And Qin Shaofeng student's contribution point on the token has broken through to more than 12,000 points.

But what surprised Qin Shaofeng most was that when he was qualified to participate in the general arena, the system unexpectedly released the task.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for triggering the quest for the arena match. This quest is a mandatory quest without any punishment. Please also Qin Shaofeng, the player, for completing it!"

Required task?

This is the first time the system has released the so-called mandatory task. Qin Shaofeng was worried at first, but after seeing that there was no punishment, he felt relieved.

Challenge: The system publishes the required tasks and completes the conditions to participate in the Lianyang Academy Official Student General Challenge. According to the final performance of the players, the system gives different rewards. The better the performance, the richer the rewards. (Note: This mission is a one-star mission, and the minimum completion degree is one star.)

One-star completion degree: In the general arena, he finally entered the top 100, rewarded 100 points and 1000 experience points.

Two-star completion degree: In the final round of the competition, he finally entered the top 20, rewarded 300 points and 3000 experience points.

Three-star completion degree: In the final round of the competition, he will finally enter the top ten, reward 500 points, 5,000 experience points, and one chance for a normal lottery.

Four-star completion degree: In the final round of the competition, you will eventually enter the top three, reward 1,000 points, 10,000 experience points, and a special lucky draw opportunity.

Five-star completion degree: finally won the first place in the general arena, rewarded with 3000 points, 30,000 experience points, and one chance for a normal lottery and a special lottery.

what! Lucky draw again!

Seeing the introduction of the task, Qin Shaofeng smiled hard in his heart.

He doesn't care about experience now, but he really cares about points and lottery opportunities.

And looking at the situation right now, this task is not that difficult!

After this period of time, Qin Shaofeng has some understanding of the system task star classification.

It can be said that tasks ranging from one-star to three-star are not difficult for him at all, and basically they can be completed smoothly without errors.

Missions from four to six stars are somewhat difficult tasks. For such tasks, Qin Shaofeng should be more careful.

And the mission from Seven Stars to Nine Stars can be said to be extremely difficult. Facing such a belief, it would be difficult for Qin Shaofeng to complete without relying on external forces.

As for the ten-star mission, Qin Shaofeng could only make two chuckles.

As for the upgrade task before that, if it weren't for Zhao Yuner's sake, Qin Shaofeng would not have completed it.

Don't see the tiger master showing his power later, Qin Shaofeng has gained a lot of experience in one day, but the reason why the tiger master can be promoted to the high-level triple monster is because of Zhao Yuner.

If it were not for Zhao Yun'er, Master Tiger would be a high-level double monster at best. Even with the addition of Qin Shaofeng and Du Meng, it would be basically impossible to achieve 200,000 points of experience in a month.

It can be said that the task of the system is ordinary tasks from one to three stars; simple tasks from four to six stars and difficult tasks from seven to nine stars.

As for the last ten stars, that is a nightmare level task.

This time, the task of the general arena is only five stars at most. Even among simple tasks, it is not the highest level task.

But it was precisely because of this reason that Qin Shaofeng felt a little more confused.

"Getting the first place is actually evaluated as five stars?"

Qin Shaofeng was a little surprised. He thought that with his current strength, the first place in the general competition was a matter of getting it right.

After all, his current strength has increased a lot. Basically, even if he is facing the high-level triple monster beast alone, although he can't be said to be killed, he can do it by dealing with it.

It can be said that the general high-level triple monsters can no longer threaten Qin Shaofeng now.

And Qin Shaofeng knew that Zhao Yuner wouldn't participate in this ring match.

Fortunately, she did not participate. If otherwise, Qin Shaofeng estimated that the completion of the first place was absolutely a ten-star nightmare.

But it was precisely because Zhao Yun'er did not participate that Qin Shaofeng had such confidence in the first place.

But now it seems that there are still some good opponents in this general arena.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't care.

Since the system is only a five-star at most, for him, basically, the first place in this ring competition can't run.


Qin Shaofeng has entered the final general ring, and the match on the fifth ring is not important to him.

It takes three days for the general arena to start. During these three days, it is only the eight major arenas.

After not staying for long, Qin Shaofeng left the fifth ring after seeing that Fang Li's boy won fifty games and there should be no problems.

After Qin Shaofeng left the fifth ring, he went to the third ring the first time. In his opinion, with Du Meng's personality and strength, his fifty consecutive victories should have been completed.

I don't want to, when I went to the place to see, Qin Shaofeng was surprised to know that Du Meng, the fierce boy, had actually lost.

"You actually lost?"

Seeing Du Meng who was embarrassed in front of him, Qin Shaofeng was surprised.

There are people who can beat Du Meng?

Du Meng's face blushed slightly, and he immediately defended: "Brother Feng, you can't blame me, my opponent is too strong, I couldn't beat him before!"

The more Du Meng's voice became lower, but after he finished speaking, his face filled with confidence: "However, don't worry, Brother Feng, if I meet him again, I will definitely not lose to him!"


Seeing a strong confidence burst out of Du Meng, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and his golden eyes opened instantly.

Character: Dumont

Level: Acquired Peak

Internal gas value: 5000/5000

Spiritual root of talent: soil


Break through?

Seeing Du Meng's aura, Qin Shaofeng understood something in his heart.

At this time, Du Meng's internal energy reached 5000 points. It can be said that he has reached the perfect state in the acquired realm, and he can be promoted to the innate martial artist at any time.

But it was not this that surprised Qin Shaofeng the most, but this time, under his fiery eyes, Du Meng had an extra talent skill.

Talent Skill: Nine Turns Overlord Body

Nine Turns Overlord Body's special physique cultivates "Nine Turns Overlord Body" and successfully enters the first round of skills. Once this skill is turned on, it can ignore the attacks of most people within the same realm. Once it has innate energy, even if it is in the first realm, it can ignore the attacks of ordinary innate triple martial artists.

I rub!

After seeing Du Meng's talent, Qin Shaofeng exclaimed in his heart.

He had long known that Du Meng practiced a technique called "Nine Turns Overlord Body", but because of his first impression (a technique to increase his strength by being beaten), he was also called by Zhao Yuner as the "Nine Torture Resistance Body". One big law', so Qin Shaofeng basically didn't pay much attention to the "Nine Turns Overlord Body" that Du Meng cultivated.

This is also what Qin Shaofeng didn't understand. If he paid a little attention to the practice techniques of Lianyang Academy, he would definitely know the prestige of the "Nine Turns Overlord Body".

Although Gao Lianyang told him about some of the powerful techniques of Lianyang Academy, Gao Lianyang thought that Qin Shaofeng was familiar with Du Meng, and he knew a little bit about "Nine Revolutions", so he told Qin Shaofeng about "Nine Revolutions". Awesome.

As a result, in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, Du Meng's "Nine Revolutions Hegemony" is at best a technique that can be beaten and improve strength.

However, Qin Shaofeng understood the situation of Du Meng now, that "Nine Turns Overlord Body" was not simple.

Qin Shaofeng now understands that the person who defeated Du Meng must have a high level of strength. Otherwise, with the particularity of Du Meng's "Nine Revolutions Hegemony" training, I am afraid it would not have encountered a strong enemy, and Du Meng would not be able to break through.

When thinking of such a person, Qin Shaofeng suddenly heard a voice behind him.

"Are you Qin Shaofeng?"

Uh, are you so old to hear such an opening recently?

The corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched and he couldn't help turning around to look around, but when he saw the opponent's face clearly, he heard Du Meng next to him and gave a low war spirit.

"Tang Qijian!"

Er, this time, without explanation, Qin Shaofeng also understands that this person is probably the one who defeated Du Meng.

Subconsciously activated the fiery eyes and glanced at the other person, but Qin Shaofeng was startled in the next moment.

Character: Tang Qijian

Level: Acquired Peak

Internal gas value: 4000/4000

Innate Spirit Root: Spirit of Sword Soul

Skills: The first kill of "Sword of Seven Kills", the second kill of "Sword of Seven Kills".


The spirit of the sword soul?

What kind of spiritual root is this?

Now Qin Shaofeng already knew what the talented spirit root was.

A very simple sentence, that is, only people with natural spiritual roots can cultivate spiritual energy and become strong in spiritual veins.

If there is no talent for spiritual roots, no matter how high the talent is, one cannot cultivate the spiritual vein realm.

Spiritual veins, spiritual veins, only when there is spirit, there is vein!

If I don’t have any spiritual roots, how can I cultivate spiritual energy, condense the spiritual veins, and enter the spiritual vein realm?

During this period of time, Qin Shaofeng also met many people with natural spiritual veins, most of them were gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and natural spiritual roots such as the power of thunder and wind were relatively rare.

Moreover, Zhao Yuner's talented spiritual root is a little special, it is the power of the star, it can be said that it is the spiritual root of the star.

A star's spiritual root is very special, but I don't want the talented spiritual root of Tang Qijian in front of him to be even more unique.

Soul of Sword Soul: Special spiritual roots, extremely rare spiritual roots. Those who possess this spiritual root have extremely high kendo talents. Sword practice is a hundred times that of ordinary people, and the power of using moves is several times stronger than ordinary people.

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