Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1016: Lure the enemy to kill

Because he was worried that other demons would take the lead, Ren Yuanhui was naturally anxious.

But when Ren Yuanhui's heart began to be urgent, suddenly, he got a report from a subordinate, saying that the target had stopped.


Ren Yuanhui was taken aback for a moment, and after chasing him, this was the first time the opponent stopped!

For fear of any other factors, Ren Yuanhui quickly explored it himself.

As a result, he discovered that there was a battlefield not far from where the target stopped, and judging from the remaining breath, it seemed that the scale of the battle was not small.


That human is injured!

After seeing this battlefield, the first thought in Ren Yuanhui's heart was that the human was injured.

Because as long as this is the reason, the opponent will stop, recuperate and adjust, and recover from the injury.

Especially when his attributes were ascertained and the target's current location was a very secret place, Ren Yuanhui confirmed this even more.

Needless to say, this is such a good opportunity finally, and Ren Yuanhui will naturally not miss it.

For the first time, Jian Yuanhui issued an order to encircle this hidden place, and then the remaining nearly one hundred sword demon clan kings gathered around that place.

Even in order to prevent accidents from happening, when Yan Yuanhui approached the target for a thousand miles, he gritted his teeth and took out a jade talisman and crushed it.

This is a jade talisman similar to a space blockade. After being crushed, a space of three thousand miles around will not only be blocked, but also has the ability to confuse the illusion, making it difficult for outsiders to detect the situation.

This jade talisman is a very precious thing, its own ability is equivalent to a low-level artifact, and because it is a one-time item, its value is equivalent to a high-level artifact.

This was originally the clan master of the Blade Demon clan, in order to prevent accidents, let Blade Yuanhui bring it.

Jian Yuanhui didn't think he would use this jade talisman before, but now in his opinion, the clan leader of their Blade Demon clan had the foresight!

After finishing all the arrangements, Ren Yuanhui secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then sneered.

"Human, facing my arrangement of the sky and the earth, I see how you can escape this time!"



This is impossible?

Because all this was within Qin Shaofeng's calculations, because Qin Shaofeng wanted to make a big deal.

After breaking through to the Queen of the Sixth Realm, Qin Shaofeng started to arrange it when he felt that he already had the strength that was not weaker than that of the general King of the Tenth Realm.

In fact, even before, Qin Shaofeng had such a plan in his mind.

But due to his own strength, Qin Shaofeng took some risks.

But after reaching the level of Sixth Realm King, Qin Shaofeng no longer had the slightest worry in his heart.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng chose a seemingly secret location, and then introduced a team of demons, and after all of them were killed, a tragic battle environment was created.

After doing all this, Qin Shaofeng stopped the Demon Cloud at the location it had previously explored, and then waited for Yi Yuanhui to take the bait.

As a result, this blade Yuanhui really cooperated, and there was nothing wrong with it. According to Qin Shaofeng's previous guess, he made a behavior that satisfies Qin Shaofeng, and brought all the blade demons around.

And what left Qin Shaofeng speechless the most was that although he didn't know what that Ren Yuanhui did, the changes in the surrounding space of three thousand miles were sensed by Qin Shaofeng for the first time.

Facing such a situation, Qin Shaofeng could only helplessly chuckle.

"Oh, I have prepared for a loss, but now it seems that what I prepared is completely useless!"

Not long after, Ren Yuanhui brought nearly a hundred of the realm kings of the Blade Demon clan, and had already arrived not far from where the Demon Cloud stayed.

But when he got to the place, Yan Yuanhui was surprised to find that he was waiting for the target that the Blade Demon clan had been chasing and killing. He didn't hide anything. He actually stood aside, watching the sudden appearance of the Blade Demon clan with their faces. There was no panic.

This gave him the feeling as if the other party was deliberately waiting for him and others.

In the calculation?

This was the first thought that appeared in Ren Yuanhui's mind, but he quickly denied it.

Because he had already sensed it very clearly, this was the human being alone, and there was no ambush for other human beings.

Under such circumstances, Ren Yuanhui immediately put aside the thoughts of tricks in his mind.

In such a situation, how could it be that oneself and others were caught in the calculation?

And even if it's hit, it's just a human being, how could it be their opponent to so many realm kings?

Thinking of this, Ren Yuanhui felt relieved again, then smiled coldly, stood up, and prepared to say something to Qin Shaofeng.

But at this moment, suddenly, in the surrounding jungle, boulders, and weed piles, countless black shadows suddenly appeared.

Huh huh!

There was a black influence, not to mention thousands of black shadows, suddenly appeared in front of the realm kings of the Blade Demon clan like Jian Yuanhui.

At the beginning, the realm kings of the Blade Demon clan were shocked, and even Yan Yuanhui was shocked, feeling that he had a good eye, and he and the others were afraid that he was really hit.

But the next moment, when they saw the true face of the more than 1,000 black shadows that appeared, they all smiled.


These shadows are just mechanical puppets!

And looking at its level, it seems that they are all unified master realm mechanical puppets!

Although there are a lot of them, it is only the level of the realm master realm. What threat can they pose to realm kings like them?

You must know that these realm kings, the lowest realm is also the five-layer realm king, not to mention the realm master realm, even the mechanical puppets of the great realm master realm, the threat to them is very limited.

Therefore, no matter who it is at this moment, there are more than one thousand mechanical puppets in their eyes.

And these mechanical puppets are really not used to deal with them!

The materials in the blade space ring can not produce mechanical puppets of the realm king level, but they are only mechanical puppets with a thousand domain realm masters, which can be manufactured in batches.

In the previous layout, Qin Shaofeng asked the Demon Cloud to create more than a thousand realm master-level mechanical puppets. The intention was not to deal with the realm kings like Yan Yuanhui, but to lay out all of them.

Although Qin Shaofeng had extremely strong self-confidence in him, there were still hundreds of solutions for this batch of world kings of the Blade Demon clan.

At best, Qin Shaofeng would be able to come to the realm kings like Ren Yuanhui on the premise of saving his own life.

But if other demons join, or a few more nine-layer realm kings, or simply a ten-layer realm king, Qin Shaofeng can't cope with it and can only choose to run away.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng intends to arrange more than a thousand realm master level mechanical puppets to arrange a large array of hidden aura so that when he fights with the Blade Demon clan, he will not be discovered by other demon clan.

I don't want to, Qin Shaofeng's worries were finally resolved by a jade charm from Ren Yuanhui.

Therefore, with the mentality of not wasting, Qin Shaofeng intends to use the mechanical puppets of thousands of realms to say hello to the realm kings such as Ren Yuanhui.


This is how Qin Shaofeng greeted him. At this moment, he caused thousands of realm master level mechanical puppets to explode directly.

Boom boom boom...

Thousands of mechanical puppets in the realm of the realm blew themselves together, and the scene...spectacular!

It was as if hundreds of volcanoes had erupted in such a moment, and it was like thousands of masters, fighting with all their strength.

There was a loud bang and a sensation, and the whole space began to shake.

If it weren't for the jade talisman of Ren Yuanhui, I'm afraid this movement could instantly shock all the human races and demons in the distance millions.

Even though it was such a grand self-destruction, there were all realm king masters present, and most of them were masters above the level of five realm kings.

Therefore, there have been a few unlucky accidents, most of the world kings of the Blade Demon clan have resisted. Apart from consuming a lot of world power to resist such a grand self-destruction, there is nothing else.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that with a thousand mechanical puppets from the realm of the realm, how much damage would be caused to the realm kings of the Blade Demon clan.

The real purpose of these mechanical puppets was to create an environment for Qin Shaofeng to sneak attack.

At the moment when the self-detonation started, Qin Shaofeng moved.

call out!

Under the sky full of explosive storms, Qin Shaofeng's figure flashed, like a spirit fish, shuttled through the entire battlefield.

At the moment of the shuttle, Qin Shaofeng's right hand made a light move, and the flying feather knife instantly appeared, and then it turned into a silver lightning, which flew among the realm kings of the Blade Demon clan.

call out!

The silver light flashed, because the incident happened suddenly, so the realm king of the Blade Demon clan never expected that Qin Shaofeng would do something in this situation.

As long as you are not stupid, you know that relying on the mechanical puppets of a thousand realm masters to explode, it is impossible to cause serious harm to these realm kings.

In such a situation, the most sensible thing is to take advantage of the chaos caused by the self-destruction, and to escape immediately!

Therefore, no one would have thought that Qin Shaofeng would suddenly do something.

Qin Shaofeng also chose the target when he did it. This time, the sword demon clan kings brought out by Yan Yuanhui included three nine-fold realm kings, ten eight-fold realm kings, 30 seven-fold realm kings and 80 six-fold realm kings. Also thirteen five realm kings.

However, among these realm kings, there were Ren Yuanhui, three nine-layer realm kings, and ten eight-layer realm kings, and the remaining realm king Qin Shaofeng didn't take it seriously.

However, Qin Shaofeng killed three Blade Demon squads before, resulting in only seven Eight Realm Kings remaining.

With this shot, Qin Shaofeng locked the seven eight-fold realm kings for the first time.

Although these seven are all eight-layer realm kings of the Blade Demon clan, their strength should not be underestimated.

But it is a pity that Qin Shaofeng's current strength has reached the realm of the tenth realm king, and the flying feather sword also strengthens the level of a high-level artifact comparable to the average, but it does not depict the integration of the gods.

But the true power of the Feiyu Knife does not require the blessing of the gods, so to some extent, with Qin Shaofeng's display, the Feiyu Knife already has the power of some high-level artifacts.

puff! puff! puff! puff! puff! puff! puff!

Seven times in a row, it was like a string of candied haws, and the seven eight-fold realm kings were pierced by the flying feather knife one by one.

After solving the seven eight-fold realm kings, Feiyu Knife returned to Qin Shaofeng's hands again, and Qin Shaofeng was immediately included in the inner world.

The Feiyu Knife that has been strengthened to the present level, I wonder if it is often affected by the inner world of Qin Shaofeng's indestructible incarnation, and it has an additional ability to absorb the power of the inner world of others.

It was directly absorbed and stored, and then after returning to Qin Shaofeng's inner world, it was released and swallowed by Qin Shaofeng's inner world.

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